Do-it-yourself original and beautiful design of New Year's tables: description, ideas and recommendations

New Year is perhaps the most beloved holiday of many people from all over the world. Everyone celebrates it in different ways: someone likes to fly to hot countries, someone likes to walk noisily in a restaurant, but most of us collect the full house of guests in the old way.

Each hostess on the eve of the holiday chooses a menu, trying to please her friends and relatives with something tasty and unusual. But everyone knows that any dishes look prettier and more appetizing on a properly served table. We will talk about how to come up with and embody the original design of the New Year's table in this article.

the original design of the New Year's table

Who invented the serving?

Previously, for a beautiful serving, it was enough to lay a beautiful starched tablecloth and get a festive service. Now, the decoration of New Year's tables is a whole business industry, which has its own fashion trends.

The history of table decoration originates in ancient Egypt. Archaeologists claim that it was there that the first tablecloths with gold embroidery appeared. But the cups and glasses, as well as the dishes were invented by the Romans.

Surprisingly, the inhabitants of medieval Europe did not use cutlery for a long time. They ate food directly with their hands, and the indentations in the tables served as plates.

Symbol of wealth

Oddly enough, but in Russia, the tradition of serving a table appeared earlier than in Europe. At first, an exquisite table setting was a kind of symbol of prosperity - rich people loved to boast artfully embroidered tablecloths, silver candlesticks and elegant dishes made of finest porcelain.

The richest were decorated wedding tables, and after a while the fashion came to design New Year's tables. Now the shelves are bursting with all kinds of decorative elements. Particular abundance is observed ahead of the winter holidays. Candles, candelabra, napkin rings, dishes, glasses, ice buckets. In a word - a paradise for raging fantasy. You can implement any idea and arrange a New Year table decoration with your own hands, or you can turn to specialists for help.

New Year's tables the most beautiful design

Beauty for a lot of money

Now it is customary to beautifully decorate not only the festive table, but also the venue of the celebration, whether it be an apartment, a garden or a country house. More recently, a festive table setting was organized only for wedding ceremonies. Today, it is customary to set tables beautifully for all holidays, but especially for the New Year.

For any housewife, the beautiful decoration of the New Year's table is a kind of ritual, which is an indispensable item in preparation for the holiday. True, not everyone has time for this. Fortunately, many design studios offer not only the design of New Year's tables, but also the decoration of the entire room in which the celebration will take place. Such a service is usually not cheap. For example, for outdoor Christmas compositions you will have to pay about 10,000 rubles, and for decorating a Christmas tree - 20,000 rubles.

We offer an option that will help not only prove yourself in creativity, but also save money.

Subtleties of color

The first thing we recommend is to look through the magazines and see how New Year's tables are generally decorated. The most beautiful design can be taken as a basis and, adding something of your own, author, get down to business. Of course, everyone has different tastes, but the most important rule in this creative activity is the harmony of color. 80 percent of success depends on the right combination. Any designer will confirm that each decoration of New Year's tables (for a home holiday or corporate party in a restaurant) begins with the coordination of the color scheme. We suggest staying at the most festive combinations that will automatically transfer you and your guests to the New Year's fairy tale.

decoration of New Year's tables

White + Red + Green + Golden

Typically, the design of New Year's tables in such color combinations is considered the most elegant and festive. White is associated with snow, red with mountain ash, green with a Christmas tree, and gold with Christmas toys.

The first example . Lay a white tablecloth, preferably without a pattern. Arrange the white dishes. It is better if it will be with some kind of gold ornament. As an option: the lower (large) plate may be gold in color, and the upper (salad) plate may be white. Under each plate put two napkins - one red and one green. All this splendor can be complemented by a golden decor, such as candles.

An example of the second . Cover the table with a green tablecloth. Take out the white dishes and cutlery "under the gold." Napkins can be red or green, and better with a combination of these two colors. In the center of the table, place a composition of green spruce branches, red balls and red candles.

An example of the third . Prepare and cover the table with a green tablecloth. Then place two plates for each guest. The large lower should be red, and the upper salad - white. Perfect if the white plates are decorated with gold patterns. Next, put red or green napkins, and as a decor, place a large vase-glass with red and gold beads in the center of the table.

DIY Christmas table decoration

Silver + Blue + White

The combination of the above colors gives a feeling of the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Silver is ice, blue is the winter sky, and white is a round dance of snowflakes.

The first example . We make a juicy blue tablecloth. Ideal if it will cast like an atlas. Set up a white service. It is wonderful if it is decorated with silver painting. Next, lay out the snow-white napkins. On them you can wear rings in silver. The final touch will be silver figures of angels or silver-plated cones in a vase of white glass or porcelain.

An example of the second . We lay out on the table a snow-white tablecloth without a pattern. We set a service in white-blue or just blue. We lay out intricately folded napkins. The decor should be made in silver: it can be stylized sleigh with a mountain of silver stars or balls made of silver-plated vines. By the way, with such a color combination, crystal looks perfect.

beautiful decoration of the New Year's table

Golden + White

This combination is not just magical, but truly solemn. White is a snow field, and gold is the rays of the winter sun.

The first example . We spread a white tablecloth. It is desirable that the fabric has a muted satin shine. You will also need white napkins. Of dishes, a white set with gold painting and transparent glasses without any pattern are preferable. The main decoration should be placed in the center of the table - let it be a transparent glass vase filled with golden balls.

An example of the second . We lay the table with a white tablecloth and arrange the white dishes. We put golden napkins near each plate. Arranging glasses with gold script. And now - the most important thing: each guest should have a small gift wrapped in gold foil on a plate . Than to surprise - think for yourself. Alternatively, this may be a New Year’s prediction-wish.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the design of a New Year's table with your own hands. As they say, there would be a desire, and fantasy itself will lead to the ideal option. It is possible that, starting from the table, you will not stop and decorate the entire room.

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