Delivery at 38 weeks. Harbingers of the 38th week

Delivery at 38 weeks is not uncommon. All because the baby is already ready for the birth or begins to prepare. During this period, the baby's lungs can already function independently. Also, the child moves into the pelvic area of ​​the mother. During this period, you need to be very careful, not to lift weights and not engage in heavy physical work. Because the body of a future mother can get stress - and labor will begin. At 38 weeks, the baby can already relax sometimes, especially when his mother is not nervous and resting. At this time, the woman should take a urine test, weigh herself, measure blood pressure, and also do an ultrasound scan and listen to the baby’s heartbeat.

delivery 38 39 weeks

How to give birth before

There are women who wish to cause birth at 38 weeks. How to call them early, we will describe in this article. The first way is a long and active walk. If you walk a lot every day, then perhaps the baby will be born sooner. The second way is sex. Couples who often have sex in the last weeks of pregnancy always risk giving birth prematurely because male semen contains prostaglandins. They have substances that provoke childbirth. Another way is to massage the nipples. This stimulates the release of oxytocin into the bloodstream, which will cause uterine contractions and childbirth at 38 weeks. You can also speed up the process of the appearance of the child if you eat a lot of those foods that contain fiber: fruits, vegetables and cereals. You can try aromatherapy. For this, jasmine or rose oils are suitable. There are no problems in the maternity hospital with stimulation of labor . In the modern world, there are many means in the form of injections or tablets that can cause childbirth at 38 weeks or earlier. Especially if the doctor saw a problem that can only be solved in this way. Therefore, it will always be possible to speed up this process, especially if you have waited 38 weeks. How to cause childbirth - you decide.

precursors at 38 weeks

Harbingers of Childbirth

The precursors of childbirth at 38 weeks are no different from later ones. The first thing worth noting is that the stomach has lowered. You can also feel the struggles, future mothers are often called "training". During this period, the woman seems to lose weight, because a lot of fluid comes out of the body. The future mother's mood changes. She also often goes to the toilet due to the fact that the uterus presses on the bladder, and the cork begins to recede. She can come out immediately or gradually. It all depends on the woman’s body. During this period, many admit that they have no appetite. The precursors of birth at 38 weeks may be different. Some of them are even missing. Everything is very individual. But if you wait 38 weeks, signs of childbirth have most likely already appeared. If you felt pulling pains, as if you had your period, or noticed blood, then most likely you will soon meet with the baby.

37, 38 weeks pregnant childbirth

Second birth

Each woman is waiting for the birth of the baby and a little worried. And it doesn’t matter whether she gave birth or not, fear is still present. It is especially intensified if it is already 38 weeks pregnant. Second births usually go easier and a little faster. But this is not always the case. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. Typically, labor is divided into two types. The first of these is called rapid delivery. In this case, a woman can give birth within two hours. If the expectant mother gives birth for more than two hours, then the birth is ordinary. With them, the birth canal is already prepared for the changes that are needed for the appearance of the child. But this is relevant only if the first birth was not more than five years ago. Therefore, if a woman is ready to give birth, and she has 38 weeks of pregnancy, the second birth can be the same as the first.

delivery at 38 weeks

What do women from other countries think about giving birth at 38 weeks

After the survey, it was revealed that women from England are afraid to give birth, no matter, this is delivery 38-39 weeks or later. Most of all they are afraid of the pain that they will experience in this process. The same opinions about childbirth and women from Germany, Spain, Italy and France. Surprisingly, those mothers who had already gone through childbirth took part in this survey, and they all said that there was nothing more painful than that. Some complained about preparatory classes that did not help them, while others complained about the attitude of the doctors. Also, they experienced inconvenience during pregnancy due to the fact that they were not inferior to a place in the transport, or they did not have special privileges at work. But despite all these statements, almost 99 percent said that to feel like a mother to them was a huge happiness that can not be compared with anything.

38 weeks pregnant second birth

How to improve well-being in the last weeks of pregnancy

So that the last weeks of pregnancy do not become a terrible time for you, we will give you some simple tips. Many women cannot fall asleep for a long time. To make it easier to fall asleep, you can drink hot milk. Also go to bed on your left side so that the blood circulates better. Try to open the window for the night. Let someone stay with you all the time - this will help you to be sure that in case of childbirth you will be called an ambulance or taxi.


Fights can usually be felt at week 30, but as we wrote above, these are training fights. They differ from the real ones in that they are irregular and can last only a few hours. These contractions gradually intensify and continue until childbirth. Also, training fights can last up to 20 seconds, while the real ones become longer every hour. If you were able to fall asleep, then the contractions were most likely training. To stop the false fights , you can take a warm shower, but this does not apply to the present. If you notice spotting, then you have prenatal contractions - you need to go to give birth. To be sure that you have them real, you can take a notepad and write down how long they last and how long the pains resume.

How women feel contractions

Women feel contractions differently. Some argue that their uterus is stony and pain is like during menstruation. Others say they have lower back pain that sometimes goes to the stomach. Everything is very individual. At the beginning of childbirth, a woman feels mild pain and after a long period of time. But a little later they become stronger, and the time between contractions is reduced. There are three types of fights: initial, active and transitional. Initial contractions last 8 hours, active ones up to 5 hours, transitional ones can last very little time.

38 weeks signs of childbirth

How to relieve pain during contractions

Delivery at 38 weeks is not so scary, because the fetus has already formed, and the woman’s body has prepared for this crucial moment. So that the contractions are not so painful, you need to breathe correctly during them. Proper breathing will allow you to relax and release pain through exhalation. But to learn how to breathe correctly is best in advance and to train a lot, because in stress you can forget all the rules. You can also ask someone close to get a back massage. This will help the expectant mother to relax and relieve pain. It is very important to have a positive attitude. Think about meeting your baby soon. Do not panic, because childbirth is a natural process and feeling pain is completely normal. In your body there are many changes that help the baby to be born. If you have positive thoughts, then it will become easier to endure the pain. In the modern world, there are many medicines that can take away pain for a while. But you should not abuse them, because often they badly affect the state of mother and child.

38 weeks pregnant second birth

Duration of labor

If you wait for 37, 38 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth can begin at any time. How long they will last depends on your body. They all proceed in different ways. There are several factors that determine how long you will be in childbirth: presentation of the fetus, whether you received epidural anesthesia, the intensity of contractions, how quickly the cervix opens, whether you freely move in childbirth, whether you gave birth before and how long it was. Generic activity may increase and vice versa. In this case, the cervix can open 10 cm. When this happens, it is believed that the woman is ready to give birth. If you have a first birth, then this process can last up to eight hours. But it also happens that a woman gives birth before 18 hours. Even if the cervix opens 10 cm, the baby may appear after 2 hours. If the birth is not the first, then they can proceed much faster. A woman will give birth for about 5 hours. And after the uterus is opened, the baby will appear after a maximum of 15 minutes. Sometimes birth is very fast, they are called swift. After them, the placenta usually comes out. It takes up to 15 minutes. Always monitor your feelings and ask your doctor questions. Then it will be easier for you to survive the whole process. Think that you will meet your child soon. This will give you strength, and you can easily deal with childbirth.

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