Perhaps there is no person who would not hear about such a breed of dogs as a German shepherd. And meanwhile, they are faithful and devoted assistants with courage, endurance and a high level of intelligence. At a crucial moment, these dogs are able to make independent decisions. In addition, they perfectly adapt to stressful situations, and when a threat looms over the owner, they stand up for his defense even at the cost of his own life. But even though the dog is hardy, this does not protect it from disease. The German Shepherd, like humans, can be susceptible to various infections, including damage to the musculoskeletal system.
Of course, this does not mean that diseases affect completely all shepherd dogs. Nevertheless, in this breed, some diseases are caused by a genetic predisposition. Consider the most common cases.
Tick attack
Up to 5 thousand ticks are spread all over the world, and most of them are harmless creatures. However, there are also those that pose a serious threat to both animals and can be dangerous to humans.
In most cases, it is dogs that are in close contact with these representatives of the fauna. Indeed, due to their high mobility and sociability, they regularly visit the street, where, in fact, they will be met by a “pleasant” meeting in every sense.
Tick infection threatens the development of various diseases in German shepherds and a number of pathological conditions:
- Anemia - microscopic creatures predominantly feed on epithelial cells and lymph, but large bloodsuckers are much more voracious. Of course, a single individual will not do serious harm, since it does not master such a volume. But mass infection is another question. This leads not only to anemia, but also to the death of dogs. Puppies, weakened dogs and pregnant females are especially at risk in this regard.
- Infection or inflammation - the latter does not cause the parasite itself, but rather its presence, because of which the dog begins to intensively comb the damaged area. In this case, the animal itself injures itself, introducing an infection. If the lesion is deep, then the infection from the wound can penetrate into the bloodstream, which threatens the death of the dog.
- Deafness, concussion - these situations are especially dangerous when ticks settle on the head or ears of an animal. In an effort to get rid of itching, the dog constantly itches. Sometimes it begins to bang its head on different objects. This can lead to rupture of the eardrum and concussion.
- Infectious and viral diseases of German shepherds - ticks themselves are practically invulnerable to pathogens of different genus, but act as carriers of various diseases. Borreliosis, pyroplasmosis, plague, Q-fever, relapsing fever - this is not the whole list. At the same time, dogs cannot get encephalitis, but they can infect it by contact with their owner.
The threat of these small creatures should not be underestimated, since they can not only cause tangible discomfort to a four-legged friend, but also lead to death.
Ear tick (otodectosis)
Many breeders know a disease such as ear scabies. Microscopic arthropods, having settled on the inner surface of the animal’s ear, begin to feed on lymph and epithelial cells. Do not start the disease, as this is fraught with serious complications.
In the ear of the dog , dirt begins to accumulate along with the exudate, the hearing gradually decreases. The animal begins to get nervous and tries to comb its ears in any way possible. As a result, it can end in meningitis and inflammation of the inner ear.
Symptoms of otodectosis in a German shepherd
The presence of an ear tick can be identified by a number of characteristic signs:
- the pet constantly scratches the ears or shakes them;
- appetite noticeably worsens;
- the animal is anxious;
- outside or inside the ear, you can find scratches or abrasions that the dog does to itself to get rid of itching;
- with a severe defeat, the dog tilts its head toward the affected ear;
- on the inner part of the ear you can find a brown hardened mass - an accumulation of earwax, lymph and parasitic waste products.
According to statistics, serious complications from the interaction of ticks occur in about 10% of all cases of infection with otodectosis. The owners should not panic, but they should not forget that they are responsible for their pet. And therefore, it is still necessary to take appropriate measures.
Pet treatment
Diseases and their treatment in dogs of the German Shepherd breed should not be ignored to maintain the health of the pet. At the initial stage of infection with an ear tick, therapy will give a positive result. In addition, a wide range of drugs is now implemented:
- Anandin Plus
- Aurican;
- "Leopard";
- Deternol;
- "Demos";
- Otovedin;
- Otoferonol Gold;
- Otibiovin;
- Fipronil;
- "Tsipam".
It is worth noting that all products contain special components that are poison for parasites and can cause allergic reactions in animals. In this regard, you should monitor your pet and, in the presence of a number of symptoms, contact a veterinary clinic. The specialist will choose another option.
Before applying this or that drug, it is necessary to clean the ears from contamination. Hardened crusts should be softened with vegetable oil or tea leaves. And it’s better to use cotton buds that need to be changed regularly. After that, you can dig in the drops.
The procedure must be performed on both ears, even if the disease in the German Shepherd affected only one of them. And when cleaning, do not use the same material - each ear has its own cotton bud and bandage.
In addition to drops, ointments for external treatment can be used:
- colloidal sulfur;
- aversectin ointment;
- Vishnevsky ointment;
- Sulfuric ointment;
Before applying the ointment, you need to warm it to room temperature, and then perform massaging movements, which will allow the drug to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. And since the means used have a detrimental effect only on adults, then after 7-10 days, repeated procedures should be carried out.
Normal flora or demodicosis
The causative agent of this disease is a microscopic tick, which, in fact, is part of the normal flora of many animals. If the pet is healthy, then the parasite does not manifest itself in any way, but it is worth lowering the dog’s immunity, as it activates. Also, stressful situations, hormonal imbalance, improper diet and other factors can provoke its activity.
Demodicosis in a German shepherd can develop in three forms:
- Scaly. Peeling is formed on the surface of the skin. In addition, inflammatory processes provoked by a bacterial infection may additionally begin to develop.
- Pustular. Seals with a diameter of up to 4 mm are formed. A purulent mass with an unpleasant odor is released from the pustules. In combination with blood, brown crusts form. The disease is more serious, which requires dog owners to pay close attention to their animal.
- Generalized. This is a combination of the two above forms. The defeat of a tick by internal organs leads to a loss of appetite and, accordingly, ends with a general depletion of the animal.
The tick is able to actively multiply, gnawing its passages in the skin, simultaneously leaving poisonous waste products. Demodecosis is often accompanied by allergic manifestations, papules and redness.
Signs of Demodecosis
This disease also has its own symptoms, some of which are similar to other German shepherd diseases. And their treatment must be carried out in the presence of the following symptoms:
- The pet is constantly itching.
- The skin acquires a red tint, wounds, cracks, pustules appear on it.
- Loss of wool (shreds). Moreover, the zone of baldness falls on the forehead, eyebrows, nose, eyes, paws.
- An unpleasant odor emanates from the affected areas.
- Violation of thermoregulation - the animal is cold even in hot weather.
In the initial stage of the disease, skin lesions are insignificant, but over time become more pronounced. Vital products of parasites cause significant discomfort.
But in addition to physical changes, the dog’s behavior changes - it is less and less willing to communicate with the close environment.
Dog Demodecosis Treatment
Treatment is best carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Usually used drugs that are administered subcutaneously. Additionally, local preparations are used, which allows you to get rid of colonies of microscopic arthropods. The most popular drugs are Ivermectin, Amitrazin, Ivomek. As for ointments, the Cycloferon remedy is highly effective.
It should be borne in mind that in dogs of the German Shepherd breed, a disease of a generalized form is more difficult to treat, and the drugs used do not always give the expected result. Complete ignoring the problem adversely affects the condition of the pet. In a severe case, not only the skin is affected, many internal organs - the heart, stomach, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes - also suffer. And these places are hit first.
During treatment, you must review your dog’s diet. Fatty meat is better to completely exclude from the menu, replacing it with a turkey. Many owners give their dogs dry food. It should be limited for the period of treatment by keeping the pet on a diet for some time. This will relieve the liver and helps to speed up recovery.
Joint and paw diseases
Joint diseases in a German shepherd can be caused by a hereditary predisposition, as in humans. But also the appearance of certain diseases is usually associated with improper care for a pet or maintaining an improper diet. It is not enough just to get a dog and periodically play with it - it is necessary to take full responsibility for the animal.
The most common disease is pan (Panosteitis) or "wandering limp." Most often, it affects puppies aged 5 to 12 months. A dog ailment is accompanied by pain and lameness, and the symptoms move from one paw to another, from where, in fact, the name of the disease comes from.
Usually, in this case, treatment as such is not required, and the puppies outgrow the disease - by the 20th month of life all the symptoms go away on their own. But in relation to other pathologies it is worth being vigilant.
In German shepherds, paw diseases are not uncommon, especially in relation to large individuals. Hip dysplasia (DTBS) is most common, develops due to a genetic predisposition and is characterized by abnormal development of the hip joint. If you ignore the problem, a more severe form develops.
Due to the strict rejection by Western dog handlers, it became possible to significantly reduce the incidence of DTBS among dogs of many breeds. Nevertheless, with regard to German shepherds, among them the percentage is rather disappointing - 70%.
Dysplasia can be distinguished by characteristic signs:
- poor stability on the hind legs;
- typical lameness;
- lethargy, decreased motor activity;
- painful reaction to palpation of the hip joint.
A negative effect on the musculoskeletal system is exerted by the too active development of the animal. The consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates contributes to the appearance of excess weight, which also leads to the risk of dysplasia.
This condition can be called a disease of German Shepherd puppies, since in most cases the pathology is diagnosed during the period of active growth of four-legged friends. Therefore, the pet's diet should for the most part consist of protein with the inclusion of special vitamin complexes.
In addition, in dogs of this breed, a disease can occur not only of the hip, but also of the elbow joint, which is also due to genetics. The result of this defect is damage to the bone and cartilage, which, in turn, ends with osteoarthritis.
Dysplasia treatment
The treatment of this disease in dogs of the German Shepherd breed includes two methods:
- therapeutic method;
- surgical intervention.
The therapeutic method involves the use of medications that allow you to restore the bone structure and tissue of the cartilage. It is also necessary to provide the pet with a balanced diet. But this therapy has one limitation - it is suitable only in the case of a mild lesion of the hip or elbow joint.
In severe dysplasia, the situation can only be corrected by surgery, and in a timely manner. This will avoid the development of many diseases in the German Shepherd in old age, as the situation will only worsen every year. Also, an indication for surgical intervention is not the effectiveness of the therapeutic course of treatment.
Puppy Vaccination
Vaccination for dogs is vital for the safety of the pet and its owner. As for the German shepherd, puppies must be vaccinated without fail. In this case, for the first time, the procedure is carried out before the puppies reach two months of age. Until this time, it’s better not to even take them outside, as their immunity is still vulnerable to any infection.
Strengthening the body’s strength can be done with vaccinations, but they can also aggravate the situation. For this reason, you should know the vaccination schedule and adhere to all recommendations.
Immunity is developed within two weeks after the procedure. In this case, during this period of time, you should reduce contacts with other animals, do not walk the pet, do not touch the injection site and do not let the puppy lick it. The diet should not change.
Usually, many people buy a pet at the age when the first vaccinations for German Shepherd puppies have already been carried out (this is indicated in the corresponding passport). Whether or not to revaccinate is the choice of each owner. As a rule, dogs are first vaccinated against enteritis or hepatitis, and then from the plague. This order is due to the prevalence of infection and possible harm to humans.
Veterinary hospitals
If an unwanted sign is found in your pet, the concerned owners will first go to animal health facilities. And it’s good if there are recommendations from friends and close relatives regarding clinics you can trust. But how to find a suitable nursing home for beginner breeders? Any trifle is important here.
First of all, the location of the clinic should be taken into account so that you can seek help in urgent cases when every minute counts. A 24-hour mode of operation is also welcome.
Next, you need to pay attention to how well-maintained veterinarians in Moscow or any other city are also one of the main factors. Are hygiene standards observed here, and is it worth paying attention to the cleanliness and spaciousness of the rooms. The use of modern diagnostic equipment and good operating rooms, equipped with a ventilator - all this will only be beneficial. Typically, such institutions can be found in the capital of Russia, though the cost of services will be appropriate.
In a good clinic, you can take various tests, conduct a number of necessary studies (ultrasound, ECG, x-ray). Having your own biochemical laboratory is also welcome. But a good veterinary clinic is also a qualified staff, consisting of experienced specialists and assistants.
If the situation does not require urgent action, you can visit the selected clinic for an excursion to get to know the staff, study the service, evaluate the attitude towards customers.
Currently, many medical facilities for helping animals try to provide each pet with qualified help. For this, professional and reliable equipment is purchased, new methods for diagnosing diseases are being developed. Specialists themselves strive to improve their skills by improving qualifications.
But even today in Moscow veterinarians you can meet irresponsible doctors and administrators using substandard drugs. The wide possibilities of large cities attract lovers of easy money. Therefore, a preliminary visit will allow you to learn a lot about the clinic and its staff.