We all celebrate New Year, Easter, Christmas and so on. However, not everyone can name all the holidays, especially church ones. We invite you to learn more about Orthodox, ancient and modern holidays.
The Beheading of the Forerunner and Prophet John the Baptist
An Orthodox person will not think long about an answer if you ask a question about September 11th, which holiday, and even tell you its story.
The ruler of Galilee imprisoned the baptist of God in his prison. Herod Antipas did not like the fact that St. John openly accused him of cohabiting with the wife of Phillip, his brother, Herodias.
One day, Herod, celebrating his next birthday, promised the daughter of Herodias Salome to give her everything, whatever she asked. The ruler really liked the dancing of a young girl. The ballerina, having consulted with her mother, demanded that Herod bring her the head of the prophet John, which was to be served to her on a platter.
The ruler of Galilee was upset, because he did not want to incur God's wrath upon himself, depriving the saint of his life. But Herod could not refuse his words, which he recklessly uttered with a huge number of guests. The dish with the head of John Salome carried Herodias.
Philip’s wife, pricking the Baptist’s tongue with a needle, buried his head in a place that was considered unclean. Fortunately, John found out about this, the pious wife of Husa, the ruler of Herod. She reburied the head of the saint, carried it to the Mount of Olives and buried it in a clay vessel.
In connection with this fact, it is worth noting that you need to know not only the answer to the question of what September 11 church holiday is celebrated. It must be remembered that on February 24, Orthodox people celebrate the acquisition by John the Baptist of an honest chapter.
The body of St. John was buried in Sebastia by his disciples.
The church established a feast in memory of the beheading of the head of the forerunner and prophet John the Baptist. Believers observe strict fast expressing their grief.
Now, after you find out what Orthodox holiday the Christians celebrate on September 11 , we turn to our ancestors.
Birth and Birth Day
Everyone knows that the ancestors of the Russian people were the ancient Slavs. They worshiped many gods and were pagans. Do you know what celebrations they held? For example, on September 11, what holiday did the ancient Slavs have? Whom did our ancestors glorify on this day?
The ancient Slavs celebrated that day Oseniny (the day of Rod and Rozhanitsy). This is a celebration of family and kind, well-being in the house and harvest, a kind of summing up and preparation for the arrival of autumn.
On September 11, the Rod of the Earth was glorified, all the congeners living according to the Law. In addition, trebs were brought to the Heavenly Family (ancestors) and the Family-All-God.
The ancient Slavs tried to celebrate the Day of Childbirth and Rozhanitsy by the water. Be sure to attend the festival should be oatmeal.
Towards the end of the holiday, a birthday cake and ceremonial food appeared. People drank berry wines, ate oatmeal, beef or venison, cheeses, eggs, and cottage cheese.
Fun games were also arranged. They began with a round dance, which drove around the oldest woman. In her hands was oatmeal. When the round dance ended, this bread was divided into parts and distributed to those who wanted to cure a pet or a person.
All-Russian Sobriety Day
If you are asked about what holiday on September 11 (church or not), you can safely answer that the All-Russian Day of sobriety can also be attributed to the church. The fact is that it was first celebrated in 1913, and the initiators of the convention were the ministers of the Orthodox Church. The following year (March 1914), the Holy Synod decided that this holiday would now be celebrated annually. In addition, it is worth noting that this date was not chosen by chance. After all, Christians on this day celebrate the Beheading of the Head of John, who was a prophet and baptist of the Lord, and observe strict fasting.
Thus, the clergy wanted the believers not to be drunk on September 11th. What holiday does a Russian person have without wine? And these days all the wine shops in Russia were closed, it was forbidden to sell any alcoholic beverages.
Day of Military Glory
In 1790, the Russian squadron was able to win a historic victory at Cape Tendra. This event is also celebrated on September 11th. What holiday, if not this one, can make us proud of the invincible Russian army and awaken patriotism?
During the Russo-Turkish war, the Russian land forces worked closely with the Black Sea Fleet. Then he was commanded by Fedor Ushakov (rank - Rear Admiral). The victory at Cape Tendra became one of the key events of the Russian war with the Turks. It was thanks to the courage of our soldiers that the Russian fleet secured a dense dominance in the Black Sea.
Day of the specialist - employee of educational institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
All countries have their own holidays, which are celebrated only by the local population. Some of them also fall on September 11th. What holiday can still be described in this article? Of course, Specialist Day educational institutions. In 1766, on that day, the Charter was approved, which should guide the Cadet Ground Corps. It first mentions the position of an educational officer.
Today it is a professional holiday for the RF Armed Forces. Celebrate it on a grand scale throughout the country. Indeed, only in the Siberian Military District there are more than 800 officers who serve in educational institutions.