An entry-level laser printer with affordable prices and good specifications for such a device is the Canon LBP-6020. It is his technical characteristics, capabilities and reviews about him that will be examined in detail in this material.
Printing device niche
The very modest cost, low technical specifications and just one possible way of use leave no choice for the subject of this review, and in essence it is a budget-level laser printer. It is perfect for use within a small office with 5-7 personal computers. It can also be used successfully at home. Also, with certain reservations, he can reveal his potential in various duplicating and copy centers.
Contents of delivery
Canon LBP-6020. :
, , .
, ,
Canon LBP-6020. 600 600. , . , -. , . . , .
, , Canon LBP-6020. , , . - Canon 725. , 700-1000 . , -, .
. . USB 2.0. , , . , . — . . . .
Canon LBP-6020. 18 A4 . .
Canon LBP-6020. . . , , - . , LBP-6020 . .
The Canon LBP-6020 just turned out great. This low-cost laser printer can be the basis for organizing workflow in a small office. You can also reveal its capabilities at home. Another possible way to use it is to partially cover the needs of a copy center for printing A4 or smaller sheets. In all other cases, the use of such a printer is not entirely justified.