Before the young mother is taken to the hospital, parents often acquire the first clothes for the baby. Many say that this is a bad omen, despite this, future parents can not wait to plunge into the worries and troubles. In addition, after the birth of the baby, mom just has no time to run around the shops and iron a large number of small clothes. It is also required to prepare things for the child in the hospital in advance. A timely list of necessary things at least in the first month of a child’s life is simply necessary.
So, what things a newborn needs, grandmothers and mothers will begin to advise, but do not rush to listen to all. After all, both parents and friends raise a child in different ways, and accordingly the advice of all loved ones will differ. For this reason, you should make a list of what you need to buy a newborn based on the recommendations of a pediatrician.
Things for the hospital
Long before the future mother gets to the hospital, she thinks about what things a newborn needs in the very first hours of life. These things must be kept ready and at the beginning of labor take them with you to the hospital.
List of the very first things for crumbs:
- disposable diapers No. 1, one small pack
- disposable diapers;
- 3 thin diapers:
- 2 bike diapers (if the weather is cold outside);
- baby cotton buds;
- powder;
- baby cream or oil for diaper rash;
- 2 cotton vests (density depends on the time of year, but it is not advisable to overdo it and wrap the baby, as the optimal temperature is maintained in the hospital);
- 3 cotton sliders;
- 2 thin caps made of natural fabric;
- 2 pairs of scratches;
- 2 pairs of socks;
- 2 body.
Things to check out
An event such as an extract from the hospital of a mother and baby is very important, and insanely exciting. And that is why it is worth preparing for it in advance. Mom should warn the future dad what things the newborn needs on this day, and it is advisable to bring them early. After all, one wants to dress the baby so that he was charming at that moment. In addition, do not forget about a smart suit or dress. For a child you need to take:
- cotton body;
- a hat;
- socks;
- envelope for discharge;
- cotton diaper;
- in winter, be sure to take a spare warm jumpsuit in case of a sudden change in weather.
Necessary things for the baby in the first month
Once home with the child, parents must know in advance what things the newborn needs and be sure that everything necessary for the baby is already at home. For example, standard things such as a stroller, crib and bath. Also, the baby will need the following:
- Under the condition of constant swaddling of 15 bikes (at a temperature below 18 degrees) and 15 cotton diapers (qualified doctors do not recommend swaddling a baby in warm diapers if it has a diaper and the temperature in the house exceeds 20 degrees);
- linens;
- a set of linen in a stroller;
- children's cosmetics;
- first children's first aid kit;
- soft large towel;
- thermometer for measuring room temperature;
- thermometer for measuring water temperature;
- diapers;
- wet wipes,
- children's washing powder.
What things does a newborn need in everyday life during the first month? The answer is simple if you prepare in advance. List of first clothes for a child:
- body the smallest - 5-7 pieces;
- vests and sliders for 5 sets;
- socks - 3 pairs;
- overalls are thin and dense (in winter) - 3-5 pieces (it is very convenient to put on and wear to the child, does not slip, everything keeps in place and looks neat and beautiful);
- hat or cap - 3 pieces;
- winter set of outerwear + a warm envelope for walking.
All of the above lists of what a newborn needs can be infinitely expanded with numerous items, naturally, at the request of the parents. You can also buy a baby car seat in the car, protection and a canopy for the crib, a convenient baby monitor, a special circle for swimming, and much more. It is very important that all things for the newborn are made of natural materials and do not cause allergies in the crumbs.