In spring, miracles occur in nature. Everything around is being transformed. The sky is becoming more transparent and brighter. The sun is shining warmer. Grass begins to grow, and the first flowers appear. Kidneys swell and leaves grow. Riddles come up with all this.
Children need to learn to notice all the changes that occur around them. This contributes to the development of their attention. And so that this process does not become a lesson, it is better to turn it into a fun game into a question and answer. In addition to the fact that the child will have a vocabulary replenished, he will learn to analyze and listen. His memory will be strengthened.
Any riddle about spring can be made up not only on the street, but also at home. In the second case, it is good to supplement it with coloring pictures or depict the answer yourself. This will also contribute to the creative development of the child.
And for the active formation in children of the ability to express their thoughts, you can invite them to compose their own riddle. So the baby’s speech will be filled with new turns and phrases. In addition, his imagination will be actively involved.
Poems with the same answer
This collection contains riddles about spring with answers that just call this time of year.
- Beautiful girl
Goes and smiles.
And where she leads with her hand
Everything will come to life and blossom.
- The snow begins to melt
The brook added a run.
A bear wakes up
Time for the birds to fly.
- In the warm sunshine
flowers bloomed
Our snowman is sad
and swollen kidneys.
Another mystery about spring, which sounds in the first person:
- I dress trees in green
I watered the crops with a warm rain,
I call all birds with warmth home
And, like a carpet, I spread grass.
Poems about the spring months
The spring puzzle for children may contain questions about the months. This will allow the children to remember their names.
First about March:
- The sun is shining merrier.
The sparrow chirped.
He is very happy with the weather
On the threshold of a month ... ( March )
Second about April:
- Slush everywhere on the road.
A bear got out of the den.
You can hear the lark trill.
Rules in the yard ... ( April )
And finally, the last month is May:
- All apple trees and cherries bloom.
The nightingale is heard somewhere.
The garden is like a marvelous land.
Everyone understands - this is ... ( May )
Poems questions about spring flowers
Without them, it is impossible to imagine puzzles about spring. Short and capacious, they are easy to remember and easy to guess. The first is a snowdrop, and the second is a lily of the valley.
- The thawed snow melts
And he already meets spring.
- Pearls hang on a twig.
On one of them more than a dozen.
And two more puzzles about wonderful snowdrops.
- That made my way through the snowball
Fragile little sprout.
He revealed himself in the most tender,
The most tremulous flower.
- Grows the very first
Right at the snowdrift.
Snowstorms are not terrible for him
And frost spite.
At this time of the year, other plants are also pleased with their flowers. Therefore, the spring riddle necessarily goes hand in hand with rhymes and questions about colors. The first one is about a tiny coltsfoot:
- Yellow little flower
On a shaggy leg in the field.
Everything around is gray-gray
And he already blooms in the wild.
Another spring flower is mimosa. About her and the riddle:
- In March, the tree blooms
Yellow peas.
The branches are all strewn
Fluffy lumps.
The following riddle about the tulip:
- A light blossomed in the flowerbed
Lush velvet flower.
He’s the most important there right now,
Bold, courageous and courageous.
This riddle about daffodil:
- This little flower
In the fabulous crown of the prince.
With this leaf, like garlic.
It is impossible to make a mistake.
The following mystery about spring for children about the plant that completes this time of year and opens the door to summer is about lilacs:
- Her flowers are fragrant
And beckon the fortune-telling petals.
And the five leaves are ripping off
To make a wish.
Mysteries about natural phenomena
There are those natural phenomena that happen only in the spring. For example, drops or ice drift. And the first spring thunderstorm is always fascinating. Each spring riddle is beautiful in its own way:
- Icicle long cry
In bright sunny heat.
A trill rushes from all sides.
Drop by drop, drop by drop sounds ... ( drops )
- Along the river every year
Ice floes go on a hike.
- The rain is pouring from a bucket
Thunder rattles, flashes flash.
So it goes for an hour and two.
Little babies are hiding in the house.
Mysteries about birds and their houses
Those birds that flew into the warm lands in the fall are now returning and setting up new nest houses for themselves. The first mystery about them:
- A house is set up on a tree branch,
There are no windows in it, no doors.
He will warm the chicks with warmth
Away from bad animals.
The wonderful singer is a starling. He flies in the spring and gives people his magical songs.
- He stands proudly -
Spring is a young messenger.
Flies into his house
Serenky ... ( starling )
And this riddle about the house is a birdhouse:
- The wooden house awaits the residents again.
On the perch of the window of the starling songbirds.