Swimming pool for babies in Moscow: classes, reviews, address

Many are interested in doctors: is it possible to visit the pool for infants? Pediatricians claim that this is not only a tribute to fashion, but also a very useful activity. The child has been in the amniotic fluid for nine months, so this is a familiar environment for him. Swimming strengthens the immune system, calms the nervous system, and relaxes the muscles. Choosing a pool for babies in Moscow is not difficult. This type of service is very popular. We will talk about the best complexes in the article.

baby pool in Moscow

Should infants go to the pool?

Recently it has become fashionable to visit the infants pool. And this is not a new trend. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the health of small crumbs. The fact is that in water the human body becomes several times lighter and the baby can make more active movements. Muscles are also strengthened perfectly, the spine is extended. Especially swimming is useful for children who have experienced difficulties during their birth. Water relaxes, calms the nervous system. Actively work the lungs and all internal organs. In addition, water is a kind of massager for the whole body.

Particular attention is paid to temperature conditions. If the water is less than 32 ° C, the body works more actively, while the blood supply increases. If the temperature is higher, the bloodstream nourishes the brain well. This nuance is worth paying attention to when choosing a pool for children.

pool for children

Contraindications exist

Sure, swimming is very useful for infants, but there are contraindications that every parent needs to know about:

  1. Congenital heart defect.

  2. Viral diseases.

  3. Allergic reactions to substances that disinfect water.

  4. Skin problems.

  5. An unhealed navel wound.

  6. Cramps.

  7. Hydrocephalus.

  8. Dysplasia.

  9. Disorders of the lungs.

Remember that if you decide to visit the pool for children, the approval of a pediatrician is necessary so as not to harm the baby.

Choosing the right pool

Many parents are interested in what procedures you can go with the newborn to strengthen his health. Any doctor will answer you that in the pool. Breast swimming is quite popular these days. This is due to its effectiveness and health benefits. But before you go to classes, you need to know how to choose the right pool:

  1. Pay special attention to the temperature regime of water. It should not be lower than 32 degrees. Otherwise, the baby will simply freeze. An ordinary adult pool is not suitable for these purposes, the water in it is much colder.

  2. Also a huge role is played by the cleaning method. Do not choose a pool of chlorinated water. Firstly, the baby can accidentally swallow it. Secondly, the skin after such procedures is dry, it begins to peel off. In addition, allergic reactions in the form of redness and itching can occur. It is not difficult to choose a suitable pool for babies in Moscow, in almost all of them water is purified by ionization.

It is also desirable that the room was intended for mothers with young children: a changing table, a mini-hairdryer, a warm shower will be extremely necessary.

Parents recommend paying attention

Finding a good pool for babies in Moscow is quite simple, as evidenced by entries on the capital's forums. One of the most popular is the Yunost pool. It was founded on the basis of the Children's Sports School No. 30. This indicates that only professionals with special sports training are trainers. It is located at: st. Academician Bakulev, d. 5. It is easy to get to him thanks to a good transport interchange. If you take the subway, the following branches are suitable: Troparevo, Konkovo, Belyaevo. By phone number (495) 438-95-66 you will be answered all your questions. Classes for babies are held once a week, on Fridays.

Reviews about this complex are only positive. The main advantage of his parents consider cleaning water with ozone. This element kills all bacteria. Moreover, it is absolutely harmless to the baby’s body, even if it swallows water. Do not be afraid of allergic skin reactions, they do not arise from this component. Few people use this cleaner because of its high price. But the Yunost pool is an exception.

Parents also note the following advantages: a wonderful coaching staff, an individual approach to each baby, classes with children with disabilities.

If you are still looking for a baby pool in Moscow, Yunost is a great option.

Among other institutions where classes for swimming with babies are held are Rainbow, Aquamarine, Cote d'Azur, Pearl, Skhodnya, FOK Anlant.

infants pool

The pool is selected, we collect a bag for the first visit

When going to the pool with the baby, you need to know the list of things that you need to take with you:

  1. A few towels. You will need one to wipe the child after class, the other to lay on the changing table.

  2. Special diaper for swimming. Without this accessory, you won’t be allowed into the pool. Such diapers are quite popular and are sold in almost every pharmacy.

  3. If the baby is breast-fed, you need to take a bottle with the mixture.

This set of useful things will help mom to make the trip with the baby to the pool as comfortable as possible.

infants swimming pool

Parents note

Before signing up with the baby in the pool, familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. The ideal age for the baby to start classes is 3-4 weeks. After the children turn 3 months old, the breath-holding reflex dives when diving.

  2. Conduct classes only with an experienced trainer.

  3. Before visiting the pool, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

  4. Do not immediately start the exercises related to diving, let the baby get used to the exercises.

  5. If the child is constantly crying in the water, you will have to stop visiting the pool, perhaps such procedures are not suitable for him.

  6. Before you enroll in the pool, you need to get help from a pediatrician and dermatologist. And also take an analysis of feces for pinworms.

    swimming with babies in the pool

Swimming with babies in the pool is a fascinating activity that will benefit both the baby and his mother. You need to choose the right sports complex, a good coach and the effect of the classes will be amazing.

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