Huge cats: photos and descriptions of the largest cat breeds

Cats are one of the most popular pets suitable for housing. Someone is attracted to their independent disposition, and someone is attracted by the lack of the need for regular walking and compactness. But not all of them have miniature sizes, and among them there are real giants. In today's publication, brief descriptions of representatives of the breeds of huge cats will be presented.


This breed appeared due to the selection work of Judy Frank. She decided to tie a regular domestic cat with a serval, as a result of which the only cub of a wild spotted color was born. Subsequently, such mestizos became interested in Patrick Kelly and Joyce Srouf, engaged in the improvement of the breed. The official standard was approved in 1996.

huge cats

Savannah - a huge cat that looks like a leopard. It grows to 60 cm at the withers and weighs between 13-14 kg. On a disproportionately small head with an elegant elongated muzzle, there are large rounded ears and unusual green, yellow or copper eyes. The stretched body with developed muscles is covered with short silky hair of spotted color.

Savannahs are not only the largest cats in the world, but also very intelligent animals that can remember commands and get along well with children. They do not tolerate separation from the owners and, unlike most of their brothers, need regular walks. And since they have a developed hunting instinct, they need to be protected from smaller animals.

Maine Coon

This is a fairly ancient breed, the homeland of which is considered the North American state of Maine. Her origin is still not exactly known, but according to one version, she appeared as a result of crossing a cat with a raccoon. But there are those who believe that among her ancestors were lynxes.

huge cat breed

Maine Coons are huge cats, whose weight can reach 15 kg. On the massive head with a wide muzzle there are expressive eyes and high-set ears, decorated with tassels. A long body with well-developed muscles is covered with thick wool of almost any color.

Maine Coons are endowed with a friendly and friendly disposition. Moreover, they are quite confident and independent. And, despite the love of the owners, they need a personal space where they could retire. These animals have well-developed hunting instincts and intellectual abilities. They not only distinguish intonations well, but also remember commands or simple tricks.

British Shorthair

Despite the fact that these animals have a fairly long history, reliable information on the development of the breed can be traced back to the 19th century. England is considered their homeland, and the first exhibition was held in London in 1871.

the biggest cats

The British Shorthair is not the largest cat, but its size is still impressive. The weight of an adult male is 7-9 kg, but there are cases of the existence of larger individuals. On a rounded head with a wide forehead and full cheeks, there are expressive eyes and small, widely spaced ears. The harmonious body with a heavy skeleton, smooth back and deep chest is covered with thick dense coat of different colors. Most often among them there are blue, tortoise, silver, two- or three-color individuals.

British Shorthair endowed with a calm and friendly disposition. They are very patient, but do not like excessive attention. They are uncomfortable in a noisy or unfamiliar environment.

Siberian cat

The first mention of similar animals dates back to the 16th century. Then they were called Bukhara and used to destroy rodents. It is possible that they have common roots with Persians and Angors. Breeding breeding began in 1987, and in 1990 the first standard appeared.

huge domestic cats

Siberians are huge domestic cats, whose weight can reach 12 kg. Although females are slightly smaller and lighter than males. On the proportional trapezoid head there are widely spaced rounded ears and expressive bright eyes. The compact body with a strong skeleton and developed muscles is covered with luxurious long wool of a plain or patterned color.

Siberian cats are strong and independent animals. They have a very developed sense of self-esteem, which means that they will not adapt to someone. These cats are quite active and can prey on small rodents.

Norwegian Forest

The history of this breed began in the middle of the XVI century. And it was quite popular in its homeland, but during the Second World War it was on the verge of extinction. The livestock was restored thanks to the efforts of caring breeders.

huge cats pics

The Norwegian Forest seems simply huge. The photo of the cat, presented a little higher, does not convey its true size. Depending on gender, the mass of an adult varies from 6-11 kg. But luxurious bulk wool visually makes it even bigger. On the triangular head there are expressive oval eyes and high-set ears, decorated with tassels. The stretched body with a strong skeleton is covered with thick two-layer wool of almost any color (except chocolate and cinnamon).

Norwegian Forest - affectionate and patient cats with a soft unobtrusive disposition. They have a highly developed hunting instinct and are well adapted to different conditions of detention.


This breed was bred in the United States, but its exact origin remains unknown. According to one version, it appeared as a result of crossing ordinary cats with a trot, according to another - with short-tailed cats. The breed received official recognition in 1995.

the biggest cat in the world

Pixibob is a large cat whose weight can reach 10 kg. On the pear-shaped head with a wide muzzle and a powerful chin there are small eyes and ears rounded at the ends. The muscular body with a protruding withers and a developed chest is covered with thick red, dark brown, gray, chocolate or reddish-brown hair with black spots.

These huge cats, visually reminiscent of a lynx, have a rather calm disposition. They are good at learning and love children. Because many owners compare their habits with canine.


This breed was bred in the middle of the XX century. She appeared as a result of crossing Angora and Burma, and her name translates as a rag doll. Due to its youth, the breed is not yet very popular in Russia, but has already managed to spread throughout Europe.

Ragdoll is a large cat, whose weight can reach 9-12 kg. On a proportional head with puffy cheeks, there are oval blue eyes and wide ears at the base. A massive stretched body with well-developed muscles and a powerful chest is covered with soft silky hair. As for the color, the standard allows several possible options, including mitted, bicolor and colorpoint.

Ragdolls are friendly, calm cats, endowed with high intelligence. They can be cunning and cannot stand swearing. These animals are not particularly troublesome and are good for children.


These animals were bred in the 60s of the XX century in California. They appeared as a result of crossbreeding ragdolls with outbred, Persian and Himalayan cats.

huge cat breed

Ragamuffin is a huge cat breed. The weight of an adult male can reach 10 kg. Females are slightly smaller and lighter. On a wide wedge-shaped head with a rounded muzzle and puffy cheeks there are expressive eyes and far-apart ears. A dense massive body with a powerful chest is covered with thick soft hair of almost any color.

Ragamuffins are playful, affectionate and complaisant animals. They are very smart, dedicated and picky. They subtly feel the master's mood and will become confused underfoot. These cats have absolutely no hunting instincts, which means that they are not suitable for catching rodents.

Kurilian Bobtail

This breed was formed in vivo with minimal intervention by breeders. They became seriously interested in it only in the 90s of the last century. The final standard was approved in 2001.

Kurilian Bobtail is a large short-tailed cat, whose weight is 7-7.5 kg. On a large trapezoidal head with wide cheekbones and smooth outlines, there are high-set ears with rounded ends and slanting expressive eyes, the shade of which is in harmony with the main color of the coat. A strong squat body with a powerful skeleton and a developed chest is covered with thick fur of almost any color. But striped, gray and red individuals are popular.

Kurilian Bobtail - friendly and calm cats. They have high intelligence and independent disposition. These unobtrusive and independent animals lend themselves well to education and do not require special conditions of detention.

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