Dog uterine prolapse: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and veterinarian advice

The story of life. Something is hanging from the dog’s loop. The owner did not pay attention. Until then, I ignored it until this “something” became maroon. Then the owner grabbed his head and rushed to the veterinary clinic. Only later caught on. The dog died from blood poisoning.

If the dog has a prolapse or prolapse of the uterus, what should the owner do? And most importantly, why could this happen and how to help the pet? First things first.

It is a rarity?

Unfortunately no. Uterine prolapse is quite common. Especially among small breeds. There is a high probability of prolapse of the uterus in dogs that often give birth. In young individuals, this scourge is practically not found.

little dog


How does the owner understand that his pet was affected by such a disaster as prolapse of the uterus in dogs? Symptoms are as follows:

  • The dog is worried and pushing. She is concerned about abdominal pain.
  • Licks the external genitalia.
  • Tries to hide.

An important point: such symptoms often occur in a just born bitch. You can’t delay here. Urgently call a veterinarian; emergency specialist intervention is needed.

What does it look like?

Uterine prolapse in dogs (photo not provided for aesthetic reasons) is a rather serious pathology. But there are times when the reproductive organ drops out completely. A bifurcating tube hangs from the vagina to the hock.

The precipitated part of the uterus is first pink. Then she begins to bleed, becomes burgundy red. Swells and inflames. The dog is very restless at these moments. A fallen uterus is easily injured.

Why does this happen?

the dog is sick

The cause of uterine prolapse in dogs, as a rule, is a difficult birth with heavy blood loss. Due to multiple pregnancy, a stretching of the reproductive organ may occur. Forced removal of a puppy during labor causes a prolapse or prolapse of the uterus.

What else can provoke an ailment? Common reasons:

  • Obesity or exhaustion.
  • Inadequate nutrition.
  • Mineral starvation.
  • Lack of full walks.
  • Childbirth in old age.
  • Old age.

During pregnancy, a complete loss of the reproductive organ rarely occurs. First, you can see the periodic protrusion of the vagina. If you do not catch on time, then the disease can drag on. Unpleasant smell from discharge from the genitals of an animal, purulent discharge, difficulty urinating is a call for the owner. Do not delay visiting your veterinarian.

How to help?

With uterine prolapse in dogs, what should the owners do? Provide the pet with the necessary assistance before the arrival of the veterinarian.

The female is laid on her side so that her butt is slightly raised. The uterus needs to be wrapped with a clean cloth. This is done in order to prevent contamination of the body and, as a consequence, the occurrence of cracks. If dirt has fallen on the precipitated part, it is carefully removed with a damp cotton swab.

dog on its side


What is the treatment for uterine prolapse in a dog? Or returning it to its original position, or amputation of the reproductive organ. The animal must be hospitalized. And then the doctor makes a decision on the situation. If necrosis begins or the soft tissues are very dirty, the veterinarian will amputate the organ. If the tissues are viable, then the uterus is returned to the site using surgical intervention. When the uterus falls in dogs, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. This is a prerequisite.

The sooner the animal receives the necessary help, the better. If you do not deliver it on time, the pet will die from blood poisoning.

If everything is not so scary, then the doctor will bandage the base of the dropped out part. After 6-10 days, it disappears. The dog is under the supervision of a specialist all this time.

When it is possible to correct the reproductive organ, in case of its viability, the uterus is treated with detergents and adjusted.

dog hospitalization

What's better?

What to do with a prolapse of the uterus in dogs? Of course, it is better to amputate the organ. Moreover, the loss may occur again. At least giving birth to a bitch after this is not recommended. If only a cesarean section is performed.

Does a pet have no tribal value? Well, amputate the uterus without hesitation. Protect the animal from a painful repeated "procedure" of loss.

Prolapse during estrus

Unfortunately, this also happens. What to do in this case? The vagina is washed with a 2-3% alum solution. They can be bought at the "human" pharmacy. Then smeared with antiseptics.

If the prolapse repeated, then the reproductive organ will have to be adjusted. Several loop-like sutures are placed on the vulva.

With a thickening of the precipitated part and its necrosis, as described above, a dressing is made with silk thread. After 6-10 days, the bandaged portion disappears.


dog at the doctor

What measures should be taken to prevent a dog from losing the uterus?

  • Firstly, it is a nutritious diet throughout the dog’s life. During pregnancy, this is especially true.
  • Secondly, vitamin complexes in the diet of an animal must be present.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to walk with the pet not five minutes twice a day. Walking time depends on the needs of the breed. At least 20 minutes for small breeds and 40 minutes for large breeds.
  • The fourth point is the dog litter. The sleeping place of the animal must be clean and on a flat surface.
  • Fifth - examination by a veterinarian during pregnancy. It is advisable to conduct an ultrasound to detect multiple pregnancy.
  • The sixth moment is childbirth. During childbirth, the presence of a veterinarian and owner near the dog is mandatory.
  • The seventh point is careful observation of the dog in the first 12 hours after the birth of the puppies. Uterine prolapse most often occurs during this period of time.
  • If the owner saw that the trouble has not passed the pet, urgently call a veterinarian.
dog with puppies


We outline the main aspects of the article:

  • Uterine prolapse is more common in constantly giving birth dogs.
  • Representatives of small breeds are prone to the disease.
  • Loss occurs within 12 hours after delivery.
  • Poor conditions of detention can provoke him: lack of full-fledged walks, lack of vitamins and malnutrition.
  • It is extremely rare, but uterine prolapse can occur during estrus. This is due to the hormonal background in the animal.
  • Treatment is possible in several ways: amputation, reduction and dressing of the fallen part.
  • After the operation, you must strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.


How to protect the pet from prolapse of the uterus? Good care first. You can not knit a dog regularly, its body is not a maternity car. Once a year - this is quite enough. Mating of old animals is also unacceptable. Hardly an age-old dog will be able to give good puppies and safely endure them. Not to mention the fact that such a load is a serious blow to a worn-out body.

Dogs are part of the owner’s life. And this part must be protected, not exploited.

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