What is overexposure of dogs: the concept of animal care at home and the rules of temporary detention

Many people would like to help the stray dogs that they see on the streets of the city, but not everyone has the opportunity to keep them at home. Or maybe you already have a pet, but there is no one to leave him with for the duration of the trip. In both situations, there is a way out - to give the animal for temporary maintenance. This article will help you understand what overexposure of dogs is. You will also find out who, for what purpose and on what conditions does this.

What is overexposure of dogs

Overexposure is a special service provided by a private person (or special organization) for the temporary maintenance and care of animals. Such services may be provided free of charge or for money, depending on the situation. If we are talking about a stray dog, then there are two possible options: to keep or give the dog for overexposure to a person who has conditions for temporary care and accommodation.

In the second case, you become the curator of the pet. This means that you pay for its food and maintenance, and the owner of the dog’s overexposure informs you about the condition of the pet. At this time, a permanent owner is sought, and as soon as it is located, you pick up the animal from a temporary place of residence and take it to a new house.

Types of Overexposure

Dogs in the apartment

With what overexposure is understood in the previous chapter. Now you need to find out what is the temporary maintenance of dogs and who can carry it out:

  1. The most wonderful option: your family or friends will take the dog to you. You are sure of these people, which means you can safely go on a trip or look for a new house for an animal taken from the street.
  2. Specific people, owners of apartments and premises who can privately take a dog for overexposure for a fee. Conditions of accommodation and payment are negotiated individually.
  3. Special shelters when it comes to homeless animals.
  4. Mini-hotels for dogs, pet-hotels.
  5. Overexposure of a dog in your territory. When leaving, you leave the keys to your apartment and a list of recommendations for the care of the person who will carry out the supervision. This option is suitable if you want your pet to remain on the territory he knows.
  6. Temporary stay with a dog handler. This option is suitable for dogs with a pedigree who need training for performances in the club. It is also relevant for pets with a complex character. When the animal is difficult to train, the club canine can take him to overexposure to himself in order to more quickly and better “train”.

Let us consider in more detail some types of overexposure.

Private overexposure

Doggy on the crib

People who are allowed by living space and conditions, organize at home overexposure of the dog for a while. Best of all, if you have been recommended a person already proven in this matter. Because it is very important not only everyday moments of your pet’s temporary residence, but also a responsible attitude to it from a stranger.

Some people take several animals for overexposure at once, you should be warned about this right away, since animals have a different character and not everyone can get along together. You can buy and give food for your pet to the owner of the overexposure, or leave him the right amount to purchase everything you need. During your absence, it is advisable that you be regularly informed about the condition of the dog. It is also necessary to inspect the room where the animal will temporarily dwell, and make sure its cleanliness and the availability of everything necessary.

Mini-hotels for dogs

Dog in hotel

Those who find out what dog overexposure is can open a mini-hotel. Everything here is almost like in ordinary hotels - the dog is accommodated in a "room" in which they regularly maintain cleanliness, feed several times a day, and provide entertainment of their choice. What is the advantage of such hotels over private individuals? Here, for the most part, professionals work who can provide proper care and supervision for your pet. The provision of psychological and medical assistance is also often included in the range of services of such hotels.

The pet’s living room will be selected depending on its size, it is necessary to bring your own food, so as not to disturb the diet. If there are medical indications (medication, procedures), you need to clarify in advance whether there is a specialist in the hotel who will monitor this important point. For the duration of your dog’s stay at the hotel, an agreement is drawn up which prescribes the conditions for the provision of services for the temporary residence of the animal, responsibility and obligations of the parties.

Content by a specialist dog handler

Dog training

This type of overexposure is suitable for dogs whose owners want to be trained along with supervision.

The cost of this type of dog keeping will be higher, but the benefits are more:

  • feeding and care are carried out by a specialist;
  • an individual training technique is being drawn up;
  • help the animal adapt to life in society. This applies to communication with strangers, children, other dogs, behavior in transport and walking;
  • the specialist will carry out work on the re-education of intrusive, cowardly or aggressive animals;
  • the dog will be busy with training, walking, and she will have less time to miss her master.

Overexposure for stray dogs

Dogs in a shelter

If you took a dog from the street, but do not have the opportunity to keep it at home (allergy to coat, heavy workload, rented accommodation), you can try to send it to a shelter. Such kind of overexposure of dogs in Moscow, for example, more than a hundred. Most of them are crowded, so it will be problematic, but possible to attach a found dog there. Especially under the condition of financial assistance on your part.

Since such shelters are opened by people with unlimited love for animals, you can be sure of a good attitude. But there are many other problems in such institutions, and the material question is in the first place. Therefore, if you become a curator for the animal (you will help with food and medicine) before the shelter finds a new owner, the device will go faster.

Temporary Maintenance Requirements

Since overexposure of dogs can be carried out by different organizations and people, then the rules for them will be different. For shelters, these are very strict requirements with a detailed indication of how many times a day animals need to be fed, how often cleaning and sanitation should be carried out, and the presence of a veterinarian is mandatory.

For mini-hotels and private overexposure requirements, of course, are not so serious. But they are: sufficient space for keeping the animal; cleanliness in the room; equipped places for rest; feeding and games; overexposure owner's ability to handle dogs.

Important points: what to look for

Paw in the hand of man

Now that it’s clear what overexposure of dogs is, you need to dwell on key points that help to do everything in the best way for the animal:

  1. In the event that you choose a company through the Internet, carefully study the site. If the reviews about this company are made in too enthusiastic form, without going into the main topic and at about the same time, this should be alarming. Pay attention to the lifetime of the organization.
  2. Be sure to conclude an agreement on the provision of services with a company or hotel.
  3. If an employee will come to your home, it is necessary to rewrite his passport data, make an inventory of all the valuables in the house, restrict movement around the apartment, closing unnecessary rooms for visiting. And be sure to warn the neighbors that a stranger will come to you, this can serve as additional control.
  4. Before giving your pet for overexposure, go through an examination with a veterinarian. This will provide an opportunity to confirm the fact that the dog was healthy at the time of transmission.
  5. See which animals will be in the immediate vicinity of your dog. It is desirable that dogs and cats are kept in different rooms and among other dogs there should be no particularly aggressive ones.

And another very important point: in addition to the necessary bowls, food and a stove bench, be sure to take your dog’s favorite toys and clothing with your smell to a temporary home. This will help the pet to move easier separation.

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