The cat cannot go to the toilet: identifying the causes and methods of treatment

The owners began to notice that the cat did not reach his toilet and was recovering where necessary. Once punished him for this, the second ... And one far from perfect day the cat went to the toilet and screamed at the whole house.

The owners are in shock. They do not understand why the darling of the family sits in his tray and meows loudly. It is likely that the pet has problems with the genitourinary system.

What if the cat cannot go to the toilet? We will try to give a detailed answer to this question and not only.

pyelonephritis in cats


One of the most common diseases in cats in the genitourinary system is cystitis. The animal cannot empty the bladder. When he manages to do this, then going to the toilet is accompanied by loud and mournful cries. A mustachioed pet literally squeezes urine from itself. Those who have had problems with the bladder know how painful it is.

What are the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in cats? Below are detailed answers to the questions asked.


How to understand that a fluffy friend has cystitis? At home, without a veterinary education, this is almost unrealistic. More precisely, it is unrealistic to make an accurate diagnosis. To identify a particular disease of the genitourinary system, an examination by a veterinarian is necessary.

However, there are symptoms that you need to pay attention to if the cat cannot go to the toilet for a small one.

  1. The animal very often goes to the tray. At the same time, sits down for a long time, digs the filler. It may stomp, lift its tail, but not sit down.

  2. The cat still sat on the tray. This process is accompanied by loud, painful screams and groans.

  3. Urine lingers in the bladder, the cat has to squeeze it. Not surprisingly, every trip to the toilet is accompanied by screams.

  4. The color of the urine is amber yellow.

  5. Sometimes blood appears in the urine, which makes it brown. This is the main indicator that the animal has problems with the genitourinary system.

  6. Urine smells bad. Pus may appear in it.

  7. Due to illness, the animal rises in temperature. Her external signs are expressed in the lethargy of a pet.

What should the owner do if he has a problem urinating in a cat? Do not wait for the pet to heal itself, but go to the veterinary clinic.

Cystitis treatment

You can take measures using a drug called Stop - Cystitis. But he does not cure the problem, only relieves the primary symptoms, that is, temporarily relieves the pain in the animal. In the event that the cat cannot go to the toilet in a small way, only the specialist can eliminate the root cause.

Ultrasound is necessary first. The veterinarian does urine and blood tests to determine what caused the inflammation. After the diagnosis of "cystitis" is made, the doctor prescribes the following types of drugs:

  1. Antibiotics.

  2. Probiotics

  3. Antispasmodics.

All manipulations related to the health of a furry pet are carried out and prescribed only by a person with an appropriate education.

And most importantly, what needs to be done at first: if the cat cannot go to the toilet, a catheter is placed. Thus, urine leaves the body of the animal.

the cat cannot go to the toilet for a little


What it is? This is a disease of the renal pelvis of an animal. It is caused by bacteria. There are the following types:

  1. Primary.

  2. Secondary.

  3. Catarrhal.

  4. Purulent.

  5. Acute.

  6. Chronic.

If we are talking about primary pyelonephritis in cats, then inflammation occurs in the kidneys. With secondary pyelonephritis, it rises up from the bladder and urinary tract.

Symptoms of the disease

We dealt with the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in cats. What to do with pyelonephritis? How is the disease detected? Symptoms are as follows:

  1. The frequency of urination is disturbed and the amount of urine changes. As a rule, the animal goes to the toilet often, but not at all.

  2. The pet screams plaintively when his bladder is empty.

  3. The cat's condition is depressed. She does not respond to stimuli of the external environment.

Disease treatment

How to treat pyelonephritis in cats? Firstly, the veterinarian deals with the disease. No folk remedies and self-treatment should be. You need to understand that this is not a disease that can be cured at home. However, you can alleviate the condition of a suffering pet as follows:

  1. The cat should be warm and completely at ease.

  2. Antispasmodics help to relieve pain.

  3. A sparing diet is a must.

This is all the master is capable of. The rest is up to the specialist. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, sulfonamides, diuretics. Often an animal is given droppers with glucose and potassium chloride.

cat urinating problems

Urolithiasis disease

This is a disease of the lower urinary tract. It is accompanied by the presence of blood in the urine, pain during emptying of the bladder, frequent urges to go to the tray.

If cats have urolithiasis, what should the owners do in this case? First of all, you need to know its symptoms.


Can't a cat go to the toilet, worries and screams? She may have urolithiasis. How does it manifest? In the following way:

  1. A well-bred and knowledgeable pet suddenly begins to urinate anywhere.

  2. The discharge is extremely scarce, they contain blood.

  3. The cat often runs into the tray, but the urge is false.

  4. Urine contains sand.

  5. The cat licks hard the genital opening.

  6. Pet is losing appetite.

  7. In case of complete blockage of the genitourinary system, the pet is worried, crying and trying to take a pose to empty the bladder.

  8. The temperature drops sharply.

Within three days, the cat dies. In the presence of such symptoms, an urgent need to contact a veterinarian.


First, you need to get an accurate diagnosis. It is put by the doctor, based on the data of examination and research. An ultrasound scan is necessary for a cat; an x-ray is also required.

After the final diagnosis is made, a surgical procedure is prescribed to restore the urinary tract. After the operation, medication and diet are prescribed.

urolithiasis in cats what to do

Second question

We figured out the problem of what to do if the cat cannot go to the toilet in a small way. Contact a veterinary clinic without delay. The animal needs urgent help.

Now consider the case of constipation in a pet. Why does it arise?

Causes of constipation

The cat has constipation, what should the owner do? Do not panic, but take your pet and go to the veterinary clinic. Or call a specialist at home.

However, you need to know why this nuisance with a pet can occur.

  1. Food. One of the causes of constipation, the most common, is an unbalanced diet. Lack of clean fresh water or its small amount, coupled with a large dosage of dry food. Poorly selected diet from natural foods.

  2. Gastrointestinal problems in cats. This can be both the presence of foreign objects in it, for example, lumps of wool, which are furiously licked by the furry pets of the family, and inflammatory processes, because of which the cat can not go big.

  3. Compression of the intestines caused by tumors or adhesions.

  4. When the rectum becomes inflamed, it leads to pain in the anus. The cat is afraid of these sensations, therefore it does not empty the intestines.


Unfortunately, the symptoms of the disease are not always immediately noticeable. And precious time may be lost.

How to identify that a cat has constipation, and what to do in this case? Check the tray daily. If within two to three days the consequences of the body's activity appear only in liquid form, sound the alarm and consult a veterinarian.

Another sign of gastrointestinal problems is a tight and hot belly of the pet. He becomes inflated, the cat does not allow him to touch his stomach and screams in pain.

gastrointestinal problems in cats


The owner realized that his caudate friend had constipation. What to do next? Do I have an ultrasound cat? No amateur performances: the cat is transported to the veterinarian. The doctor will prescribe laxatives if the constipation is not caused by obstruction or adhesions in the intestines. If you give the cat a laxative drug, without finding out the root cause, then you can provoke a bowel rupture.

Did the specialist prescribe a laxative? Well, soon the pet will feel better. But you need to buy soft preparations, for example, liquid paraffin. Castor is prohibited, because there is no effect from it, and stomach pains to the animal are guaranteed.

Prescribe and those drugs that are responsible for the normal intestinal microflora. It is possible that you have to put enemas. But this is best done in a veterinary clinic, so as not to aggravate the situation.

cystitis in cats symptoms and treatment

What measures should be taken in order to prevent the situation from arising when you have to wonder: "The cat has constipation, what should I do?" Be sure to review her diet. The pet should have clean water in the required amount constantly. In the event that the pet eats dry food, you need to feed strictly according to the norm. If the animal prefers natural nutrition, vegetables are added to the diet.


So to summarize. What do we need to remember?

  1. The three worst enemies of the cat urogenital system are cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

  2. All these diseases are accompanied by the inability to go to the toilet. The cat screams plaintively in pain, and her repeated urge to go into the tray will not succeed.

  3. When the bladder is empty, the pet comes out screaming.

  4. Urine is extremely scarce, dark in color, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

  5. With urolithiasis, sand in urine is clearly visible.

  6. Self-medication is dangerous. In all cases, you need to urgently go to the veterinarian.

  7. Catheter placement is the first aid if it is impossible to recover on your own.
  8. If the cat does not go to the toilet for two - three days, this is the first bell about constipation.

  9. Inspection of a doctor treating animals is required.

  10. Laxatives can be given to a cat if prescribed by a doctor.

  11. If the cat has adhesions in the intestines or a blockage, the laxative can cause it to rupture.

  12. In order to prevent constipation, be sure to monitor the pet’s diet. She should always have clean water in the right amount.

cat has constipation what to do

Instead of a conclusion

We found out what can lead to the inability of the cat to empty the bladder or intestines. The owner does not have to wait for the problem to resolve itself. A miracle will not happen, and in case of failure to provide prompt veterinary care, you can lose your pet.

We remind you once again that help should be specifically veterinary. Before treatment, you need to know the diagnosis. And you can put it only in a special institution - a clinic for animals. This article is for guidance only, the doctor prescribes treatment.

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