DIY baby pillows

To children liked their room, you need to make it bright and unusual. You can complement the interior not only with furniture, toys, but also with beautiful pillows. They can be done independently, even if there are no special skills and experience. To sew or knit baby pillows with your own hands, you need to prepare the necessary tools, materials and be patient. Moreover, the products serve not only for sleep, but also for a fun game.

Useful Tips

Before you start sewing, knitting pillows, you need to familiarize yourself with some tips and rules:

  1. A more colorful and cheerful interior will turn out if you combine different products with each other (in color, picture, shape).
  2. Their fabric or knitted fabric should go well with the decoration of the room (for example, they can be the same color with curtains, a blanket, etc.).
  3. The style of products should not be knocked out of the general composition of the room, otherwise it will look too pretentious.
  4. For the nursery, rollers, pillows with ruffles and tassels, as well as products in the form of toys, are excellent.
  5. In work it is best to use natural dense fabrics (cotton, linen). From felt and fleece very beautiful and unusual products are obtained, but the child should not sleep on them.
  6. The new fabric should be washed and ironed so that the material is hooked, and after manufacture there would be no size problems.

Filler Selection

When the fabric for the baby pillow is selected, you need to decide on the filler. The following requirements are imposed on it: light weight, ease of washing and hypoallergenicity.

Do not stuff the product tightly, the child will be uncomfortable sleeping and playing with it. And if it accidentally touches the baby, it can injure. Everything that children play with has to be washed frequently. Therefore, the filler must keep in shape, dry quickly and wash well. It is also important that the material does not cause allergies.

Pillow filler

So, the pillow is best filled with holofiber or sintepuh. An excellent filler will be polystyrene - a modern material, which is a lot of small balls. They are often stuffed with anti-stress pillows, mnimki.

Pillow shape

Depending on the shape, baby pillows have different purposes. Let's get to know closer with the rollers, splyushki, products for sleep, road, sitting on a chair (sofa) and the floor.

Floor pillow

Rollers are conveniently placed under the back or neck or just play with them. Children will like it if they are made in the form of candy, snakes, dogs, rockets, flowers, etc.

Road-type pillows can be taken with you if you have a long way to go. Moreover, they can decorate the interior between trips. In this case, you can sew the product in the form of a toy, for example, of some animal (fox, elephant, hippo).

For sleeping, you need a comfortable pillow made of natural soft materials. If necessary, it can be decorated, but do not use volumetric elements. If it is an animal, then it’s flat (the same goes for its nose, eyes, mouth).

Children need pillows to help them sleep better. What kid does not like to hug a soft toy when there is no beloved mother nearby? It is made of natural materials and has a flat body, legs.

The child seat cushion should be soft and comfortable so that it can be placed underneath it (for example, on a chair). The same goes for flooring products. They can be put under the child when he will read on the floor, watch TV or just play.

Orthopedic pillow for a newborn

A similar product is designed to maintain the baby's head in an anatomically correct position. Such a pillow resembles a butterfly in shape and has in the middle a circular recess with a diameter of 7 mm. Its length can be approximately 25 cm, width - 17 cm. As for the height of the product, it is only 3 cm.

Orthopedic pillow

Children's orthopedic pillow is made of:

  • a piece of colored chintz measuring 50x60 cm;
  • synthetic winterizer 1 cm thick (a quilted fabric with synthetic winterizer is suitable);
  • holofiber (100 g needed).

We do the following:

  1. We draw a pattern of half a pillow on paper, and then transfer it to a fabric folded in half (it should turn out 2 pcs.).
  2. Cut out the pattern with allowance for seams (about 1 cm).
  3. We take a piece of synthetic winterizer and cut out two butterflies from it.
  4. We apply the front side of the quilted fabric (or synthetic winterizer) to the inside of the chintz.
  5. As a result, we get two blanks, which are folded with chintz inside and stitched with a basting seam (“forward needle”).
  6. We sew along the contour, departing from the edge of 0.5 cm.
  7. Leave the small section that is necessary for stuffing unbroken.
  8. We twist and iron the fabric with an iron.
  9. Draw a circle in the middle and sew it around the perimeter.
  10. We fill the pillow with holofiber, evenly distribute it and sew it with a blind seam.

We sew easily, simply and quickly

The simplest and budget option is a regular square pillow. Even a novice in this business can sew it. It is worth remembering that such baby pillows are from a year and older. Infants need orthopedic products.

Simple pillow for kids

We take any fabric you like 40x40 cm in size for the outside of the pillow. For a lining we will take coarse calico of the same size. If there is a desire to decorate the pillow, then select some decorative element and glue it with textile glue. At the edges we fix it with a zigzag.

The resulting pieces of fabric are applied with their faces to each other and stitched (do not forget about the plot for stuffing). We turn the product through the hole, align the edges and lay the filler. Sew the remaining hole with a blind stitch.

Another option for a simple pillow in a crib is a product made of shreds. For work, you need 18 small squares of multi-colored fabrics. We sew 9 shreds between each other so that we get two large squares. We connect them with the front side to each other and fasten. We fill it with filler and decorate it with beautiful buttons, beads, laces, sequins.

Pillows toys

Any child will enjoy playing with a pillow toy. Various fabric colors will help him learn to distinguish colors, as well as get to know animals. Children usually like elephants, dogs, cats, tigers, giraffes, lambs, etc.

Toy pillow

The product can be of any size. Choose your favorite toy and make a paper pattern. Cut off a piece of fabric so that it is enough on both sides with allowances for the seams. Fold the segments with the front side to each other, apply the pattern and circle. Leave seam allowances (1 cm) and cut out the details. We fasten them with a stitching seam, and then sew them using a machine. We leave a hole for stuffing, we turn out and straighten.

We fill each part with a synthetic winterizer and sew up the left holes. We sew them together to make a toy. We outline the future mouth, nose, mustache on the face and embroider them with contrasting threads.

Letter pillows

Big beautiful letters can be sewn if pillows are needed for the crib. They will not let the baby hit in a dream, and perfectly decorate the interior of the room. In addition, he can learn to read in a relaxed way. Of the stitched letters, the name of the child is usually laid out.

Letter pillow

The sizes of the pillow can be any: they can be made small or large.

Getting started:

  1. Draw a letter pattern on paper.
  2. We take the fabric we like and transfer it in a mirror image (2 details should turn out).
  3. We draw on the fabric a strip 10 cm wide and a length equal to the perimeter of the letter.
  4. If there are holes in it, then for them we make a separate strip.
  5. We connect the parts with the front side and first make seams only along the contour of the product.
  6. In the area of ​​the holes of the strip, we sew first to one side, because the pillow will need to be turned out.
  7. We turn it out, stuff it with padding polyester and sew the unfinished places.

Side Pillows

In order not to worry about the comfort and safety of the baby, it is worth stitching pillows in the nursery. They will protect not only from injuries, but also from drafts.

Flanges in the crib

For work you will need:

  • cotton fabric and synthetic winterizer (pieces of 120x60 cm);
  • various decorations;
  • accessories for sewing (needles, threads, scissors).

The dimensions of the pillows depend on the length, width and height of the sides of the bed. The upper material should be dense, but natural (cotton, chintz). We determine the size, shape of the pillows and transfer them to the pattern. After attaching the latter to the fabric, we circle and cut with allowances for the seams. We apply the blanks with the front side to each other and sew, not reaching the edge. We turn out the pillow, fill it with a padding polyester and sew up the hole.

We decorate products with lace, ribbons or other accessories. But do not sew on beads and buttons - the baby will easily tear them off.

Knitted pillows

Children's decorative pillows can not only be sewn, but also knitted. Shapes and colors can be completely different. Simple and beautiful pillows for a child’s room are knitted from the motif “grandmother’s square”. The size of each element is adjusted by increasing or decreasing the rows. The use of multi-colored yarn will allow you to get a unique product with which a child can learn colors.

The following describes the knitting of one motive. Designations: air loop - VP, lifting loops (air) - PP, double crochet - SSN, connecting column - SS.

Grandma's crocheted square

Getting to knitting:

  1. First row: 5 VP, connect to the ring.
  2. Second row: 3 PP, 2 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, SS.
  3. Third row: 3 PP from the air loop in the corner of the motive, 2 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH, VP, 3CCH, VP, 3 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH, VP, 3CCH, VP, 3 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH, VP, 3CCH, VP, 3 CCH + VP + 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH, VP, 3 CCH, VP, SS.
  4. We knit the following rows according to the same pattern.
  5. We connect the finished squares together with the help of single crochet columns and fill the product.
Knitted pillow

You can update your child’s crib or room using various interior tricks. To do this, you can sew beautiful baby pillows that any loving mother can make.

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