Jaco parrots or gray parrots are the most common inhabitants of apartment conditions among birds. Ease of learning, sociability, quick wit - this is not all that makes the Jacquot the parrot happy with its owners. The maintenance of the house of this bird is not difficult, it is completely unpretentious.
Jaco parrot: description
Jaco is one of the largest representatives of the parrot family. He is rightly considered the most talkative of his brothers. Jaco have good learning abilities, can imitate various sounds, melodies of songs, including human speech. The birds have a meek disposition and are unpretentious in food. The srednestatichesky parrot reaches 35 cm in height. The plumage of them is light gray in color with various shades. Beak is large, black. The bird has a short straight tail, the color of which varies from brown to red. Playfulness and mobility are very characteristic of the Jaco parrots. At the same time, keeping and educating them plays an important role in the formation of character. After all, with improper care, Jacques can become wild, hysterical and even embittered. Homeland and habitat are tropical forests of
West Africa. By nature, Jaco has a harsh and unpleasant voice. They are usually taught one by one. A parakeet of medium ability can remember up to 100 words, and a gifted one is much more. Jacot imitates intonations well, is musical and quick-witted enough. Parrots live for a long time - 70-80 years, and this is far from the limit.
Jaco parrot: contents
Zhako parrots quite easily get used to captivity. With sufficient attention and care, they can become very attached to people. Birds are kept in cages or cages specially equipped for them. It is preferable that in the cage there always lives one parrot, a jaco. Keeping in pairs is recommended only during breeding. Parrots have a bad habit of plucking their feathers. And if you add to this an inadequate diet, the lack of a special bath for bathing, damp weather and drafts, then you can get absolutely βnakedβ jaco. Keeping a bird at room conditions has its own nuances. Firstly, a budgie needs to be sprayed with water every day. Secondly, the cell must always be dry and warm. Jaco can not stand damp and bad weather. Thirdly, in a cage it is necessary to place twisting twigs, branches, driftwood. Living in captivity, birds do not like to fly, but prefer to walk a lot. Often there are those who like to splash around in water or take a shower.
Keeping a Jaco parrot will not cause you huge problems, but still it will require some attention from you. For example, feed. Before pouring into the feeder, it must be thoroughly soaked, sometimes germinated. The main food for Jaco is a grain mixture of millet, sunflower, oats, wheat, nuts (but not almond!), Corn. Jaco - lovers to drink fruit and honey water, eat fruits and greens. Birds love raw vegetables, sandwiches with butter and sweets. But giving them is often not recommended. Giving the bird enough time and attention, you can teach it various tricks, talk and get yourself a fun and reliable friend.