The most furry dogs: description of the breeds, character traits, grooming and maintenance, photos

When choosing a four-legged friend, many future owners prefer fluffy shaggy dogs. It is more difficult to care for such dogs than for smooth-haired dogs. However, pets look with such an exterior, including at various exhibition rings, more spectacular.

Big fluffy dogs

Since shaggy dogs are actually very popular among the population, a lot of attention was paid to the breeding of such breeds by breeders. If desired, pet lovers can make themselves both a big furry four-legged friend and a small one. Of course, there are shaggy breeds of dogs of medium size. These pets also look pretty cute.

The most furry big dogs at the moment are:

  • bobtail;

  • south russian shepherd.

Both of these breeds are very popular among pet lovers.

Bobtail: description and features of care

This large hardy dog ​​has been widely used as a shepherd in the past. Today, these dogs often serve as “guide dogs”, perform in circuses and, of course, are kept in large numbers by pet lovers.

At the withers, these dogs can reach 61 cm. Distinctive features of the breed are a harmonious physique of a square format, wide pride, and hanging ears. The coat of these dogs is long, wavy, thick. Color bobtail can be any. But most often there are dogs of this breed white, gray-blue or marble.

The nature of the most fluffy bobtail dogs is good-natured. Dogs are very balanced and reasonable. Bobtails give up just fine. But these dogs should be trained consistently, without the use of rude techniques. In any case, you cannot beat a Bobtail. Otherwise, the dog will be offended and stubborn.

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Caring for dogs of this breed is not too complicated. Most likely, despite the long coat, the bobtail will most likely not deliver to its owners. These dogs shed very rarely. In any case, you still have to comb the dog every day. Otherwise, his hair falls into tangles. As a result, the dog can be put in order later only by trimming these woolen lumps.

Bobtail dogs

The hair on the head of the bobtail is combed forward so that it closes its eyes. As necessary, these dogs also need to trim their nails. In addition, bobtails occasionally remove wool from the ears and paw pads.

South Russian Shepherd Dog

Outwardly, these fluffy dogs look like huge lapdogs. The wool of these snow-white pitfalls covers the entire muzzle, including the eyes. South Russian shepherds look, so very nice. However, behind the "good-natured" appearance in these dogs hides an independent, courageous and rather aggressive character. And there is nothing surprising in this. The South Russian Shepherds were bred not only as shepherds, but also as guard dogs.

At the withers, representatives of this breed can reach 60-68 cm. The color of the South Russian shepherds is usually white. But often there are smoky individuals of different colors. The undercoat of such dogs, according to standards, should be light gray. A characteristic feature of the South Russian Shepherd, in addition to high growth, are paws that are similar to felt boots because of the thick coat that covers them.

Like many other types of shepherd dogs, the South Russian to some extent differs in maliciousness. In addition, this is not the smallest fluffy dog ​​breed. Therefore, to start such a dog is only for people who are confident that they can subordinate it to themselves.

In games, representatives of this breed are very mobile and quick-witted. Such a pet will consider a family its property and carefully guard it.

South Russian Shepherd Dog

The wool of a South Russian shepherd dog, like any other shaggy dog, of course, needs regular grooming. It is recommended to thin out the bangs of these dogs from time to time with scissors. At the beginning of spring, fluff is completely combed off by the South Russian shepherds .

Tibetan mastiff

Representatives of this breed are the largest furry dogs in the world. Growth at the withers of mastiff males can reach 60-77 cm. The coat of these dogs is thick and even. The exterior features of the mastiffs are also powerful heavy head, strong jaws, strong body, fluffy tail, long legs, hanging ears.

The nature of these dogs is calm and restrained. In relation to other dogs, they usually show friendliness, but in case of aggression they always give the offender an adequate rebuff. In communication with the owners, mastiffs in most cases try to maintain independence.

The thick coat of these dogs is supposed to be combed out several times a week. Mastiffs are usually bathed a couple of times a year. A feature of this breed is that its representatives are allowed to mate no earlier than at the age of 3-4 years.

Tibetan mastiff

The most furry breeds of dogs of medium size

Large shaggy dogs, even differing in a not too good-natured character, look very cute and original. But fluffy dogs of medium size also look no less beautiful. The most popular shaggy breeds of this group are:

  • bearded collie;

  • Samoyed Like.

Most furry dogs: bearded collie

This charming breed was obtained by crossing lowland shepherd dogs with English collies. The growth of male bearded collies at the withers can reach 50-54 cm. The exterior features of these dogs are:

  • muscular physique;

  • long thick hair forming a “beard” on the face;

  • hanging ears;

  • low set tail.

The hair of these dogs, unlike many other shaggy breeds, is not wavy, but straight. At the same time, it has a harsh texture. In the color of bearded collies, the standards provide for brown, black, gray and sand palettes.

Bearded collie

The character of these dogs is cheerful and active. The breed is also quick-witted and easy to learn. With other pets, bearded collies get along very easily. Another distinctive feature of such dogs is sociability. Leaving such a pet for a long time is not recommended. Otherwise, the dog may get bored.

No wonder bearded collies are among the most furry dogs. Photos of these beauties can be seen below on the page. Bearded collies look , as you can see, really great. But their coat, of course, requires the most careful care.

Combing dogs of this breed relies daily. But because of the stiffness, their hair is tangled up much less often than that of representatives of many other shaggy breeds.

Walking with bearded collies is recommended without using a leash and a muzzle. Otherwise, the dog will feel "humiliated." These collies usually do not show too much aggressiveness to passers-by. However, the ancestors of these dogs were still shepherd dogs. Therefore, walking with a bearded collie without a muzzle is better in uninhabited places.

Samoyed Like

From many other shaggy dogs, representatives of this one of the most furry dog ​​breeds are distinguished primarily by standing small ears. The coat of these dogs is soft and delicate, and therefore they look very cute and original. The growth at the withers of representatives of this breed reaches 46-56 cm. In most cases, the hair of Samoyed huskies is painted white. However, its cream color with tan is also allowed by standards.

Samoyed Like

The character of Samoyed huskies is friendly and even gentle. These dogs need constant communication, not only with the owners, but also with everyone around them. Samoyed huskies can be trained very easily, because, among other things, they also differ in quick wits. Due to the special evolution of these dogs, hunting instincts are completely absent. Therefore, they can be freely kept simultaneously with cats, rodents and other domestic animals.

Mobility is one of the characteristic features of this breed. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep such dogs in city apartments. This breed is best suited for a private home. Combing huskies is supposed to be weekly. In the process of molting, the frequency of such procedures is increased by 2-3 times.

Feeding these dogs is recommended after a walk. One of the features of huskies is a tendency to obesity in the absence of physical activity.

Small breeds

Fluffy dogs of large and medium sizes can look very cute. But the most spectacular look, of course, is the small pets with shaggy hair. What are the most furry dogs are also short? The most popular breeds of such doggies at the moment are:

  • Bichon Frize (French lapdog);

  • Pomeranian

Bichon Frize: breed description

These cute dogs from the group of lapdogs began to breed back in the XIV century. in the Mediterranean. Distinctive features of doggies of this breed, making them unusually cute, are:

  • short, well pubescent paws;

  • soft, soft, cloud-like hair.

Lapdogs are the most furry dogs in the world. In the photo you can see how cute these doggies can look. Of course, small stature also gives charm to Bichons. At the withers, French lapdogs can reach 24-29 cm. The growth of these dogs is small, but their backbone is quite strong. And therefore, you can play with them without fear of breaking something for them.

The color of the Bichon Frize is exclusively white, without spots and haze. Puppies may show yellow or ivory spots. However, over time, this "defect" in the representatives of the breed disappears.

Bichon Frize

The character of the Bichon Frize, like many other small dogs, is cheerful and sociable. Many owners of such dogs even claim that their pets know how to smile. Bichon treats children and other pets very well.

One of the features of dogs of this breed is that their hair, like human hair, never stops growing. That is why Bichon can rightly be considered the most furry dogs in the world. In any case, it is supposed to cut such pets every 8 weeks. Combing six of these dogs need 1-2 times in 7 days. Bichon is also recommended to bathe at least 1-2 times a month using mild shampoo and conditioner.

Pomeranian Spitz

Dogs of this breed reach only 18-22 cm at the withers. At the moment, Pomeranian can be considered the smallest fluffy dog ​​in the world. In addition to miniature, the features of the exterior of these doggies are:

  • strong physique;

  • volumetric chest;

  • "Fox" head;

  • small erect ears.

The coat of these dogs is pretty coarse. But these little dogs seem fluffy, thanks to the soft thick undercoat. The color of Pomeranian spitz can be bright red, cream, sable, black, blue, white, brown, etc.

The nature of the dog is very good-natured and friendly. Pomeranian Spitz are loving to children and take part in their games with pleasure. However, doggies are still small, and therefore adults need to carefully monitor that the child, having fun, does not harm them anything.

The peculiarity of this breed is, among other things, and the fact that it differs, despite its small growth, by its dominant character. On a walk, such a doggie can easily try to bite a large dog, and a stranger who appears on the territory of the family will certainly fly loudly. Thanks to quick wit, Pomeranian dogs are very easy to train.

Pomeranian Spitz

Despite the fact that the fur of these very furry small dogs is thick and long, the owners will not have to take care of it too often. Such doggies are usually combed once a week. Daily care of Spitz hair is only necessary during molting. These dogs are bathed usually once a month.

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