How to walk a dog: time, features of a walk, important procedures before and after, rules for walking dogs in public places

Many people, although they love their pets, but absolutely do not want to care for them. Sometimes a walk with a dog on the street makes the owners feel lazy and negative. This is especially true for those who live in cities or suburban areas where there is no easy access to open spaces to allow pets to run into plenty.

Three little dogs

But walking is a must for any dog ​​owner, because these four-legged animals depend on daily exercise. But the same route along the sidewalks can turn an eventful and energetic event into an annoying and boring affair. In this article we will tell you how to walk the dog correctly, where you can do it, what features are available.

Why take pets out

Many people simply do not understand why dogs need an active lifestyle, because, for example, the same cats can easily spend 24/7 at home, playing lazily with a small fabric ball or mouse. But our pets themselves are very lively and mobile, and a daily walk allows them to maintain their bones and muscles in a healthy state.

In addition, it is useful for many people to take their dogs outside, because it relieves stress. This is one of the best ways to spend time with your furry pet. Most owners walk the dogs with benefit, replacing this process with a full-fledged sports training. You can often notice how people run cross-country with their dogs or climb a mountain.

How to walk

To start taking your pet out to the street is the most difficult thing that can be expected of you, especially if the dog is not trained or you are not trained. Fortunately, there are ways to walk the dog properly and maintain a healthy relationship with her.

Man and dog by the lake

Quick guide

These tips will tell you how to walk your dog properly, and also describe some important procedures that are performed before and after visiting the street. Please note that some of them require financial investments:

  1. The first thing you should do is invest in a good collar and leash. Make sure that the first attribute sits on the dog’s neck not too tight and not too loose. The leash must be strong to support the weight and vigor of your pet. Please note that if you have a large dog, then you definitely need to get a good muzzle for it.
  2. Once you have a leash and a collar, fasten it to your dog tightly, but not too tight to avoid strangulation of the dog. But not too loose to prevent his escape.
  3. Start walking where you want it. After choosing the right side, do not change it during the next walk, as the sequence when walking with your dog is the key.
  4. Make sure the leash is close to your body. Thus, you can control the dog’s movement when he decides to escape.
  5. So how to walk a dog right? It is recommended to walk in circles, but for the owner, such a procedure can become tiring in a few minutes. Feel free to talk to your dog, let her hear and remember your voice. Praise when she is doing something right, and speak strictly if your dog is straying or aggressively reacting to something.
  6. It is best to give goodies when you walk with your dog. Thus, you can encourage the dog to follow your orders when walking, as well as instill in him a love of an active lifestyle.
    Girl walking a dog

Watch your pet

Make sure that you and your dog will not be thirsty throughout the walk, especially when it is a hot day - another basic tip on how to walk the dog properly.

Always bring along food, water and a small bowl for the animal, as well as plastic bags in case he decides to go to the bathroom in a big way. No one likes people who leave animal waste products in public. Feces not only pollute parks and yards, but also perfectly stick to other people's paws or shoes.

Of course, in Russia few people practice cleaning their animals. Most people prefer to walk the dogs right on the playgrounds, in the squares or near the house adjoining territory, ignoring when their dog digs a hole for themselves in the sandpit or local flower bed. However, it is important to start with yourself and not be shy to clean up the waste products for your dog.

Girl playing with a dog

Animals can get tired too

Many owners of four-legged pets wonder: “When can I walk with a dog?” It is advisable to take a walk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, if it comes to a hot day. Dogs have a thick undercoat, therefore, in direct sunlight, it can become bad.

In the summer, when it is especially warm, choose those areas where you can hide in the shade and rest with your dog. There you can give him a bite and pour water into a bowl.

In winter and autumn, they walk at any time of the day, but, again, if it is too cold outside, then you should not torture a pet, forcing him to roam for hours and cool his paws.

Be aware that your dog may be tired too. If you notice that she is hungry or behaves extremely inactive, then it's time to get home. Everyone needs a rest, even dogs!

Where you can walk with a dog

In Russia, there are no special prohibitions on walking with your pets. Unlike many European countries, owners are not forced to clean up the feces for their four-legged animals. However, this is no reason to become irresponsible and allow dogs to relieve themselves wherever they want.

Dog protection from rain

In public places, large dogs must be muzzled. The owners' excuses like “my pet will never bite anyone” are unconvincing. Large breeds should walk on a good leash and with a powerful collar so that the pet could not break. Even if he does not attack anyone, he can scare.

Many owners want to know if you can walk the dog in the park. In accordance with Russian laws, people can take their pets to public places, but always on a leash and in a muzzle. Please note that each park can set its own rules, so watch out for signs on the lawns. For example, puppies whose age has not reached another three months can walk in public territory without a muzzle or leash.

Now almost all parks have special closed areas for training animals. It is allowed to let the dog go without a muzzle and a leash. Now you know where to walk the dog. It should be noted that in remote places the owner can allow the dog to run freely. For example, in a forest, field, or in a private enclosed area.

Guy and dog on the stones

Walking time

Again, the law does not impose restrictions on pet walking. That is, the owner can bring the dog out at any time of the day, but he must make sure that the animal does not make loud noises from 23:00 to 7:00.

Special information

Carefully monitor the health of your pet. After a walk, you must examine the animal for wounds or parasites. Do not forget to deworm the dog every three months, as well as treat it with special shampoos and drops against fleas, ticks and lice eaters.

Never take your dog outside in extreme heat or frost. Walking on hot asphalt can damage the delicate skin of the pads on your feet. Also choose favorable places for taking a walk. Buildings, territory with garbage can be very dangerous for animals.

So how long does it take to walk a dog? It all depends on the breed of animals. For example, if you have a hunting, shepherd or guard dog, then you will have to walk and play with it for 2-3 hours a day. This can be done not at a time, but to divide this process into several stages. These animals include retrievers, hounds, dachshunds. Dogs of decorative breed can withstand 40-60 minutes a day. These include the Pekingese, pugs, and Spitz.

Cute pug in harness

Please note that the maximum time between walks should not exceed 12 hours. If more, it will bring torment to pets, especially those who relieve themselves on the street.

Walking with your dog, you will not only provide it with an active lifestyle, but also begin to maintain your physical fitness. Joint hiking with pets is a great way to get close and make friends!

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