What is ping, its features

All users of the global network encounter ping every day, but do not know what ping is, and how it is used on the Internet, why are the indicators of such a program so important for some users? To begin with, it’s worthwhile to understand that ping is a certain delay calculated in milliseconds and showing the time of data transfer from the user to the server, it can be, respectively, more or less. In the first case, a number of problems arise, for example, with modern gamers having brakes in the game. After all, the response of the central server may be too long, so the receiving computer will not be able to show real events at the moment.

what is ping

ping , .. . , , – , . , .

, , ping, , , TCP/IP. - (ICMP) , - ICMP . , , .

ping port

, ping IP-, (- , ). .

, : "ping server". , . , "ping server –t". , , , ping ( ), , -.

ping site

– . , , , , . "tracert server", , , .

, ping, . , , . . , , .

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