A partial program is ... Harmonious development of a child’s personality in kindergarten

A partial program is incomprehensible words for any mother who thinks about what her child is doing in kindergarten. Nevertheless, there is nothing to worry about.

The partial program is a part of preschool education, an integral component of the formation of personality.

In addition to the main educational work, pedagogical activity includes additional, partial programs. What is it and what is its purpose?

Partial programs in preschool educational institutions are classes and techniques aimed at developing fine motor skills, pure speech, developing an understanding of the language and language forms, and developing associative thinking.

What is the difference between a partial program and a regular one?

These programs are in addition to the main program for the development of children in kindergarten. Most often, educators use whole techniques created by an author or a group of authors. In the bookstore in the department of methodological literature you can find books with detailed descriptions.

partial program is

A preschool educational institution may not use partial programs of preschool children. But then the child’s life will become boring and not filled with developing games and activities, and he will not want to attend them.

Partial programs are good because they describe the methods already carried out by other educators and reflect their results. In some ways, such programs can be trusted. In any case, the choice is made by the leadership and kindergarten teachers.

What is the meaning of a partial program?

Partial educational programs direct children's attention to learning tools and interesting tasks. Creative activity and dedication are welcome. In this unique period, when young children are susceptible to literally everything in the world around them, creative games will help them like nothing else.

The task of the kindergarten is to create an atmosphere of equality between children, to give each child the opportunity to develop without harming their psyche and health.

preschool educational institution

That is why pedagogical activity is paid so much attention. The more knowledge a child receives about the world in kindergarten, the more chances he has to adequately perceive the world around him, to cope with the stresses in school and later in life. But a positive attitude begins to take shape only from three to four years. Therefore, a partial program is a chance for any child.

What are partial programs?

Partial programs in the DOW are divided into several areas. Some of them involve the study of folklore, fairy tales, fables, poems and epic heroes. This not only gives children an idea of ​​history, but also develops memory: excerpts from fables, counters and simple verses are easy to learn and are an example for independent activity.

Mathematical programs introduce the simplest arithmetic operations and tasks for ingenuity, thus developing rational thinking.

partial programs in dow

The list of theatrical activities aimed at the study of theatrical skills can also be added to this list. Even among preschoolers, a simple circle can have extraordinary popularity, if you correctly approach the organization of classes and the process of creating performances.

In addition, activity in the kindergarten is also aimed at getting into the spiritual world, learning the rules of etiquette and courtesy.

GEF Partial Programs

Of course, the activities of kindergartens are regulated by federal standards. Partial programs on GEF suggest that pre-school education will be aimed at individualizing classes, supporting initiative and activity of children in all areas, cooperation with family and parental assistance, active work of educators and other kindergarten staff to ensure a comfortable stay in kindergarten.

For each child, an individually selected partial program is important. GEF allows you to organize it in accordance with all the rules.

A preschool educational institution independently chooses educational programs, but they must comply with federal standards.

What exactly are partial programs aimed at?

The principles of partial programs are simple. There are several areas of education. They are used either individually or combined to achieve a better effect.

The child is vaccinated, for example, with ideas about everyday life, the culture of human habitation, about household items and the materials from which they were made, about the purpose and purpose of each item. Gradually, there arises not only an understanding of its place in the world, but also a desire to contribute and take an independent active part in its study.

FGOS partial program

In the future, one can instill the idea of ​​measures of quantity, mathematical entities, numbers, numbers, measures and volumes. This helps to systematize the knowledge about the world in a single system with other people.

Designing in the older group teaches us to distinguish colors and geometric shapes, create something on our own and experiment. The older the children, the more difficult the tasks become. But also more exciting.

How does this activity affect children?

The kindergarten mode, as a rule, is rationally selected: the child does not get tired, gets time for rest and games that do not have any specific goal. But it is important to ensure that active games and activities are not a cause of stress.

It is impossible to arrange the lesson so that one immediately follows the other so that there is not even time left for rest. Many parents involved in upbringing sometimes show excessive zeal. They believe that kindergarten is not enough for a child, and therefore they take him to additional classes.

partial educational programs

At this age, you do not need to force some kind of activity. Chronic fatigue for a child who has not yet started to go to school is nonsense, but this is also possible if you go too far with the educational process.

Can parents help?

The closest relatives, mom and dad, make various decisions regarding how much time their child spends in kindergarten. If they have enough opportunities to study independently, then it is not necessary to attend kindergarten. If you coordinate this issue with the leadership, you can appear in the classroom only in the afternoon or, conversely, in the first.

The rest of the time, you can engage in raising a child yourself. A partial program is also a good opportunity for parents. It doesn’t necessarily become an expert in this field, but you need to have an idea of ​​what classes are held in kindergarten so that you do not lose progress at home.

senior group construction

This is also useful for older children. For example, constructing in an older group can attract not only children, but also parents. And what could be better than a joint game?

But even if in connection with work there is no time to deal with the child during the day, you can devote a couple of hours in the evening to this.

What problems can the family face?

In addition to difficult family situations, such as the absence of a single parent or neglect, several other factors can interfere with upbringing.

First of all, it is important to remember that young children are very impressionable. And even when they live in an absolutely adequate, prosperous family, they may have problems. For example, among peers. Kindergarten teachers sometimes themselves become victims of seemingly evil jokes. This does not bypass children. Sometimes they are capable of immoral acts. If parents notice that their child has become withdrawn, does not want to talk about what happened in the kindergarten or on a walk, this may be a sign that someone was rude to him.

partial programs of preschoolers

The words and actions of other children can lead to the creation of complexes that literally will interfere with living at an older age.

Evil educators: myth or reality?

In addition, the child may feel shy or even afraid of a teacher. Kindergarten staff is selected with the proper care. But each situation is individual.

Children's preschool educational institution should not leave a bad impression on the child.

Conversations and proceedings with management will only lead to unnecessary nerves and stress. No matter how good the partial programs in the preschool educational institution are, they will only give an unpleasant sensation to the child if he sees an enemy or an evil witch in the educator.

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