How to distinguish a cat from a cat: main features and differences

Every person, small or large, has a need in his soul to love. Various factors take place in our hierarchy of values: home, family, work, but there are also our smaller brothers who become members of our family. Everyone is touched when a cat, dog or other pets understand us, wait and rejoice at our arrival. In response to our warmth and care, they respond to us with fidelity. That is why, probably, they are considered friends of a person.

Favorite Pets

Among the wide variety of animals, the most popular are cats and dogs. But if the dogs require intensive care (they need to be regularly walked regardless of the weather and our desires), then there are less worries with cats. That is why they are often turned on by those people who, in the late evening, want to caress this warm ball.


In anticipation of the choice

When choosing a representative of a feline family, it is always essential who we take to the house: a cat or a cat. After all, individuals of the opposite sex have their own peculiarities and difficulties: a cat can "mark territory", and a cat will probably bring us kittens at the slightest omission. Therefore, before choosing a pet, you need to seriously weigh everything. Sometimes these "pussies" get into our house not by our will, but quite by accident. And we have to decide: to leave or give in good hands. And the determining factor in this is the animal's male or female gender. To avoid difficulties with the choice of a cat, you need to know how to distinguish a cat from a cat. This is done on various grounds, which will be considered in the article below.

How to distinguish a cat from a cat?

Despite the fact that cats are very attached to the person and place of residence, still they are inherent in waywardness no matter what breed they are. This is expressed in the fact that they decide when to pay attention to the owner, and if they want to enjoy solitude, it is unlikely that a person manages to convince them. But there are behavioral features by which you can immediately determine how to distinguish a cat from a cat. All these animals are very attached to their dwelling, only if the cat is attached to its habitat, is ready to protect it, instantly reacts to any suspicious sounds, then the cat is more attached to its owner. He will gladly show his tenderness to him, he will flatter himself, wait for him and accompany him to work. This is most likely caused by the fact that cats have a very developed maternal instinct, and therefore they are affectionate with their kittens when they appear, and the cats bask in the arms of a person who takes care of them. This happens, of course, if a person initially made it clear who is the boss in the house, and did not give the reins of government in the house to his beloved.

How to distinguish a cat from a cat

How to determine the gender of small kittens?

So, if the decision to have a pet is made, you can start choosing a kitten. Usually, "fluffy" is examined when they are still very small, because the cat brings several kittens at once, so you need to "reserve" an active kitten with character. As a rule, they don’t pull for a long time with a choice. The main term is a month. During this time, their eyes open, a small tummy appears, and they begin to walk on their own. It's time to choose! The main question: how to distinguish a cat from a cat per month? Hint can be found in specialized literature. But the simplest and most proven way is to look under the tail of a kitten and visually determine by primary sexual characteristics who it is: a cat or a cat. But you need to take into account that the kitten’s testicles descend later: in 2-3 months, therefore, in order not to get the situation “there was Masha - became Yasha”, you need to know the following.

If you look under the tail of the girl, then she will have 2 holes at a distance of about 1 centimeter from each other, and the genitourinary will be oblong, and in general this picture will resemble an inverted exclamation mark (remember punctuation marks). In a kitten-boy, the picture is slightly different: the anus, the gap in which the testicles should appear, and only then the urogenital opening. That is, the distance will be greater, but in general it is very similar to the colon. Knowing this "secret" will tell you how to distinguish a cat kitten from a cat. Here such punctuation turns out!

Pet care

Trust but verify!

Remember, this method will later help you to distinguish a cat from a cat (2 months), since it is possible to identify cats from the sex by primary sexual characteristics at first glance from about three months. You can also tactilely determine the gender of a kitten-boy: if you carefully move the gap between the holes under the tail closer to the urogenital, then at the "male" you can feel the pea-like formations (up to 5 mm). This is the testicles. There is a cat in front of you, and if there are none, a cat.

You can also use the old grandmother's way: pour milk in a saucer and see how the kitten drinks. If his tail is raised up, he is a boy, and if he is lowered, a girl.

Little kittens

Additional sexual characteristics of kittens

When kittens grow up, it becomes less problematic how to distinguish a cat from a cat. 3 months is the age at which at first glance you can determine: the cat or cat in front of us (by the same primary sexual characteristics).

In addition, you need to know that sometimes coloring helps to establish the sex of the animal. All at least once in my life I met a cat with a tortoise or tricolor color. So: if the pet's color palette is as follows, in front of you, most likely, a cat. There is a scientific argument for this: cats have X-X chromosomes, and cats have X-play chromosomes. The specific gene responsible for the red or black color is found only in the X chromosome. "Exclusive" colors appear only with a combination of red and black colors. For this, two X-chromosomes are needed. Therefore, if you have a representative of the genus of feline tortoise or tricolor color, you can confidently say that this is a girl. Although you should not forget that nature sometimes presents us with “surprises”.

Three month old kittens

How to distinguish an adult cat from a cat?

If you had to deal with an already adult cat, then its sex can be determined almost immediately: primary sexual characteristics, color, and also the shape of the muzzle. In cats, it is slightly elongated and graceful, in cats it is slightly larger in proportion to the body than it should be. But do not forget that some breeds have their own characteristics. So, for example, Scottish and British cats have a large face, and the sphinxes are naturally angular. They will also tell you the habits of the animal, but it will take time. Cats, for example, devote a lot of time to cleanliness, so they are ready to lick their coat for a long time. And cats are lazy, so they like to sleep. Although, of course, there are "instances" - exceptions to these norms.

Cat or cat

The habits of castrated cats

Sometimes people, in order not to have problems with a cat brood, start a cat for themselves. Everything is fine: the pet sleeps for hours or plays, does not bother anyone. But puberty begins, and the cat becomes completely different: preoccupied, angry, aggressive. Adult cats mark territory. From this, there is no doubt, the apartment will have an unpleasant pungent odor. The only way out of this situation is castration. Many pet owners are concerned about the question: will this affect the habits of the animal? Definitely, it will affect, but for the better. As practice and reviews of owners of castrated cats show, nothing bad will happen, the cat will become calmer, kinder, will not mark the territory, and if this habit remains, it will be without a nasty smell. As a result, you will get a cheerful, balanced pet. Many veterinarians, in order not to have problems with a pet, recommend castration as a way to maintain the health and nervous system of a pet.

And if you are concerned about the question of how to distinguish a castrated cat from a cat, then the answer is simple: for all the above signs. And the cat, as a rule, looks a little larger.

Castration cat

So, when in the arsenal of the future owner there is knowledge about how to distinguish a cat from a cat, you can safely proceed to the acquisition of a pet. It’s everyone’s right to decide how to educate him. You just need to remember: "We are responsible for those we tamed." Our smaller friend may have his own character, he will not always be obedient, he will need constant care. You can’t take it and then return it only because it is "overdone" or tired. Therefore, be prepared to take responsibility for your pet and take care of it throughout its life.

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