Young mothers, seeing an advertisement for this miraculous assistant, often puzzle over this question: how many months can a baby walker be? However, you should first decide whether your child needs this device at all. Let's try to figure out if there is any benefit from them or not.
In walkers, the baby stands on tiptoe longer than usual, because to move forward he needs to rest on the floor with his toes. In this position, he has no chance to develop the correct setting of the feet.
But still - since how many months can a baby walker be available? It is better to start using them later, after 7 months, because to move forward, the child is forced to lean his chest against their edges, and does not at all learn to keep his body in balance. As a result of this, he will not be able to take a standing position for quite some time.
The child does not acquire the experience that is very important for him to move independently. Also, he does not learn to keep his balance in a timely manner, to stand and continue to walk without any help. But all this he must do at a certain age, and in this situation, it turns out, as it were, a belated reaction.
Since how many months can a walker be used without jeopardizing the baby's health? Without them, the child usually learns rather quickly to fall to the floor. He bends his legs at the knees and hip joints over and over again and, balancing, finally finds balance. Parents watch their baby get up, sit down and do it again and again. By constantly repeating similar movements, he begins to be independent.
How many months have walkers been using? You can start with eight months if the baby is already quite independent. But it is necessary to alternate when he tries to move himself and in them. Walkers, as a rule, fix the child at a constant height, and this prevents him from bending and unbending the legs in the knees.
A kid who learns to walk on his own all the time grabs at something in search of support, holds on and begins to feel more confident. So, step by step, he moves, for example, along the sofa, clutching his hands.
To overstrain the back of the baby can lead to the fact that he was placed in a walker for a long time. How many months can I use them? From 8, and only if not for long, and in the case when the baby is already well standing without the help of parents and furniture. When a child does not move independently, he does not feel the joy of discovery and does not try to strive for something new. Less and less he likes to just lie on the floor, sometimes he is too lazy to turn over on his own. And increasingly, the baby begins to just wait for him to be put in this device and he will “walk”. In fact, this is really the easiest and most convenient way, but this does not mean that it is useful. What can we say about children, if we often do this too. For example, instead of going to the store on foot, which is much better, we drive a car.
How many months have walkers not hurt the development of the child? An 8-month-old baby, who is often located in them, completely ceases to develop such a feeling as balance. A child who is given more opportunities to "test himself" earlier begins to walk for real. If you deprive the baby of a chance to gain experience, he will not be able to develop harmoniously.