Very often, little kids hiccup. This reaction of the body can occur after eating, walking, after laughter or active games. Many parents are too worried about this, but the causes of hiccups in newborns are not as terrible as they seem. We will now briefly review some of them.
If you observe how, you can see that most often children hiccup after walking in the fresh air, especially in the cold season. This is due to the fact that the environment is characterized by a low temperature, to which the organism of your child responds with hiccups. Also, the baby breathes in a similar way when he stays in a cold room for a long time and freezes. Such causes of hiccups in newborns are eliminated by wrapping up, warming one’s body heat.
The baby’s body is much more sensitive than ours, so it reacts more strongly to any external and internal stimuli. The causes of hiccups in newborns can also be attributed to internal hypothermia associated with the consumption of a large amount of liquid. Therefore, watch out for what your child eats and drinks, and the hiccups will less often visit it.
As in adults, the causes of hiccups in newborns can be thirsty, severe emotional shock, or even overeating. Most often, children hiccup after laughing a lot, indulging in elders or their peers. Also, such interruptions in breathing occur if, after eating, the baby does not drink enough fluid. Therefore, it is important to ensure that such situations occur as rarely as possible, and as soon as the baby begins to hiccup, immediately give it a drink, calm it down.
Hiccups in newborns may be a sign of serious illness . The causes of such respiratory failure lie either in birth injuries or in severe colds. If the baby constantly hiccups, and the water does not help him restore his breath, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a sign of pneumonia, bronchitis, or flu. Often, hiccups are caused by intestinal upsets, an upset stomach. Also, the breathing of the babies depends on the work of the spinal cord. If any part of it was damaged during childbirth, then most likely, you have already been assigned the necessary procedures in the hospital, the schedule of which must be observed.
Very often the causeless hiccups in a newborn are also traced. How to get rid of this phenomenon depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some children help stroking and light massage. Another is enough a glass of water, and the third is obligatory presence and indispensable contact with mom. Therefore, always try to feel your baby, to understand how his body lives. And only then can you understand it at a glance, with a half-motion and prevent any symptoms and ailments, including hiccups. Well, if such a phenomenon does not lend itself to all of the above criteria, be sure to contact a pediatrician who will select the medicine or tell you a way to deal with hiccups.