British blue cat: appearance, character, photo

The British blue cat is one of the oldest breeds in England. According to legend, this species was introduced to England by the Roman conquerors more than two thousand years ago. But as a breed, this cat was recorded about a hundred years ago. After the light saw this animal, it immediately became popular, and this popularity does not pass today. There are various colors, but the first and most popular is still blue. The British cat will be described in this article.

the appearance of a british cat

Cat appearance requirements

The British cat is popular among breeders, as it is in great demand. The requirements for the exterior of the British blue are:

  1. The coat should be short and thick. It is because of the quality of the coat that the British are compared to teddy bears.
  2. The head of the British blue cat should be rounded. On it are small, neat ears. The cheekbones of the animal are wide, and the cheeks are chubby.
  3. The chest of this cat is powerful, wide.
  4. Paws are strong, slightly clubfoot, which again leads to a comparison with the bear.
  5. The eyes should be large and round, like saucers. This is one of the most noticeable differences between a purebred cat and a crossbreed, or other breed.
  6. The tail of the breed is thick, powerful, not long. The tip of the tail is slightly thinner than the rest of the length.

Seeing a real British cat, you will never forget her appearance. The image is imprinted in memory, and it simply will not be possible to confuse it with other breeds.

Often a British cat is confused with a Scottish fold, and is mistakenly called her British fold. The British cat is always just a straight, that is, with standing ears.


bucket of kittens

Particular attention should be paid to color. British blue should be uniformly dyed; hair of a different color cannot be wedged in the hair. A slight overflow is allowed, but it should also be uniform.

The blue color should be the fringing of the mucous membrane, the wings of the nose, paw pads and even skin.

As already mentioned, the coat should be uniform in color, without spots and patches. But there are exceptions - British blue kittens. They may have small specks on the wool, which indicate that there were spotted or striped cats in the family. Over time, these spots will disappear, and the coat of a child will become a uniform color.

Eye color

An important factor when choosing a kitten is its eye color. The baby's eyes are gray or blue, but over time they will change.

eyes of a british cat

There are few adult British cats with blue eyes, and they are always white or light gray individuals. If you want a blue color, then the eyes of such a cat will be amber, which gives the appearance a special charm.

It often happens that this breed has eyes of different colors. For example, one is amber, and the second is blue.

British cats eat with yellow, orange and even green eyes.

British cat character

british blue cat

The British blue cat breed is very interesting. She is wayward, proud and unusually memorable. If you offend an animal, it will remember this for a long time, and revenge can come at the most unexpected moment. For example, British cats can gnaw off a favorite item of the offender, tear his clothes and even start to dirty.

Despite this fact, the breed is very human oriented. If you find an approach to the animal, then it will respond with love, devotion.

Do not expect the cat to sit on your lap and purr with happiness. This breed simply does not tolerate excessive affection and attention and for any promises will not go to sit on the handles. The British blue cat itself will do when it needs attention. He will rub on his arm, leg and go on to do his feline business.

And the British cat’s favorite thing is to sleep. She can indulge in this occupation for a very long time, interrupting only for lunch or washing.

If a cat is washing, it is better not to disturb her, she does not like to be distracted from such an activity.

This breed is calm, unsociable. If strangers come, she will prefer to go to a secluded corner, where no one will disturb her.

The British blue feels great alone, so it is perfect for people who often leave and have little home.

Relations with other animals and children

british blue kittens

The British blue cat is not the most sociable. Do not expect her to play with a ball or bow after she becomes an adult. She does not like hugs, kisses. She hates it when she is torn from her affairs, pester and drag. If she doesn’t like something, then the cat may be aggressive, bite and scratch. That is why it is not recommended to choose this breed in a family with young children.

Other animals are tolerant, but only if she herself is the second animal. If you decide to take another kitten or dog when an adult British woman already lives with you, then you will have to long and painfully pacify the "mistress." She may get used to the new tenant, or she may not accept him at all.

Parenting and care

photo of british cat

Raising a British cat, you need to start practicing immediately, as she gets into the house. You can not encourage pranks and dirty tricks. This breed quickly remembers and gets used to the fact that everything is allowed. This is all fun when a kitten plays and plays pranks. But it will be very unpleasant when an adult animal starts hunting for legs, biting furniture, tearing curtains and throwing off vases. It will be impossible to wean an adult British from bad behavior. The cat will perceive the upbringing for aggression and take revenge. How? It is written above.

The British cat needs the easiest care: combing the hair, washing - once a month or, if necessary, cleaning the ears. This is a very clean animal, you can not run its beauty.

You can feed good feed for cats, or natural food. Great preference in the diet of cats is given to meat products.

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