Child and TV: the negative impact is obvious

If your child and TV are inseparable, then, having looked closely, you will clearly trace the consequences of such illegibility:

1. There is a clear lag in speech skills.

Being in front of the TV, children are deprived of the opportunity to participate in a dialogue. Because there is no direct personal appeal to the child. TV is just a means of obtaining dry information, without the opportunity to discuss it or ask a question. That is why many of our children are so silent and shy. They simply do not have the experience of live communication.

But besides the fact that we use speech in direct communication, it is also necessary in internal dialogs. Speech serves us not only to express our thoughts out loud, but also is an integral part of thinking as such. Imagination and the inner world of man - all this also helps to create speech. As a result, poor speech skills translate into the scarcity of a person’s spiritual life.

2. Children's teachers and psychologists have long been sounding the alarm about the inability of children to concentrate on a particular lesson and self-deepen.

Increased hyperactivity in school in children is often adjacent to complete distraction. They constantly strive to change their impressions, not stopping at one lesson, quickly switching to one or the other. Hence the superficiality of impressions and the lack of analysis. This is somewhat similar to switching channels on a TV.

3. For many children, as teachers note, auditory perception of information is difficult .

They understand the general meaning, but the imagery of thinking is absent - hence the rapid decline in interest. It is clear that with the underdevelopment of figurative thinking, books do not cause any interest. To read them, the ability to think in images is simply necessary.

4. Children have reduced creativity, creativity and imagination.

There is no need to invent new games when it is possible to press the button on the TV or computer remote control. In this regard, general sociability decreases and conversations between the “Kinders” are dull and colorless. They have nothing to argue with each other and nothing to discuss.

5. Particular attention is focused on increased child aggression and cruelty.

Aggression and cruelty are inherent in people with a poor inner world that requires filling. Dramatically increasing crime among adolescents and children. Ultimately, none of the perpetrators of the crime can clearly explain why he did it.

Take for example the fight between the boys. They always fought. But if earlier a serious occasion served as an impulse to fight, and they fought “to the first blood”, now they are beaten, as a rule, by a crowd of one and before losing consciousness, or even health. This phenomenon has swept even girls.

The complete lack of compassion, sympathy and nobility for the defeated enemy. This happens under the influence of violent cartoons. The child wants to be like the main characters. Looks cool. And, as a rule, the effect is enhanced by the environment. Peers also want to be “cool.” Of course, this does not happen to all children, and this largely depends on the following circumstances:

  • family-style parenting;
  • the degree of aggression in the cartoon and how long the child watches him;
  • the influence of peers - the perception of the cartoon by the child himself.

Not only animation, but also modern feature films are saturated with aggression. In particular, such genres as action, horror, thriller. Of course, there is wild dynamics, amazing special effects and acting. But is it worth giving a fragile child consciousness such a shake?

Probably, the baby will understand that all this is a kind of fairy tale, but on a subconscious level he will have a powerful imprint. The cruelty and violence pouring on him from the screen helps to loosen the psyche. Disturbed sleep begin to haunt nightmares. Yes, and the perception of the real world through the prism of violence, you see, is not the best option.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of this effect, but to try to protect and protect the child from the TV is real

Psychologist's advice

  1. First, the child needs to inculcate a craving for traditional types of development: drawing, composing fairy tales, designing, and only then to a computer and television, but not the other way around.
  2. More often watch cartoons with your baby, helping to understand what is happening. Of course, you do not need to comment on every second of viewing, but you must answer any questions that arise.
  3. Only at 8-9 years old the child and the TV can "make friends". The grown up part is already able to start using information equipment for its intended purpose, that is, to obtain information. And then he should be given the “green light” in this regard.

Fascinating activities for you with a kid of any age, and let the TV and computer in his life be less!

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