Baby dandruff shampoo: list, tips for choosing and using, reviews

Baby dandruff always causes great excitement in parents. Before proceeding with active treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence. After that, you can proceed to the use of baby dandruff shampoos. They should also be selected wisely, paying attention to the composition.

Causes of dandruff in children of different ages

Having noticed the signs of flaky skin in the hair and on the child’s head, it is necessary to understand their root cause. If peeling occurs in a small amount, then this is normal. The cause of dandruff in children in this case is the classic renewal of the skin. If the amount of dandruff exceeds the norm and plus active hair loss is observed, then we are talking about dermatitis. The reason for its occurrence is a violation of excretory processes associated with sebum. The disease can be caused by infections, fungi, or pitrosporums. They also appear in case of disruption of the sebaceous glands. In this regard, we can safely say that the treatment of dandruff in children should begin with the normalization of the condition of the scalp.

dandruff in children treatment

The list of factors affecting the malfunction of the sebaceous glands includes:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • a failure in the nervous system;
  • weak immunity;
  • allergy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • digestion problems;
  • malnutrition;
  • heredity.

This information is paramount in the question of how to remove dandruff in a child. In the process of eliminating such factors, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment. In this case, specialized baby dandruff shampoos will help to solve the problem.

The principle of choosing a tool

When choosing a baby dandruff shampoo, you should first pay attention to its age restrictions. On sale you can find drugs that do not have age restrictions, as well as those that are contraindicated in children. In addition, there are tools that are suitable for adolescents, but at the same time they can not be used to eliminate the problem in babies. It is important that there are no aggressive ingredients in baby dandruff shampoo for girls and boys. They can harm the skin of the baby’s head. Allergenic babies should buy shampoos without dyes and other additives. It is also important to remember that getting the drug for dandruff in the eyes can lead to unpleasant tingling. In this regard, choosing a children's dandruff shampoo for boys and girls, you need to make sure that it has a mark “do not pinch your eyes”.

The correct composition of children's remedies for dandruff

A good composition is the key to effective impact. In order for a children's dandruff shampoo to help get rid of an unwanted illness, you should make sure that it contains the following components:

  • Glycerol. A component that helps moisturize and soften baby skin. Moreover, he has an excellent exfoliating property.
  • Ichthyol. It has a healing function, and also soothes irritation on the skin.
  • Zinc. Effectively combats infections and fungi of the scalp.
  • Herbs and oils. Carry out hair care, make them silky and thick.
  • Vitamins They have nutritious properties, thanks to which the hair becomes better in its composition.

In case the child is allergic, you should choose a baby dandruff shampoo with a minimum amount of components.

how to remove dandruff in a child

Advantages and disadvantages

Caring about how to get rid of dandruff in a child, you need to give preference to specialized means. They have both a number of advantages and some disadvantages. Among the advantages of baby dandruff shampoos include:

  • good composition, without aggressive components;
  • fast performance;
  • ease of use;
  • stimulation of hair growth and improvement of their condition.

As for the shortcomings, they are not applicable to all means. But judging by the reviews, many parents identify three possible options. Among them:

  • inflated cost of the course of treatment, the reason for which is the high-quality and natural composition of the components of the shampoo
  • the possibility of an individual allergic reaction;
  • long and careful selection of the necessary drug.

These features of shampoos apply to their main share on the market.


When deciding how to remove dandruff in a child, one should not rush to the first available remedy. It is important to understand that almost any of the options on the market have contraindications. Before buying a shampoo, you should check on which components of its composition the child may have an allergy. If previously they caused a reaction of the body, then you should not try again with such components. Common to all children is a ban on the use of dandruff shampoos if the child has all kinds of wounds and cuts on the scalp. Other types of contraindications can only be associated with specific means. In this regard, before starting to treat dandruff, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions.

baby dandruff shampoo for boys

List of baby dandruff shampoos

As a rule, children’s anti-dandruff products are produced by companies manufacturing baby products. The following is a list of the most popular ones with an approximate price level.

  • Chicco - costs about 170 rubles for 200 ml of funds.
  • Mustela - about a thousand rubles per bottle with 150 ml shampoos.
  • Pediatric BABE - 200 ml of baby shampoo of this brand cost a little more than 500 rubles.
  • “La Cree” - 150 ml cost only 200 rubles.
  • “My baby” - 80 rubles for a two hundred milliliter bottle.
  • LIBREDERM - available in tubes of 0.25 liters. Such a shampoo costs 400 rubles.
  • “Nizoral 2%” - the price of the product varies from 600 to 900 rubles. Release form - 60 and 120 ml.
  • “Sebozol” - one hundred milliliters of the drug costs 300 rubles.
  • "Sebopyrox 911" - a bottle of 0.15 liters equals 130 rubles.
  • "Sulsena" - thirty milliliters cost only 80 rubles.
  • "Friderm Zinc" - the price varies from 600 to 700 rubles per 150 ml.

The following is a detailed description and reviews of baby dandruff shampoos.


This manufacturer has long established itself on the positive side. Chicco dandruff shampoo is allowed from birth. This tool is gentle, and, according to many mothers, does not help in the fight against neglected situations. But for babies, it is saving. Women who used it to wash their children’s heads noted a significant decrease in seborrheic crusts. The composition of this tool includes wheat proteins, which give such a result. Also in children's dandruff shampoo there are extracts of hawthorn and chamomile. Their presence reduces the risk of irritation on the skin of the baby. The manufacturer claims that the product can be used both for washing the head and the whole body. This feature is due to the optimal maintenance of pH.

baby dandruff shampoo


A tool that saved many children from the ailment in question. Mommy distinguishes him from the rest due to the completely natural composition. They also claim that Mustela shampoo washes seborrheic formations very well. Its effectiveness is ensured by the presence of the following components in the composition: avocado oil, climbazole, salicylic acid. It is worth noting such a merit of the product as the absence of soap and parabens in its composition. Mommies, although they talk about the effectiveness of Mustela, but still note its prohibitively high cost. Unfortunately, this baby dandruff shampoo is not available to everyone.

Pediatric baby

Guarding clean baby heads is Pediatric BABE shampoo. Its main goals are exfoliation, getting rid of germs and infants. To achieve a good result, this tool helps high-quality composition. It includes calendula extract, salicylic acid, conditioner and other components. Mineral oils, parabens and dyes are not present here. Women appreciate it for its hypoallergenicity.

La Cree

The product is intended for children with dry skin. It well solves the issue of eliminating seborrheic crusts and does not cause allergic reactions in babies. The antiseptic property of the drug gives the presence of salicylic acid. Olive and jojoba oils take on the normalization of the sebaceous glands. No less important components of the shampoo are licorice extract, wheat proteins, bisabolol, panthenol.

baby dandruff shampoo for girls

"My baby"

Hypoallergenic baby shampoo to combat dandruff of domestic production. The tool can be used from birth. Its composition includes zinc, allantoin, chamomile extract. Women who have treated them for dandruff in children say that it has an average level of effectiveness. Here are just some who did not even dare to use it because of the presence of sodium laurite sulfate in its composition. Chemical components, according to customers, can disrupt the pH of the scalp. Shampoo is also not always able to cope with infant crusts.


Shampoo of this brand is not only children's, but it has no age restrictions. As for contraindications, the manufacturer claims only individual intolerance to its components. The advantages of this tool, users include the absence of parabens, dyes and fragrances in its composition. As for the treatment of infant crusts, it is still not worth using it, since there are a lot of children’s drugs to combat this ailment. As for serious rashes, due to a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, then in this case use is permissible, but also only as directed by the pediatrician.

baby dandruff shampoo

"Nizoral 2%"

This shampoo is allowed to use from birth. It is based on such a component as ketoconazole. It relieves the scalp from the development of fungal deposits. Women who treated dandruff with this shampoo in their children note that it not only washed white flakes well, but also prevented their development. Older children noticed that after using a two percent "Nizoral" their head stopped scratching with the same strength as during the active development of a fungal infection.

baby dandruff shampoo reviews


Sebozol is allowed to be taken only by children whose age exceeds one year old. Thus, it should not be used to get rid of seborrheic crusts. According to customers, the product promotes active exfoliation and leaching of dandruff flakes. Also, as a bonus, the child receives good hair. This result is achieved due to ketoconazole. It is thanks to this substance that the work of the sebaceous glands on the baby's head is restored. As you know, the solution of this particular problem helps to subsequently avoid a new appearance of dandruff.

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