Porridge for the first feeding "Nestle": assortment, composition, photos, reviews

The best food for the newborn is his mother’s breast milk. But sooner or later it is necessary to introduce new products in order to provide the growing organism with everything necessary and prepare it for the transition to the "adult" table.

Porridge for the first feeding "Nestle" is made by the Swiss company of the same name, which rightfully occupies a leading position in the production of baby food. The assortment is quite rich and is represented by products based on milk mixtures or without the use of milk powder. For the full growth, development of the child and better digestion, the composition of each cereal contains a vitamin-mineral complex. Bifidobacteria BL are also added to them. All products are characterized by excellent digestibility, which is due to the use of special technologies of gentle cleavage. The porridge has a uniform texture and delicate texture.

Dairy-free cereals for the first feeding "Nestle"

A wide range of companies

Porridge for the first feeding "Nestle", according to the manufacturer, is ideal for the full feeding of children. However, the company's product list is very extensive. Three categories of food are offered to the consumer's court:

  • without using milk powder;
  • dairy;
  • series “Help”.

Included in the composition of bifidobacteria and the unique complex of vitamins and minerals iRON + help fully protect the immature immunity of the baby, improve immature digestion and maintain the normal intestinal microflora. Any specialist will confirm how important the first natural diet is for the baby’s body.

Breast Diet

Porridge for the first feeding "Nestle" is represented by products with both lactose and lactose-free. This food is developed by the company's specialists taking into account the age of small eaters, the needs of their fragile body and the nutritional value of each incoming component.

Introduction to cereals in the diet is considered a natural transition to solid food. This moment is very important, but it should happen gradually. The best option is the introduction to the menu of children from six months of cereal crops. However, each age category has its own product line.

Kashi "Nestle" for the first feeding

Features baby food

Porridge for the first feeding "Nestle" is a product that:

  • lactose free;
  • completely hypoallergenic;
  • composed of one main component;
  • enriched with vitamins and bifidobacteria;
  • contains iron.

These conditions are necessary for the full development of the child, his growth and better digestion.

Porridge is introduced into the diet of the child for a gradual transition from breast milk to adult food. They are also necessary to expand the menu, familiarize the baby with a variety of products and normalize digestion.

Nestlé porridges are made in accordance with the needs of a small organism and guarantee a safe, trouble-free transition from breastfeeding to solid food.

Nestle porridges for the first feeding from 4 months can already be entered if they are dairy-free and single-component. But the recommended time for taking the first spoonful of porridge is six months.

Variety of choices

The company "Nestle" is constantly expanding the range of products for baby food. Currently, the line of cereals is represented by the following products:

  • six varieties based on milk powder;
  • eleven species based on infant formula;
  • two products with various additives.

For the production of any product, only natural components are used. Some cereals are enriched with pieces of fruit, which develops the chewing skill and makes the taste more pleasant and aromatic.

Dairy-free cereals for the first feeding "Nestle"

This category is represented by products that are completely devoid of lactose, sometimes causing allergic reactions. The assortment includes two groups:

  • one-part;
  • with various additives.

The range is quite rich and allows parents to choose the right product for their baby.

Hypoallergenic buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat porridge "Nestle" for the first feeding is often the choice of many pediatricians. At its core:

  • buckwheat flour of thorough grinding;
  • mineral complex and vitamins;
  • bifidobacteria.

The product does not contain sugar, which is an advantage. Porridge does not require cooking. To prepare a delicious and nutritious dish for the baby, the presented dry mix must be diluted in warm water, dilution in a milk mixture is allowed.

Buckwheat porridge "Nestle" dairy-free

Delicious and flavorful cereal porridge

For the first feeding from 4 months it is possible to offer Nestle porridges to a child if he is gaining weight poorly. In this case, flavored corn porridge would be the best option. In its composition:

  • corn flour
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • bacteria necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines.

Sugar and its derivatives are completely excluded. The product is also convenient to use, does not require cooking. To prepare a delicious dish, you need only water or the usual baby mixture.

Hypoallergenic Rice Product

Rice porridge "Nestle" dairy-free is very popular. The first lure pediatricians are usually advised to start with the standard triple of cereals:

  • buckwheat;
  • corn;
  • rice.

The composition of this product includes:

  • rice flour;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • bifidobacteria.

To prepare a dish, the product only needs to be diluted with water. The result is a tasty, healthy and nutritious porridge.

Rice porridge "Nestle" dairy-free

Further expansion of the diet

If the baby has already tried rice, corn and buckwheat porridge, and he has no negative reactions, you can further expand his diet. For this, the Nestle company offers the following varieties of cereals:

  • Oatmeal, which contains oatmeal and additional nutrients.
  • The product from the “Help” series is porridge “5 cereals with linden blossom”. The composition includes several components: buckwheat, corn and rice flour.
  • For children with digestive problems, a wheat product with prunes is offered. Porridge is enriched with trace elements and vitamins.

Using food from this category allows you to introduce solid food into your baby’s diet.

Milk Based Products

Nestle porridge for the first feeding reviews have the most diverse. Some parents believe that a dairy-free product does not have much taste, so it is not always readily accepted by the baby. If the child is not lactose intolerant, then you can offer him a product based on milk powder. In this case, the choice is much richer, and the taste is brighter. In addition, the line is suitable for expanding the diet for those children who have already mastered dairy-free products. The range is represented by the following cereals:

  • corn;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • oat;
  • wheat;
  • rice with apples;
  • buckwheat with dried apricots;
  • oatmeal with apples;
  • multigrain with banana and apple;
  • multigrain with peach and pear;
  • oatmeal with pear and banana.

All milk porridge contains carefully ground cereals, vitamin complexes, bifidobacteria and microelements. Produced on the basis of skimmed milk powder and contain lactose. The composition does not contain food additives, sugar, flavorings or colorings. They are also prepared simply: the cereal mixture must be diluted with water or milk.

A rich assortment of Nestle cereals

Advantages of cereals

The first feeding with Nestle cereals (the photo below shows the richness of the assortment) usually goes without complications. All products, in comparison with similar products of other companies, have a number of advantages. Porridges of this brand contain bacteria that are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and better digestion. It is known that in the intestines of a small child there are not enough bacteria of their own, so switching to solid foods often causes digestive upsets. With Nestle cereals this usually does not happen. In addition, the baby is not worried about an allergic reaction.

To prepare a tasty and fragrant dish, it does not need to be cooked, as a result, all useful trace elements and substances are completely preserved and completely absorbed. The composition includes trace elements and vitamins that help in the formation of their own immunity.

The first feeding with porridge "Nestle": photo

How to breed Nestle porridge for the first feeding

In order to prepare a delicious dish for the baby, you must first determine the optimal volume. At the very beginning, the baby needs to offer only a spoonful of a new product. If he refuses, do not force. It might be better to try next time.

For babies six months old, it is necessary to breed one teaspoon of the finished cereal mixture in three tablespoons of liquid. Gradually increase the dosage so that by the end of the first week the baby has already eaten four to five spoons. Pediatricians recommend starting with lactose-free options. If there is no negative reaction, the diet gradually expands.

Detailed instructions for breeding porridge are always given on a pack. However, how to cook Nestle porridge for the first feeding, the pediatrician will always tell you on the basis of observing the baby, its developmental and growth characteristics.

How to choose porridge for the first feeding

Choosing a menu for the first feeding, any mother should carefully study the composition of the product, take into account the age of the child and the features of its development. Nestle has developed its own recommendations that can be followed:

  • Gluten free. It is best to start complementary foods with a gluten-free cereal. Such grains include corn, rice and buckwheat. If complementary foods pass without consequences, then it is possible to connect gluten options: wheat, oatmeal and multi-cereal cereals.
  • Lack of milk formula. For feeding children with lactose deficiency or allergies, it is preferable to use dairy-free cereals. However, if this problem is not, and the baby is slowly gaining weight, it is better to give preference to milk options.
  • The number of components. The first lure always starts with a one-component porridge.
  • The presence of various additives. Porridge based on gluten-free cereal and without any additives is suitable as the first food. If complementary foods are not difficult, you can use products with the addition of fruits, berries, nuts or dried fruits. The Nestle company offers cereals, which include soothing herbs. Such meals are recommended to be offered to the child before bedtime. You can also add fruit puree to the finished porridge yourself.

It is important that the composition is completely free of sugar, salt and any flavor enhancers. Sugar products are intended for children only after a year and are necessary for the gradual preparation for good nutrition from an adult table. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no preservatives in the composition.

An equally important criterion is the age of the child. Usually recommendations are given on the packaging.

Porridge for the first feeding "Nestle"

Reviews on Nestle Products

Kashi "Nestle" for the first feeding reviews are quite diverse. Many modern parents prefer to use products from Nestlé, because it is easy and quick to prepare. In this case, the dish turns out tasty, aromatic. Allergic reactions occur rarely, which is also important. Porridge contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, the child quickly puts on weight and fully develops. However, some parents note that sometimes porridge is difficult to breed, and lumps remain in it. Some do not like the specific smell and taste. But the cost is quite affordable, and many parents opt for products from the Nestle company.

Among the great variety for each child, there is something delicious. Parents like that preservatives, flavor enhancers and sugar are not used. It is easy to breed porridge with water, breast milk is allowed.


Porridge for the first feeding must be chosen very carefully. It is the first experience in eating a child adult food is especially important. Only by the reaction of the baby can you understand whether he likes the offered dish or not. Usually children perceive porridge from Nestle well. Parents' feedback and their children's choices often match. The company's products are nutritious, environmentally friendly and tasty. For the first meal, it is better to choose a dairy-free option, however, if the baby has problems with weight gain, it is preferable to offer the child milk porridges if there is no allergic reaction to gluten.

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