Of course, you brought in an affectionate cute kitten, not suspecting what difficulties might arise after some time. We intentionally chose a kitty, as the cat is often engaged in "tagging" the territory. Kitty will not create problems, you thought. And with a certain degree of naivety, they thought that you could ignore cat "hints" about the desire to meet a cat.
Inconvenient situation
And now your cute raised cat is asking for a cat. And your patience is already running out, because indecent cat screams are well heard throughout the district. Cats are pulled up to your window and, looking at the “sufferer”, answer her with no less loud sympathetic sounds. And you yourself no longer sleep the fourth night. And annoying cat screams lead to the end of your patience.
At what age does the cat "hunt" period begin?
Most often, a young cat is ready for mating six months after her own birth. However, if you want to have kittens from this cat, then early mating is not recommended. It’s better to wait another 5 months, and when your cat expresses his desire to continue procreation again, take her to visit the cat.
What signs indicate that your cat has started asking for a cat:
- Invocative special sounds - attract a mating partner.
- An animal can dramatically change its behavior, both in a good direction and in a more negative way. During estrus, the cat may be too affectionate and friendly. But from time to time it can become very aggressive.
- Frequent visits to your tray "for small business" - this also indicates a willingness to reproduce.
- Ignoring any meal offered by your pet. During the period when the cat asks for the cat, the desire to feast on the snacks recedes before the pressure of the physiological requirements of the cat's body that are more necessary at the moment.
How long will the "walk" of the cat last?
The body of each animal is individual, and time will depend on many factors. But most often it takes about half a month for the cat to calm down. How much the cat asks for the cat will depend on whether the gulen met her feline “prince” or whether she remained alone all this time (or rather, did not mate with the cat). If for the first time you have passed the test with honor, do not relax! The cat, which did not get its own during the period of desire for breeding, will repeat everything that you could survive, but only after 4-8 weeks. If fertilization has occurred, the cat herself will begin to drive the cats away from herself.
About cats
The cat asks the cat at home most often in early spring. The period may be 5 or more days. Natural instincts make the male mark the territory most intensely precisely in such a period. During the "cat wedding" the cat is able to lure many cats to its person. Males at this time can easily escape from home and get lost. Therefore, be attentive to your pet. Especially if there is a cat nearby who asks for a cat.
How can loving owners help their kitty in such a difficult period?
It is foolish to be angry at an animal that obeys the laws of nature. And of course, you want to help your beloved tailed cat. To do this, you need to know how to calm a cat asking for a cat. Before you are several options for the development of events. Choose the one that is more suitable at the moment:
- The most natural outcome of the events will be a meeting with the "groom". This option is wonderful in that your beloved cat will give you cute little kittens over time. Of course, if you are ready to start raising numerous offspring. If your cat is thoroughbred and there is already a queue for kittens (this often happens even before they are born), then a meeting with a cat is a logical conclusion to the whole process.
- When the cat asks the cat, you can weaken her desire, using special preparations "Antisex". Such funds should be purchased only in veterinary pharmacies. Before making a purchase, you should consult with a specialist. But if this is not possible, then very carefully you need to read the instructions for use of a substance of this type. There are two types of such a drug. A medicine designed to extinguish feline “desire” on herbs is safer. But they are also weaker. In addition to herbal options, it is possible to purchase more powerful drugs - hormones.
- You can scatter and sprinkle the most frequent habitat of your furry pet with catnip infusion. This method, of course, is not able to radically solve the problem, but a little calming the animal in such a difficult period will be possible.
To sterilize?
But quite often it happens that even after using drugs, the cat asks for the cat. Plant substances are powerless in front of the animal’s natural needs, and hormones over time can cause more serious problems than your favorite screaming throat for the whole quarter. Here, most likely, there will be only one method. But this option is irreversible and may also have some bad consequences. Cat sterilization is something that helps the owners and the cat forget about the problems with having offspring every 4-6 months.
What you should know before sterilizing your cat:
- After the sterilization operation, the kitten will never have kittens.
- Before the procedure, you need to undergo an examination with a veterinarian.
- And only after you get a general picture of your cat’s health status, you can decide on such an important step.
- The animal is sterilized under complete anesthesia.
- It sometimes happens that a sterilized cat asks for a cat. This phenomenon is allegedly due to the fact that the animal is able to almost completely regenerate some organs (in this case, the ovaries). But controversy is being waged around such a statement.
Help your pet survive the difficult period of feline "hunting". Just try to make it more humane. Often the owners, completely exhausted by sleepless nights and restless days associated with a cat's scream, lose their patience. And then, trying to "sober up" the screaming cat, they use spraying the face of the animal from the atomizer or raising the voice. It even comes to the fact that the once beloved cat is dipped in ice water right in the bath! These methods, naturally, are powerless before the rules of nature.
And the data below the recommendations, although to a small extent, will be able to smooth out the "sharp corners" of this period:
- Do not raise your voice in the “response” to feline meow. Do not be like an animal. Already, you now understand that nature controls the cat, and not just the desire to spoil your nerves. Talk to your pet in a normal, calm voice.
- When the cat "rolls" on the floor and invisibly murmurs, pat it on the head and even on the tummy.
- Try to bring the cat to some degree of fatigue in games. A fluffy prankster who has run up and jumped up will spend more energy, which in other circumstances would have been used up for screaming and howling.
- Make sure that the cat does not forget to eat. Although small portions of cat food should be ingested.
- The same goes for the water that the cat should drink. Make sure your cat always has access to fresh, clean water.
- Bathe the cat in warm water, so that after bathing she takes up combing her hair and putting herself in order. To scream in this situation, there will be a little less time and effort.