The “series”, as they would say today, about the adventures of the funny bear Winnie the Pooh consists of only two independent works: “Winnie the Pooh” and “The House on the Downy Edge” written by A. A. Milnom in 26-28 years of the last century, brilliantly translated into Russian by B. Zakhoder. What are these good and bright tales about, built in the form of short stories told by father to son? Probably about friendship, revenue, mutual assistance. And they are just full of joy and optimism, and their stories are similar to children's games. The writer, as if chuckling and kindly bantering, draws the characters of the main characters. And the Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh is one of the most interesting characters.
Stochrovy forest and its inhabitants
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The Disney cartoon series is more full-length and, so to speak, close to the original (at least in the first series). As always, characters are well drawn and Christopher Robin is present as one of the main characters (which is not in Soviet cartoons). But this is rather a film adaptation than the original work, although it is also very popular among children and adults of all ages.