The drug "Pantocalcin". Parent reviews. Instruction manual

pantocalcin reviews of parents

The medication Pantocalcin is a nootropic drug whose activity is associated with the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the composition. The drug has a neuroprotective, neurometabolic, neurotrophic effect, increases brain resistance to the effects of toxins and hypoxia. Also, the medication reduces motor excitability, has an anticonvulsant effect. In children, Pantocalcin (positive feedback from parents about it) increases physical, intellectual activity. In the gastrointestinal tract, it is absorbed quickly, the maximum concentrations are observed in the kidneys, skin, liver, and walls of the stomach. The drug is not metabolized, excreted unchanged in urine, feces.

Indications for use

Pantocalcin, a medicine (parental reviews confirm its effectiveness) is prescribed for children with motor, mental, speech development delays or their combinations, cerebral palsy, stuttering (most often clonic form), epilepsy (in combination with anticonvulsants, especially for small epileptic seizures and polymorphic seizures). Also, the drug is used to improve memorization, concentration.

pantocalcin infant

Release form, composition

The tablet drug Pantocalcin is available in tablet form. Reviews of parents note that the medicine is well tolerated by babies. The tablets have a cylindrical shape, there is a risk and a bevel, the color is white. They are packed in plastic cans or cell packaging. One tablet contains the active ingredient - calcium hopantenate - in a mass of 250 or 500 mg. Minor components are calcium stearate, talc, magnesium hydroxycarbonate, potato starch.

Method of admission

It is necessary to take the drug after meals (after 15-30 minutes) inside. The duration of taking Pantocalcin (the dosage for children is determined by the doctor) is one to four months, in certain cases it can increase up to six months. A second therapeutic course is possible after three to six months. As a rule, for children, a single dose of the drug is 0.25-0.5 grams, daily - 0.75-3 grams. The instructions say that it is not recommended to use the medication in the treatment of children under three years of age. However, in certain situations, the doctor may prescribe Pantocalcin to the baby (in case of perinatal encephalopathy).

pantocalcin dosage for children

In case of mental failure for three months, children are shown to take 0.5 grams three to four times a day daily. With neuroleptic syndrome (to correct the negative effects of antipsychotic drugs), children are prescribed three, four times a day 0.25-0.5 grams. The therapeutic course is one to three months. In case of epilepsy, the daily dosage will be similar, however, the course of treatment is longer (up to six months). With tics (hyperkinesis), children are recommended to take 0.25-0.5 grams for one to four months a day three to six times.

Side effects of Pantocalcin

Reviews of parents indicate cases of development of allergies in children in the form of conjunctivitis, skin rashes, rhinitis after taking the medication.

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