Competitions for children of different ages: musical, creative, funny

Most of the kids like to fantasize, paint, sculpt animals from plasticine and perform improvised dances. Creative contests for children are called to test your strengths, reveal hidden talents. They are held in kindergartens, ordinary and music schools. Creatively gifted children can take part in city, regional or national competitions. Do children need this and what nuances should parents consider?

Benefit or harm?

Psychologists do not approve of the creation of competition between children. They urge parents and teachers not to compare children with each other, to orient them towards cooperation, and not to struggle. Nevertheless, in all educational institutions, drawing contests for children, sports competitions, competitions of performers are held with enviable constancy.

As a result, we can observe the proud winner and his upset rivals. For many children, failure becomes a major shock. Does this mean that it is better to protect children from contests? In doing so, we protect them from problems, protect them from negative experience. This leads to the fact that children do not learn to control their emotions, suppress emotions, believe in success, and cope with disappointment. Without these skills, it is very difficult to become successful in adulthood.

boy plays the piano

More on the pros

What are the advantages of the competitions their organizers indicate? We list the main ones:

  • Competitions help children express themselves, reveal talents.
  • Competitions teach you to go to the goal, achieve good results.
  • The child takes over the experience of rivals, there is a motivation for further improvement.
  • Since parents actively help kids, contests contribute to the unity of the family.
  • The experience of defeat teaches you to adequately deal with negative emotions, not to be afraid of problems.
  • Communication with other children and adults contributes to the socialization of the child.
  • Participation in competitions for elementary school children and adolescents allows you to replenish the school portfolio.
  • Competitions are an excellent preparation for a future life, a test of one's own competitiveness.

Together with mom

Even the smallest children can take part in competitions for children and parents. They are regularly held in kindergartens, can be timed to the changing seasons (fall) or to the holiday (March 8). Joint creativity with mom or dad promotes family cohesion, well develops imagination, imaginative thinking in a child.

Already by the age of 3-4, children can make their proposals, give adults the necessary details, stick them in place, knead plasticine, roll balls and sausages. The main thing is that such crafts do not turn into the creativity of the parents themselves, as this often happens. Mom and dad can understand. The craft made with the child comes out crooked, and more time is spent on it. While other families bring masterpieces to the kindergarten, which the children's hand obviously did not touch.


But will the letter earned by the work of mom or dad benefit the child? Will he not get used to the fact that his parents will do everything for him? The meaning of any competition is that for the sake of victory, the participants make efforts. Therefore, preparing for the next competition of crafts for children, follow these rules:

  • Ask educators to warn about the upcoming event at least a week in advance (and preferably even two).
  • Get together as a family, share your ideas about crafts, materials used. Listen carefully to the opinion of the baby.
  • Get help on the Internet. Look for that craft, in the manufacture of which the child will be able to prove himself most actively.
  • Stock up on materials.
  • The crafts are best done on the weekend when no one is in a hurry. Speak all actions. The child should take an active part. If he stuck the part in the wrong place, crookedly painted his eyes or mouth - refrain from comments and corrections.
  • When the baby does not want to do the craft, do not force. Let him go to kindergarten without her. In no case do all the work instead. Ignore the pressure from the teachers.
  • Preschoolers are offended if they worked and did not receive rewards. It is even more unfair if masterpieces made by activist mothers win the competition for kindergarten children . You can correct the situation yourself by buying a sweet prize for the baby and solemnly handing it in the home atmosphere to the applause of the pope.

Sami with a mustache

Older preschoolers are able to come up with simple designs, mold a plasticine figure or draw a picture. Many of them contests inspire. Carers can use this in their work. After completing a specific topic (for example, the beginning of winter) or a technique (origami, hand-drawing), announce the competition for children.

children's crafts

The next day, in the morning, prepare all the necessary materials. To create a mood, read beautiful verses, have a conversation, during which you can throw some interesting ideas to the guys. Creating is best with music. The teacher should not become a justice of the peace. It is important to help the kids in time in case of difficulty, to prompt, cheer up. Avoid any criticism, so as not to extinguish the first creative impulses.

If some of the children do not want to participate in the competition of drawings for children, involve them in creating a large overall picture. Throw an interesting idea. To summarize, check each one. May you have many winners in different categories. Prizes can be sweets and homemade medals.

Teach preschoolers to notice successful finds of comrades. Ask what kind of work the contestants liked the most and why. Praise children not only for talent, but also for diligence, accuracy. Such contests can be held at home, if parents manage to assemble several kids in the apartment.

Performance to the public

If an artist, singer or dancer grows in your family, participation in contests inevitably entails entering the stage. There is a lot of excitement and fear associated with this. Defeat in a musical contest by children is often perceived as extremely painful. Parents should help the child to properly tune before the competition, as well as deal with possible disappointment.

performance at the children's singing contest

Psychologists give the following recommendations:

  • Do not let the child go in cycles in victory, do not demand prize places from him.
  • Explain that a contest for children is a great opportunity to show others what you have learned. And also see on the example of rivals what else you need to work on.
  • It is necessary to speak not for the jury, but for your own pleasure. It’s better to forget that you are being evaluated from the outside.
  • If the child loses, show him that this is not critical. Be sure to arrange a family celebration with eating a cake or a visit to an ice cream parlor.
  • After winning or losing, wait a while, and then analyze the results. What happened, and what not? What do you need to work on? How can I pull up the “catching” skills?
  • Explain that victory is not always given immediately. Most often, she has to work hard for her sake. Winning not only talented, but also hardworking children who never give up.

Outdoor competitions for children

It is not necessary to wait for city or regional shows to show your abilities. Parents can regularly play creative games at home. Kids like it when a few people take part in them. The easiest way to organize fun contests for children during a joint walk.

It can be familiar to all drawings with crayons on asphalt or modeling snowmen. And you can show imagination and surprise the kids with the following entertainments:

  • Bracelets. Wear tape bracelets on participants' hands. Sticky sides should be on top. Give children time to decorate them with all kinds of natural materials.
  • Application. Give kids colored sheets of cardboard and glue. It is necessary to find leaves, twigs, flowers on the site and create a beautiful pattern.
  • Mosaic. Invite the children to collect many beautiful pebbles. In the sandbox, lay out funny animals or unusual flowers from them.
  • Games with crayons. On a sunny day, circle the shadows of the children on the pavement and paint them. You can also outline the contours of various objects, toys, hands and feet, and then turn them into something funny.
  • In winter, paint the snow by pouring colored water into the spray guns.
  • In addition to the usual snowmen, fashion snow cakes, geometric shapes, caterpillars, fur seals or other animals. They can also be tinted with colored water.

New Year's contests for children

Fun creative competitions can be offered to the children who came to you for a holiday. Just take care of the props and prizes for all participants in advance. Try to keep your entertainment varied and every kid can show off his talents. Preschoolers, for example, will like the following New Year's competitions for children:

boy to the christmas cap

  • "Dress up the Christmas tree." Divide the little guests into teams, give out two artificial Christmas trees, as well as unbreakable toys and tinsel. Whose forest beauty will be more elegant?
  • "The best costume." Equip the kids with a pile of old clothes, masks, beads, tinsel, hats, funny ears, noses and other attributes. Invite them to dress up and arrange a show of the most unusual New Year's costumes.
  • "Festive panel." In a bucket, fold finely chopped tinsel, rain, pieces of fabric, buttons, spruce and pine branches, confetti, beautiful lace. Give the teams sheets of paper, pencils, colored paper, glue. Offer to create a beautiful New Year picture.
  • "Everybody is dancing". Assign preschoolers to dance the snowflakes, bunnies, hulking teddy bears, funny snowmen.
  • "Composers". Give children all the musical instruments in the house, as well as whistles, pots with lids, spoons, glass water bottles. Offer to compose and perform a New Year melody. You can divide the children into teams. Let some people write funny music, while others - sad.

Musical Ability Games

Very often, a child’s talents become noticeable when participating in various fun contests for children. Therefore, both teachers and parents should conduct them regularly, adding to each holiday program or friendly party.

Children 5-9 years old will enjoy the following activities:

  • Using children's musical instruments to depict the sound of rain, wind, rustling leaves, thunder or other natural phenomena.
  • Under a fun composition, perform an animal dance so that others guess it.
  • To come up with a fairy tale plot for classical music that would convey its mood.
  • Repeat a simple melody for an adult.
  • Come up with a continuation of ditties or songs. Fulfill her.
children perform a musical composition

Younger teens can take part in more challenging music competitions for children. Offer them:

  • Sing the alphabet for a given motive.
  • Compose a melody for a famous children's poem and perform it.
  • The teams simultaneously sing two different songs, trying not to fake. Clutching ears with hands is prohibited. Who will not go astray?
  • From musical instruments to create musical instruments and to their accompaniment to perform a given song.
  • To dance to the ever-changing music, an improvised dance, trying to get into the rhythm.

Let's have some fun!

Teens love fun competitions that give them opportunities to express themselves. It is participation in home and classroom events that allows children to be liberated, get rid of fears and learn to adequately respond to defeat. Sometimes funny contests for children help reveal hidden talents that no one suspected.

You can hold the following contests for teens:

  • "Biography". Invite everyone to draw out a piece of paper on which a fairy-tale hero is indicated. The task of the players: come up with an interesting biography for him.
  • "Portrait". Give the children paper and pencils. Let them draw a portrait of the presenter. Choose the best painter and cartoonist.
  • "Dramatization." Teams should depict well-known folk tales using pantomime. The task of the rivals is to guess them.
  • "Recitation". Have the contestants read a children's poem on behalf of a small child, the director of the plant, a DJ, an old grandmother, a stuttering student, a Chinese with a strong accent, etc.
  • "Sculpture". Of all the team members, suggest building a sculpture dedicated to the victims of the test, a happy break in the dining room, or other significant events.
teen songs

Game of fortune

Often a victory in a competition is determined by chance. The following contests for children will help to demonstrate this:

  • "The magic animal." Children receive a sheet of paper, draw the head of an animal on it. Fold the leaf so that only the end of the neck is visible, and pass on. The second participant draws the body to the waist, the third - the stomach and hips, the last - the legs. Which character is funnier?
  • "Nonsense". In the same way, you can compose stories. Children write down the answer to the questions of the leader, bend the sheet and pass it around. The order of questions is as follows: “who / what”, “with whom”, “when”, “where”, “what they were doing,” “why,” “what it all ended with,” “what people said.”
  • "I see nothing." Blindfolded contests for the best design can be held. And you can do hairstyles for a partner, trying to use all the ribbons and rubber bands. Another option is a competition for the best suit. Moreover, putting on things will have to be in complete darkness. The result in each case is unpredictable!

Creative contests will help children diversify their usual leisure time, and parents will better study the individual characteristics of the child. In a competitive environment, character is raised, adequate self-esteem is developed, and the ability to control your emotions develops. And still wakes up the desire to prove himself, the desire for continuous self-improvement.

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