Drops for nasal congestion during pregnancy: choice of drugs and features of use

A runny nose during pregnancy is a rather dangerous disease. At this time, the woman’s body is suffering from a decrease in immunity. Colds in the first trimesters have the most negative effect on the formation of a healthy fetus. Sometimes viruses and infections lead to the death of the baby in the womb and miscarriage. In our material, we consider what drops with nasal congestion during pregnancy can be used safely. This is what will be discussed later.

What are the risks of colds during pregnancy?

Various bacterial and viral infections during the development of the common cold during pregnancy can negatively affect the condition of the internal organs of the fetus. The nervous system of an unformed baby can also suffer.

drops for nasal congestion during pregnancy

The problem is that nasal congestion forces a woman in a position to breathe through her mouth. Thus, air enters the lungs without warming up or getting rid of dust, where microorganisms are concentrated. The result is a serious risk to the healthy development of the baby. Another important point is the likelihood of oxygen starvation in the fetus with nasal congestion of the mother.

Why can not use narrowing blood vessels drops?

Such drops with nasal congestion during pregnancy can cause considerable harm to the baby's health. Reception of pharmacological agents of this nature in small doses and extremely rarely contributes to the exclusively local effect. However, not every woman in position is able to independently determine the acceptable amount of medication. Using too much dose will have a negative effect on blood vessels throughout the body. The blood ducts of the placenta, through which oxygen and nutrients enter the fetus, can also be affected.

Drugs that have a constricting effect on blood vessels include:

  • "Nazivin."
  • Xymelin.
  • "Tizin."
  • "Naphthyzine."
  • Otrivin.

What complications can occur with a runny nose during pregnancy?

If you do not resort to timely prevention of colds and do not treat a runny nose, pregnant women often have to face such complications:

  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
  • Frontitis is a lesion of the paranasal frontal sinus.
  • Sinusitis is a pathology in which outgrowths of the tissues of the respiratory organs are formed, which make it difficult to obtain enough oxygen.

nasal drops for pregnant women

Factors that cause a runny nose in pregnant women

Doctors distinguish several prerequisites that can cause a runny nose during pregnancy:

  • The tendency to develop allergic reactions.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Colds or damage to the body by influenza pathogens.

In what cases can not do without the use of drops?

There are a whole host of situations when drops for nasal congestion during pregnancy should be used during treatment. The use of this kind of medicine is justified if viral diseases lead to the development of a cold. The absence of such treatment is fraught with the development of complications.

aquamaris drops

Pregnant nasal drops should also be used if there is a constant nasal sinus congestion. In this case, a deficiency of oxygen in the mother's blood may develop, which will negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Sometimes with a runny nose there is an abundance of mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. In such situations, drops are required to restore sleep, as well as eliminate an oppressed moral state.

Drop Selection Criteria

Drops with nasal congestion during pregnancy should be selected by a doctor based on the following factors:

  1. Terms of gestation - in the early stages, the risk of causing significant harm to an unformed baby is extremely high. Therefore, in such situations, certain drugs should be prescribed with caution.
  2. Individual tolerance of the active substances of the drug - the body of pregnant women can react sharply to certain components. It is especially important to pay attention to this criterion if a woman has previously suffered from allergic reactions.
  3. Composition - the doctor needs to look, first of all, at the substance, which forms the basis of the drops. Based on the composition, you can create a list of prohibited and approved drugs for the treatment of rhinitis.

pinosol drops

Prohibited Drugs

What to drip with a runny nose is not recommended for pregnant women? It is impossible to use during this period pharmacological agents made on the basis of active chemicals - xylometazoline and oxymetazoline. These include Ximelin, Fornos, Galazolin, Fazin, Nazivin, Nazol.

runny nose during pregnancy what to do

In addition, nasal drops "Sanorin" and "Vibrocil" fall under the ban for pregnant women. The latter not only eliminate the effect of nasal congestion, but also act as allergen blockers. If a woman does not have allergies, their use can cause a backlash.

Safe Tools Categories

What nasal drops for pregnant women are allowed for use? Among the safe, certain categories of drugs can be distinguished.

  1. Drops based on sea water from a cold - the basis is saline. They are used to moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. An additional effect is the elimination of puffiness, which facilitates free breathing.
  2. Drops with nasal congestion during pregnancy with the content of essential oils - are made on the basis of extracts from medicinal plants. As a rule, the active substances in the basis of such drugs are not able to harm the health of the fetus. Means of this category relieve puffiness, eliminate the effect of nasal congestion, remove the abundance of mucous secretions. However, women who suffer from allergic manifestations should cautiously resort to the use of such drugs.
  3. Homeopathic nasal drops for pregnant women - contain approved components of plant origin. Effectively cope with irritation of the mucous membranes, normalize free breathing through the nose.


Most preferred is Aquamaris Nasal Lavage during pregnancy. The main active ingredient of the drug is a salt solution of sea water. The composition of such drops contains magnesium, sodium, zinc, calcium, selenium. These microelements are characterized by a unique effect on the body. So, sodium is characterized by its ability to attract liquid. Therefore, the use of the drug helps to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Zinc and selenium provide immunity. Calcium and magnesium are indispensable elements for the formation of microscopic cilia located in the sinuses.

what to drip with a runny nose pregnant

As you can see, drops "Aquamaris" are not able to harm the health of the fetus. The tool is absolutely safe and makes it possible to quickly cope with the development of the common cold. At the same time, drops of "Aquamaris" do not have such an effective effect as the same vessels narrowing drugs. However, if the main focus during treatment is on the health of the mother and child, it is better to resort to their use.


Another safe way to eliminate a runny nose during pregnancy is Pinosol Drops. The drug is of plant origin. The active substances in its composition contribute to the rapid elimination of the effect of nasal sinus congestion, relieve all kinds of swelling. Pinosol drops are made based on peppermint, eucalyptus and pine oils. It is these components that have a profound therapeutic effect on the body.

However, careless use of the drug is fraught with the occurrence of allergic reactions. After all, substances of natural origin in the composition of such drops are more dangerous in this regard in comparison with some chemical components of other drugs. Based on this, before using Pinosol, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor once again.


If a runny nose occurs during pregnancy - what should I do? In this case, you can resort to the use of the drug "Derinat". The presented tool acts as a powerful immunomodulator. Strengthening the protective properties of the body, such drops make it possible to eliminate not only the unpleasant symptoms of the common cold, but also fight the root causes of pathological processes in the body.

drops in the nose during pregnancy 1 trimester

It should be noted that the Derinat pharmacological agent is produced not only in the form of drops. The drug is also released in injectable form. The use of the latter option is absolutely not recommended to resort to pregnant women. Since the ingestion of a high concentration of the active substances of such a medicine can lead to a significant burst of immune activity. Such body shakes never benefit from hormonal changes.

The specifics of treatment for the common cold in the first trimester of pregnancy

It is during this period that the foundations of a healthy fetal formation are laid. If the mother has a runny nose, which prevents the saturation of the body tissues with oxygen, pathologies of the child's natural development may occur.

A runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy can develop not only because of exposure to infectious or allergic pathogens. Hormonal disruptions can say their word. Most women get rid of nasal congestion in a natural way for several weeks. However, until relief comes, a runny nose is fraught with the development of complications.

What nasal drops should not be taken during pregnancy in the first trimester? It is strictly forbidden to use products containing antibiotics and hormones. All this will affect the health of the fetus even more negatively, compared with a lack of oxygen due to nasal congestion.

What drops in the nose during pregnancy in the first trimester are suitable for use? First of all, at this stage you should resort to the use of means based on sea water. Homeopathic remedies can also be instilled into the sinuses. If drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract is observed, in order to alleviate the condition, it is sufficient to use olive or sea buckthorn oil. The asterisk balm is able to help, which, in order to facilitate breathing, must be applied to the wings of the nose.

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