One of the most enjoyable events in a woman’s life is pregnancy. She is looking forward to the birth of the baby and is trying to do everything possible so that he appears healthy. One of the important indicators is the blood of his mother. In order for the veins to not clog, doctors carry out a large number of tests. One of the most common is D-Dimer. The norm during pregnancy always increases. These are fibrin fibers, with the help of which it becomes possible to determine whether there is a risk of blood clots. During the bearing of the baby, many changes occur in the hemostatic system. Physiological activation is especially noticeable at this time.
The value of analysis for a woman
The norms of "D-dimers" in this period are not exactly known. It is safe to say that they are growing all the time. Very good results can provoke quite dangerous complications. In this case, special treatment is prescribed, during which the patient should be under strict medical supervision. In women who have a pathological pregnancy, the excess of the norm of "D-dimers" happens very often. This can lead to miscarriage. As a rule, such patients are treated with drugs. They are placed in a hospital and prescribed appropriate treatment. It usually lasts about a week. A pregnant woman should take a large number of tests in order to stop a possible threat to the baby’s health in time. She has to donate blood for analysis more than ten times. Especially important is the coagulogram. This is a type of laboratory diagnosis that can identify the risk of blood clots and bleeding. And "D-dimer" is its main indicator. That is why its meaning is so important.
Understanding concepts
When the wall of the blood vessel is damaged, the generation of a signal begins, which indicates that bleeding is possible. The fibrinogen in the blood begins to change to fibrin. This form is insoluble. She begins to settle on the damaged area and forms a grid. In it, red blood cells and platelets settle, which form a clot. So a blood clot appears that stops the bleeding. Damage begins to overgrow, and the thrombus breaks up into separate fragments. So there is a "D-dimer." The norm in women is usually not more than 500 ng / ml. Doctors measure its amount to exclude pathological processes in the human body. If it is higher than the established indicator, then a condition begins that accompanies thrombosis.
Diagnosis of pregnant women
During the period of carrying the baby, estrogens affect the circulatory system of the future mother. This can be clearly seen during various examinations. So, fibrinogen, prothrombin and D-dimer increase . The norm for IVF is the same as for normal fertilization. At this time, the coagulation period increases significantly. Therefore, women need to be extremely careful.
Norm of indications
The first trimester of pregnancy is different in that this indicator increases slightly. Doctors are sure that at this time it should be no more than 750ng / ml. Usually in a woman it is somewhere 1.5 times smaller. It is characterized by an increase in "D-dimer" 2 trimester. Its norm is still growing, but not more than 2 times. 3rd trimester is different in that this figure increases 3 times from the original. Such changes are considered normal and do not require constant monitoring and correction.
Although an increase in the values of this indicator is considered to be within the normal range, a strong leap may indicate some serious problems. This suggests that the coagulation system is broken.
This usually occurs in patients with diabetes. Also often this is evidence of kidney problems, infectious diseases and some other ailments. Norms of "D-dimers" may increase if there is a threat of
placental abruption ahead of time. After detecting this problem, appropriate treatment should be prescribed immediately. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the coagulogram and consult a hematologist. A pregnant woman should take this very seriously, as the situation can even lead to the loss of the baby. That is why she needs constant medical supervision. It is better to identify the patient in the hospital in order to be able to adjust the "D-dimer" with anticoagulants. To this end, Fraxiparin injections are used, which are injected subcutaneously into the thigh or abdomen for 7 days. The drug "Reopoliglykin" is also prescribed. It is administered using intravenous droppers. Solutions of Curantil and Actovegin also help to improve blood flow.
Reduced result
It is important to note that the indicator below the norm of "D-dimers" is a very complex and rare phenomenon during pregnancy. However, it is very difficult to talk about standards, since all indicators are considered relative. This phenomenon is not considered as dangerous as the opposite to it. However, it is still worth noting that there are still violations in the coagulation system. A future mother should still contact a hematologist to undergo an examination and establish the need for treatment. If the indicator decreases markedly, then the coagulation processes are obviously disrupted. A pregnant woman is at risk of significant loss of blood, which can even lead to death.
Thus, it is worth noting that the level of "D-dimer" is very important for every person, and especially for a pregnant woman. Any changes in it may indicate any serious violations that can lead to various diseases. It is absolutely obvious that the expectant mother should be especially attentive to her own health during this period. She needs to be timely tested in order to timely respond to the slightest violations. Such an attitude will make it possible to adjust the level of this indicator and avoid serious problems.