Expressive JavaScript: Feature Description

The history of hypertext, the specifics of HTML, CSS, differences in browsers and features of mobile devices have left their mark on the style of Internet programming and especially on the JavaScript language (JS).

The characteristic feature of modern high technology “do not understand, did not” to JS is most directly related. However, this should not be given such a meaning. JS is a wonderful programming language that requires "respect" for itself, and from the programmer - attentiveness and accuracy.

expressive javascript

Before claiming a bug in a language or a problem in a browser, you need to be absolutely sure that the algorithm is flawless, both in terms of syntax and in terms of semantics.

JavaScript Overview

«» JS - . , - - DOM, . JavaScript - .

, . - , . CMS ( ), - , PHP, Perl, API , jQuery .

expressive javascript tasks

JavaScript . , , , , .

, . HTML , JavaScript , . « JS» : , , . JavaScript - .

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expressive javascript problem solving

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JavaScript , .

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expressive javascript reviews

, , JavaScript , . , : , , . .

JavaScript. , . , , , .


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JS. : , .

expressive javascript book

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, : JavaScript . «» , AJAX .

JavaScript , - . , , , , .

Activity of JS objects and server language

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, « JavaScript, Eloquent Javascript», Marijn Haverbeke, .

, , , . , . .

() JavaScript, () , , , . , , .

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Functionality dynamics and code security

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