How much joy a woman experiences when a pregnancy test shows a positive result! But unfortunately, she can not always endure this joy all nine months. Sometimes the female body acts very cruelly with the expectant mother and gets rid of the newly appeared fetus. Why does a miscarriage occur? What can affect this behavior of the female body? And is it possible to prevent miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy? Let's try to answer all these questions in the article.
What is a miscarriage
Before you know how a miscarriage occurs in the early stages and why this happens, you need to understand what it is? A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. Distinguish between early and late miscarriages. An early term is termination of pregnancy when the fetus has not yet reached the age of twelve weeks. At this time, saving a child can be very difficult. Later, a miscarriage is considered for a period of twelve to twenty-two weeks. Early birth also occurs, but if the doctors carry out all the necessary measures, then the baby can be saved. In modern practice, there have been cases when doctors managed to save even babies born at the sixth month of pregnancy.
Early miscarriage
Unfortunately, even modern medicine is not able to stop a miscarriage, if for good reason. In the early stages, the fetus is too tiny to allow a woman to understand what is happening to her. Some women at the time of a miscarriage do not even know about their pregnancy.
The process begins with normal bleeding, which resembles heavy periods. Perhaps someone will even be glad that after a long delay they still started. Also, this process can be accompanied by increased pulling pains in the lower abdomen. The only thing that usually alarms is a large clot that comes out with the blood. It is he who becomes the reason for going to the hospital. But not everyone detects it, because a clot can come out during urination. Therefore, in practice there are cases when a pregnant woman suffers a miscarriage without even knowing about it.
Ideally, a girl with such a problem should definitely come for a visit to the gynecologist, because after prematurely terminating the pregnancy in this way, some particles of the fetus that can cause inflammation can remain inside the uterus. In such cases, patients need additional cleaning of the uterus with special tools.
It is much easier to help a woman who knows about her pregnancy. She must constantly listen to her body and notice any changes. Drawing pains in the lower back or lower abdomen - this is an occasion to consult a doctor. You cannot delay a visit to the doctor if such sensations are accompanied by any discharge, especially bloody. If medical care is provided on time, then most likely the fetus will be able to save.
Second trimester spontaneous abortion
And how does a miscarriage occur (see photo in the article) in the second trimester? It has its own characteristics, so you need to know its symptoms in order to seek help in time if a miscarriage occurs at home. What to do in this case, every woman should know, not only pregnant:
- If you find that fluid is dripping from the vagina (it does not always turn red at that time), then this is a clear sign that the bag of amniotic fluid has been damaged. This is a serious reason to immediately seek medical help.
- Bleeding is an undeniable symptom of a miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy.
- If urination is uncomfortable, blood clots are observed, then this is also a signal of the approaching fetal exit.
- Perhaps the onset of internal bleeding. You may not notice it right away. However, severe pain may appear in the shoulder area or in the stomach.
Why does a miscarriage occur?
If we talk about the causes of spontaneous termination of pregnancy and their nature, then you can find a lot of them. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to establish exactly why a miscarriage occurred. This can be influenced by medical indicators, or social conditions, a woman’s lifestyle and much more. Knowing the reason, perhaps the doctor could have prevented a subsequent abortion. So, we will consider the most serious and common factors that affect the fact that a miscarriage can occur:
- The body can get rid of the fetus if genetic pathologies or any abnormalities of the fetus affect it. A malfunction in the body can be laid down at the genetic level or even be inherited, or it can occur due to poor ecology, this is influenced by the high radiation level in the place where the pregnant woman lives, and various viruses that are not dangerous for an ordinary person, but they pose a threat to the pregnant woman and her fetus. To influence these reasons, to prevent miscarriage in this case is simply impossible. However, if the couple plans a pregnancy in advance, all the necessary consultations with geneticists and gynecologists will be held, this risk can be avoided.
- Some women, unfortunately, are not given by nature to bear a baby. This is influenced by problems with the hormonal and immune systems. Therefore, if your pregnancy is desired, it is better to go through all the examinations in advance to find out if everything is in order with hormones, if there is any pathology in the field of endocrinology.
- Rhesus conflict. A pretty serious problem that many couples face. A woman with a negative Rhesus factor can become pregnant from a man with a positive Rhesus factor, and if the baby takes his father’s blood, the body will reject it in every way as a foreign object. We learned how to deal with this problem. It is advisable to carry out immunomodulating therapy before conception. But if this was not done, then the observations and all necessary procedures will be carried out directly in the process of gestation.
- A serious enemy for the fetus is infection, and any. Infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted are especially dangerous. They are able to infect the fetus, and in the early stages of pregnancy it is impossible to avoid a miscarriage.
- Also, for the early period of pregnancy, various diseases of the internal organs are dangerous. It can be a chronic disease or temporary. It is impossible to predict what the ending of pregnancy will be if a woman is sick with asthma, pneumonia, tonsillitis, rubella, and other similar diseases.
- When you are planning a pregnancy, you should definitely inform your doctor about your previous miscarriages or abortions. Since artificial or spontaneous termination of pregnancy always ends in extreme stress. In the future, this may lead to infertility or inability to bear a child.
Can a miscarriage occur for other reasons? Yes maybe. And to predict them is quite difficult, because each organism has its own individual characteristics. That is why every pregnant woman needs regular specialist consultations.
Symptoms of a Miscarriage
This is not to say that a miscarriage in the early stages has some symptoms by which you can determine in advance its proximity and consult a doctor. Basically, everything happens spontaneously, quickly and it is rather difficult to influence the outcome.
So, how does a miscarriage occur in the early stages? His symptoms begin with the fact that the woman is tormented by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. If you pay attention to underwear, traces of bloody or brown discharge are quite possible on it. In general, if you notice blood from the genitals in the early stages, then this is a serious cause for concern. Since at this time it can only indicate one thing - the beginning of tissue exfoliation. You can’t postpone going to the doctor with such a symptom.
The best prevention of such problems is only cooperation with a doctor, who, on the basis of all the necessary tests and examinations, can prescribe the right and effective treatment. Only together can you save the life of your baby and your health.
Stages of an Early Miscarriage
The initial stage was almost completely described in the previous paragraph. Since uterine hypertonicity is observed when the abdomen becomes very hard, spotting appears, as well as pain in the back and abdomen. If the doctor advised to go to the hospital for consultation at the consultation, then you should not argue with him. Unless, of course, you want to save the life of your unborn child.
In the second stage, helping mom is more difficult, but still possible. The fact is that during this period the fetal egg already begins to exfoliate from the inner wall of the uterus. This is a sign that the abortion process has started. If a woman is delivered to the hospital on time, then the doctors will still be able to provide her with the necessary assistance.
In the third stage, it is no longer possible to save the fetus. It completely exfoliates from the walls of the uterus and begins to leave the woman's body. All this is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. Now it is impossible to confuse spontaneous abortion with anything. A woman should be taken to a hospital immediately, because her health risks still remain. The doctor must make sure that there are no particles of the fetus inside the uterus that can cause sepsis. In such cases, additional cleaning is carried out.
After a spontaneous abortion, the uterus quickly returns to its usual state, the menstrual cycle is gradually adjusted.
Is a miscarriage accurate?
Some women do not know how to understand that a miscarriage has occurred, while others, on the contrary, are well aware of what happened to them, but after watching their condition a bit and discovering that there are no more reasons for panic, they do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor. Although such problems cannot be ignored. Since, under the guise of spontaneous abortion, other, no less serious processes in the girl's body can occur. Among them:
- An ectopic pregnancy that has not been detected.
- Malignant neoplasms on the cervix.
- Twisting of the ovarian cyst (also cannot be excluded).
- Injury of the cervix, which could appear for various reasons, even during intercourse.
To be sure that the miscarriage has passed without consequences and to exclude the presence of all of the above problems can only be examined by a gynecologist.
Spontaneous Abortion
Unfortunately, doctors can not completely prevent a miscarriage, and even more so its threat, however, you can try to provide the necessary assistance so that the pregnancy passes the threshold of twelve weeks.
To stop bleeding in the early stages of a miscarriage, a drug such as Tranexam is prescribed. In such situations, it is most effective. Further, to further maintain pregnancy, doctors usually prescribe "Utrozhestan." It is absolutely safe for both the fetus and the expectant mother. Quite often, it is prescribed even at the stage of planning the conception.
Many women make serious mistakes, which then cost them the life of their child:
- Pregnant women go to bed and do not go outside the apartment, believing that bed rest will save them. No, it will not help, if a spontaneous abortion has already begun, then stopping it by restricting movements is by no means impossible.
- Any pain medication that we drink during menstruation or in other cases when we feel severe pain will not help. Because they can only relieve spasm, but not stop this type of bleeding.
A doctor needs to be shown. Even if a woman feels normal after an abortion, the presence of various pathologies cannot be ruled out. A few weeks after a miscarriage, the gynecologist must definitely prescribe a patient for hCG. Using this study, you can determine the level of hormones in the blood. If after pregnancy he has not returned to normal, then this is a serious cause for concern. There is a risk that cystic skidding has occurred. This is a rather serious diagnosis, with the treatment of which it is impossible to hesitate.
Doctors have long determined for themselves tactics regarding what to do if a woman has a miscarriage and bleeding continues in the woman, and the fetal egg is still in the uterus. There are several solutions to this problem:
- If the discharge is not strong, then you can wait seven days and observe the changes. It is possible that the body simply pushes out some unnecessary parts. At this time, the woman cannot be at home. Only a permanent hospital stay is envisaged.
- Perhaps medication. In this case, a special drug is prescribed that frees the uterus from all the particles of the ovum left there.
- Surgical intervention. This is the so-called extra cleaning. It is prescribed only as a last resort, when the bleeding does not decrease, but, on the contrary, becomes more profuse.
How to prevent misfortune
It is better to prevent the occurrence of spontaneous abortion before conception. Since during this period you can study in detail the genetic characteristics of future parents, revise the cellular structure. Make sure that there are no pathologies. If problems are found, then getting rid of them is much easier without fruit. In addition, most parents begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, refuse alcohol and cigarettes, completely change the daily regimen and menu.
As for the period when conception has already taken place, much depends on how timely the pathology was discovered, whether the woman turned to a specialist in a timely manner, or if the gynecologist was able to work quickly.
Life after
Attention should be paid to the period after a miscarriage. What happens to a woman and her body? It is not easy for a girl who has experienced this, but life does not end there, and she should have an additional incentive to take care of her own health. She has a rehabilitation course ahead. If during pregnancy it was not possible to find out the cause, then right now you can do the diagnosis. Because now doctors will have time and opportunity to get rid of the existing pathology. If this is not done, then the percentage of repeated spontaneous abortion is too high.
The first thing a doctor should prescribe is an ultrasound scan. There it will be possible to consider the condition of the uterus, the presence in it of the remains of the fetal egg. If necessary, appoint a cleaning. If there is no reason for this, then the woman undergoes an antibacterial course of treatment to exclude the development of various infections. Hormones are also prescribed that help the body return to its usual state. Since hormonal imbalance has its own, not very good, consequences.
The task of the relatives is to constantly be near the failed mom. Because spontaneous abortion is a great stress. A woman may not show this, but she will be very worried about this. Some even need psychological help because they cannot deal with this problem on their own.
Miscarriages usually occur in the early stages without serious consequences. But the task for a woman is to constantly monitor her own body. Any changes, even the most minor ones, must be reported to the gynecologist. As in the most inconspicuous things there can be a serious health hazard.