There are children who are so sick so often that parents try not to pay attention to it. It is hoped that the baby will grow up and everything will go away on its own. But still they are worried: if vomiting occurs periodically in a child without fever, is treatment required or not? Perhaps it’s enough to remember which products caused this phenomenon, analyze the situation, try to avoid its recurrence and do not go to the doctor?
Or is it better to persistently visit different specialists until the cause is clarified?
Even in infants for whom a one-time regurgitation is considered the norm, it is necessary to find out why the gag reflex is manifested , if this happens more often a couple of times a day. Although the crumbs thus get rid of the air that is swallowed by sucking.
Causes of vomiting in children
Periodic vomiting may be a sign of pathology of the development of the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to consult a doctor.
A sharp contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm in young children can occur with an allergic reaction and with emotional rejection of a situation that causes discomfort. Possible periodic vomiting in a child who has a fine mental organization and neurological diseases. But in most cases, vomiting shows that the baby has problems with the intestines or stomach. For example, the first symptom of appendicitis in infants is a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach.
If the baby suddenly starts vomiting, you need to make sure that the child does not choke on the vomit. Turn it on a barrel, plant or pick it up, placing it vertically. Very young children do not know how to blow their nose, and vomit clogs their airways. Be sure to clean the nose after regurgitation or vomiting.
If vomiting occurs regularly in a child without fever, treatment for a young child (2 to 4 weeks) may be required even with surgery! It is this symptomatology that is characteristic of pyloric stenosis. This is the pathology of the development of the pyloric gastric department, caused by the pyloric underdevelopment.
You may not know, but babies sometimes suffer from headaches, which causes an unpleasant reflex. When introducing new foods, there may also be vomiting in a child without fever. Treatment in this case is not required. But from feeding for a while you have to give up. Sometimes the child worsens gastritis, which parents are not aware of, and vomiting is an indicator of the disease.
As you already noticed, it’s impossible to understand the causes of the gag reflex without a doctor. It also happens that a child, while playing, swallows a foreign object, which is then stuck in the esophagus. He does not block the child’s breathing, but pain and inconvenience. The body responds by contracting the muscles of the intestines and vomiting, which may not stop for quite some time. Even if there is no temperature, the baby needs medical attention.
Acetonomy in children
Without a temperature reaction, intoxication of the body can occur in children. In this case, a phenomenon such as acetonomy manifests itself. If you take a urinalysis from a child, then ketone bodies, that is, acetone , will be found in it.
Why does it accumulate in the body, there is no uniform medical opinion yet. The disease is associated with errors in nutrition, with metabolic disorders, hereditary factors do not exclude. The first sign of this condition is the child's weakness and vomiting. The kid becomes lethargic, pale.
At home, parents of children who suffer from acetonomy should definitely have test strips. As soon as the strip has turned pink, the baby needs to be soldered off to prevent dehydration, and when leaving the acute state, hold it on a special diet for 2-3 weeks.
Vomiting does not happen on its own in a child without fever. Treatment in each case should be prescribed by a pediatrician. And to establish what this phenomenon is associated with, it is necessary!