Which of us in the distant past did not attend kindergarten? And it is not surprising, because on how the baby is adapted to society, communicating with peers and adults, his future successful adaptation in the school team largely depends. Therefore, in order to become successful, sociable, to have a logical mindset and to be able to independently find solutions in any difficult situation, the child simply needs to attend kindergarten. Children 4-5 years old are called preschoolers. At this age, parents lead them to the middle group of DOW. The task of teachers in this period is to maximize the children's abilities, enrich their knowledge base and prepare them for school life. To do this, in kindergartens conduct classes called integrated. We learn from what this article is about what they are and what role they play in the intellectual development of babies.
What is an integrated lesson?
In simple words, we can say that an integrated lesson (in the middle group inclusively) is nothing more than a set of techniques used to determine the essence of the topic being studied by pupils and to form a holistic picture of the phenomenon or process being analyzed. A similar lesson is thematic and includes several different types of activities. Thanks to this, the learning process does not tire children, but, on the contrary, causes them to have an increased interest in learning and a desire to learn new and unknown. In addition, the integrated lesson in the middle group is short-lived, and the guys have enough time for games and walks in the fresh air.
What should be considered when planning an integrated lesson?
Teaching preschoolers is a complex process that requires teachers not only relevant knowledge, but also diligence, patience and tremendous effort. It is important to note the fact that, when planning each integrated lesson in the middle group, the following points must be taken into account:
- The material should be compressed, compact and clear.
- Each lesson should be thought out to the smallest detail and consistent with the curriculum.
- At all stages of the lesson, the material taught by the children of integrable subjects must be interconnected and interdependent.
- The training material should be presented in a form understandable to children.
- An integrated lesson in the middle group should be information-intensive, but concise in terms of time frame.
- Classes must be carried out systematically, with the repetition of previously passed material.
The need for integrated classes
The need for conducting integrated classes in preschool education is determined by a number of reasons, the most important of which are:
- The world around us is known by children in its enormous variety.
- An integrated lesson in the middle group contributes to the development of the intellectual potential of each child individually, causing him an interest in learning and cognition.
- It is scientifically proven that the systematic conduct of integrated classes favorably affects the development of the communicative abilities of students. Children learn to express their thoughts correctly, clearly and clearly explain their point of view.
- Integrated classes are conducted in a non-standard and interesting way, so that children are not overworked, are in a good mood, are happy to make contact and maintain a dialogue.
- Integration in education is explained by the need of the modern world for highly qualified specialists, the training of which should begin from a very early age, that is, from kindergarten.
- Due to the fact that integrated classes include several subjects at once, children have more time for games, communication and creative activities.
- Kids self-actualize, express themselves, thereby gaining faith in their own strengths and abilities.
Sample lesson plan for winter
Before conducting an integrated lesson in the middle group on the topic of "Winter", the teacher draws up a detailed plan. In compressed form, it may look like this:
1. The goal is to enrich children's knowledge of the seasons and the natural phenomena characteristic of them.
2. The task is to consolidate the knowledge of children about changes in nature in the winter.
3. Planned results:
- children know what natural phenomena take place in winter;
- accurately determine the winter according to its main characteristics;
- they can draw up a drawing on the theme “Winter” without outside help.
4. Methods: story, dialogue, visual aid, analysis, experimentation.
5. Preparation for the lesson: a walk with the children, during which their attention is directed to how it snows, how it lays on the soil, trees, houses; the teacher offers children to make a snowman, play snowballs and build figures from snow and ice.
6. Course progress:
I) Introductory part - the teacher dresses up in a Winter costume, enters the group and greets the children.
II) The main part:
- with the help of various puzzles, the teacher finds out that the children know about winter;
- using visual aid, the teacher supplements the answers of children;
- new information is proposed to be fixed practically (some interesting experiment is being conducted);
- a physical break;
- conducting a didactic game, during which the guys must identify signs of the studied season;
- the kids are invited to draw a picture on the theme of "Winter".
III) The result of the integrated lesson: the teacher thanks the children for their interest, asks leading questions and praises for the correct answers.
An example of a lesson (integrated) on the topic "Spring"
An integrated lesson in the middle group on the topic “Spring” can be planned as follows:
- The goal is to continue to acquaint preschoolers with the changes that occur in nature in early spring.
- Tasks - to consolidate the knowledge of children about spring.
- Used techniques: conversation, reading literature on the relevant topic, observation, analysis, comparison, singing, drawing.
- Preparatory work: a walk in the fresh air, during which the teacher asks the children to pay attention to the changes that occurred in nature at the end of winter (the snow has melted, streams run along the roads, grass and the first flowers appear, etc.).
- Course progress:
- Riddles on the theme of "Spring".
- Reading a poem about spring, after which the teacher asks the children questions.
- Conducting a didactic game in which children must turn on their imagination and demonstrate how grass grows, flowers bloom, the sun shines brighter, day grows and night decreases;
- Physical break, finger game.
- Conducting the game “Guess the Cub”: the teacher calls the animal, and the task of the children is to correctly name his cub.
- Memorizing a song about spring.
An example of an outline of a lesson on the theme of "Autumn"
An integrated lesson in the middle group on the theme “Autumn” can be carried out following the following plan:
- The goal is to consolidate the knowledge of preschool children about autumn and the natural phenomena occurring this season.
- Tasks: to teach the child respect for nature, to consolidate the knowledge of the baby about autumn.
- Methods used: dialogue, a small theatrical performance with the participation of children, poetry and guessing riddles, visual material in the form of a slide show.
- Preparation for the lesson: organization of excursions into the forest.
- Course progress:
- The teacher dresses up in a spring suit, greets the children and asks them to solve several riddles on the theme of autumn.
- The teacher reads 1-2 poems about the autumn with an expression, after which he asks the children questions.
- To make the integrated lesson in the middle group on the theme “Autumn” fascinating, the teacher offers the pupils to take part in a small theatrical performance. To do this, he gives them masks of different animals and helps to learn a short text from 1-2 sentences.
- The teacher asks the children to go to the computer and shows them a slide show about the autumn and various autumn phenomena.
Sample outline of a math lesson
You can conduct an integrated lesson in the middle group in mathematics called "Mathematical Train". Planning such a lesson is easy. For instance:
- The goal is to teach the child to correctly determine geometric shapes, as well as to distinguish morning from day to day, evening from night.
- The task is to consolidate the child's knowledge of geometric shapes.
- Methods: dialogue, story, observation, comparison, visual material.
- Preparation for the lesson: the teacher selects a set of geometric shapes of bright colors for the upcoming lesson, places pencils, brushes, gouache, drawing albums, workbooks on the tables, and glues a poster on the wall that shows parts of the day.
- Course progress:
- The teacher enters the room, welcomes the children and invites them to travel on a steam train. In this exciting trip, the teacher will be a conductor, and the children will be passengers.
- Preschoolers must determine their places in the cars in accordance with the numbers proposed by him (from 1 to 5).
- After the children take their places in the "cars", the teacher solemnly announces that the train is leaving.
- Holding on to each other's backs, children move around the room until the caregiver declares a stop.
- The first stop is called “Balls”. The teacher shows the pupils one ball first, and then several. Balls must be of different colors and sizes. Children are invited to name what color, shape, and count their number.
- The second stop is called "Parts of the day." The teacher asks the pupils to approach the “Parts of the day” poster, to carefully examine it and write a short story on it. After the children complete this task, the teacher offers them to open their workbooks and draw an evening walk with their parents in them.
- The third stop is called Geometric Shapes. The teacher and the children come to the table, on which various geometric shapes are located. The children are tasked with choosing the right one that the teacher will call. This is followed by work in notebooks. Preschoolers must draw all the geometric shapes they learned and decorate them.
- The fourth stop is called “Favorite Group”. The teacher announces that the journey has come to an end and praises the children for their good behavior and their interest.
FGT Lesson Plan Example
An integrated lesson in the middle group on FGT on the topic "Fun Walk" can be conducted, guided by the following plan:
- The goal is to familiarize children with safety rules that must be followed on the street.
- The task is to develop children's safe and cultural behavior in the street.
- Methods used: toy cars, traffic lights, white paper strips (pedestrian crossing).
- Preparation for the lesson: excursions within the city, viewing photos and thematic illustrations, dialogue, reading informative stories.
- Course progress:
- The teacher enters the group and welcomes the children.
- The teacher invites the children to talk and tell how each of them got to the kindergarten today. At the same time, to simplify the task for children, the teacher asks them leading questions and shows various illustrations.
- Next, the teacher shows the preschoolers a traffic light and explains the meaning of each color. After that, children are invited to listen to a fascinating story in order to better remember the information received.
- The game “I am a pedestrian” follows. The bottom line is that the children build on their tables a real small town in which there are large and small streets, roads, freeways, pedestrians and various modes of transport. Children must move the figures of pedestrians in the "city", without violating the basic safety rules.
- At the end of the game, the teacher asks the students to draw a traffic light and color it, and then explain the designation of each color.