Congratulations on the housewarming. Traditions and customs

A new house (or apartment) is probably the dream of every person. Someone is improving his old home, and someone is building from scratch. Sometimes creating a new home becomes a matter of almost all life. And finally, when the dream is close to being realized, a new task arises: to move in correctly and celebrate the housewarming.

In ancient times, the traditions of what congratulations on a housewarming are and what needs to be given to those who have moved to a new home were laid. Over the years, a special ritual of entering a new home has developed, certain signs, the observance of which guaranteed a happy and secure life in a new place.

Housewarming is a long-awaited, happy moment in life. Therefore, they prepared for it in a special way. In addition to collecting things, it was necessary to observe some rules. The new house, according to tradition, should be consecrated. Therefore, even before the introduction, a priest was invited, who conducted a special rite. A simpler version of the same action is self-sanctification by reading prayers and sprinkling new walls with holy water. With this rite, everything unkind and unclean left the house.

Before entering a new home and accepting congratulations on a housewarming, some conditions must be met. They are still relevant in many families, especially where there are centenarians - grandparents, and maybe even great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

It was believed that entering the new house is better with the full moon, then the dwelling will also be full, and when the month is aging, it is better not to move. It is also better not to do this on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, as these days of the week are considered difficult and do not carry anything good in themselves.

If you are lucky enough to move to a new house on a holiday, then life in a new place will be good and rich.

That's how many interesting things existed in the traditions of our ancestors and remain in some families to this day. But that is not all. While relatives come up with congratulations on a housewarming, you should carefully prepare for moving to a new home, and for this you should know a few more traditional rules.

The day before the introduction, a cat is brought to a new house and left him alone to sleep there, and the next day you can move yourself.

They don’t arrange a housewarming on the very first day after the move, at first time is dedicated to God, and only after a few days they gather guests and celebrate a housewarming, otherwise the house is in danger.

One more thing. Leaving the old house, it’s not customary to leave anything personal there, so that evil people do not damage or evil eye you with the help of forgotten things.

Well, and when all the rules are followed and fulfilled, everything in the new house is put in its place, you can set the table and call guests.

Close and relatives, friends and neighbors, gathered at a rich table, begin to pronounce congratulations on a housewarming party and give special gifts.

What is given in such a situation? Usually, such presents are prepared for this occasion, which are useful in the home, household - dishes, carpets, curtains, bedspreads, towels, possibly money, if the guest does not know what to choose as a gift.

Congratulations on a housewarming party usually consist of both a gift and good wishes, among which are especially popular: “Warmth and comfort of this house!”, “Weather in the house!”, “So that your home is a full bowl!”, “So be healthy , live richly! ”,“ Peace to your home! ”. It was generally believed that the more guests went to the housewarming party, the richer and more plentiful the table was set, the more life will be stronger and the more joy and good fortune will be in the home.

And the arrangement of his nest begins, which in the future will become so cozy and dear that it will be more expensive than all corners in the world.

In such a special way, people are preparing for relocation and receiving a housewarming greeting from every guest who comes to a new hearth.

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