In the field of computer peripherals, at one time there were many devices and add-ons that expand the functionality of a personal computer. Some developments were dead-end branches, and some developed so broadly that for a number of office equipment manufacturers they were the main implementation product. An interesting development of input devices has become a graphic tablet. He not only was able to combine the functionality of the joystick and mouse, but also significantly facilitated the user's work, becoming a more natural and adapted tool for a person.
The history of the development of drawing tablets began in the 60s of the last century. A graphic tablet appeared and developed almost in parallel with the first commercial mouse samples. The computer was still far from the title of personal, tablets, in turn, were designed for the work of engineers.A powerful impetus to the evolutionary development of these devices was given by the development of Wacom specialists. Bulky computers gradually turned from highly specialized computers into personal devices. Simultaneously with this process, the graphics tablet was getting closer and closer to a tool capable of solving a wide range of creative free-drawing tasks.
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The first type combines models that allow you to enter arbitrary graphical information. Often the simplest ones work with A6 formats using a set of basic functions and properties. A pen comes with them, sometimes a special mouse. Upgrading is accompanied by an increase in the spectrum, quality, and the introduction of additional properties. Additional buttons appear in models, software is being developed, and the range of accessories is expanding. The format of the work surface reaches A4 standard.(: -). , . , , , . « », 4 , , Windows-.
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If you were faced with the question of how to choose a graphics tablet, then, first of all, you should think about what tasks you will have to solve with its help. Do not forget that this is just a tool. It is possible to expand its functionality using more modern software.