33-34 weeks of pregnancy - this is the period when the woman is embraced by the excitement of the upcoming birth, and all sensations are noticeably exacerbated. Almost all the thoughts of the expectant mother are occupied by the baby, worries about his health and a successful pregnancy outcome. All women are faced with the fact that by this time they think about the risks of premature birth and begin to monitor their condition more closely. Moreover, the slightest change in the tremors of the child or their own health can cause a real panic, turning into a tantrum. Should you be so tense at 33 weeks of gestation? How does the baby develop, what should normally happen to a woman, and what kind of tests should she take? We will talk about all this in our article.
Thirty-Three Weeks: Talking About Pregnancy
Usually, every woman is well informed at 33 weeks of pregnancy how many months have passed since the conception of her baby. Many make notes in a special electronic calendar, where at this time it may be indicated that two hundred thirty-one days have already passed from the date of conception.
Doctors always specify that the 33rd week of pregnancy is considered the eighth obstetric month, which means that very little remains before delivery. Usually women spend the remaining period of time on repairs, acquiring things necessary for the baby, and other pleasant chores. Psychologists call this "nesting syndrome", which is inherent in absolutely all expectant mothers. In some, it manifests itself to a greater extent, while in others - to a lesser extent. But in any case, it is at the 33rd week of pregnancy that he begins to manifest himself fully.
For some mothers at this time, it seems that the baby has nowhere to grow, because it occupies almost the entire space in the uterine cavity that has increased several times. However, the stomach at 33 weeks of pregnancy continues to grow, and this indicates that the baby is gaining weight, gradually preparing for life outside of its cozy house. It remains just a little before his long-awaited meeting with his loved ones.
33 week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?
At this time, your baby already resembles a small pineapple, its size fluctuates within forty-three centimeters and will increase in the coming weeks.
Depending on the characteristics of the female body and the genetic predisposition of the fetus, its weight can range from one kilogram of seven hundred grams to two kilograms and one hundred grams. These indicators are considered the norm, but if at the ultrasound the doctor notes that the baby does not reach the minimum of these boundaries, then do not worry. Many children gain their weight in the last month they are in the womb, so your baby is still ahead.
It is worth considering that due to its increased size, the baby begins to experience difficulties with motor activity. Now he has less and less space in the uterus and all his movements can be compared with sipping and turning over. The baby will gain strength and gradually warm up to strengthen its muscles before birth.
How does the baby develop in the eighth month of pregnancy?
The development of the fetus at 33 weeks of pregnancy continues to go at a rapid pace, but the main thing is the adoption of a certain position on the uterus, which is called "presentation". Ideally, the baby should turn head down and be in this position until the very birth. This will allow him at the right time without unnecessary injuries to pass through the birth canal and be born. But some kids do not want to occupy such a position and are feet down. In such cases, doctors advise to remain calm, since the fetus tends to spin and roll over. Therefore, it is possible that before giving birth he will still turn his head down. Sometimes the baby lies across the uterus, and in order for it to be born, surgical intervention is needed. Without caesarean section in such situations can not do.
What happens at 33 weeks of gestation with the internal organs of the fetus? At this stage, they are all fully formed and with premature birth can function without additional assistance. The same applies to the fetal lungs, which secrete surfactant. Without this substance, they would not have been able to open, so the crumbs that were born prematurely cannot breathe on their own. But seven-month and eight-month-old children have every chance to breathe in their first breath of air immediately after birth with fully opened lungs.
The work of almost all internal fetal systems is fully debugged. The cardiovascular system regularly passes blood through itself, and the frequency of strokes ranges from one hundred twenty to one hundred and sixty beats per minute. Thanks to weekly observations of the fetal heartbeat, the doctor can detect some changes that cause concern.
The liver, pancreas, endocrine and nervous systems work actively. The baby's immunity is still in the process of formation, but it will end only after the birth of the crumbs. Of course, the mother should monitor her health and beware of colds, but the fetus at the 33rd week of pregnancy is already able to protect itself from some viruses. Thus, he trains his immune system, which in the future will help him resist diseases.
The baby by this time already has its own sleep and wakefulness regime. He perfectly understands when it is light and dark outside, he distinguishes a lot of tastes, smells and sounds. The baby sees dreams, which is often reflected in the feelings of his mother. She can begin to see very vivid and realistic images that are closely related to the child.
Feeling pregnant
What happens at 33 weeks of pregnancy with the expectant mother? What changes should she expect?
If you have 33 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development and an increase in the size of the uterus leads to increased pressure on the pelvic organs. At the same time, the woman feels problems with the respiratory system. It is becoming increasingly difficult for her to breathe fully, so do not forget about daily walks in the fresh air.
Pressure on the bladder causes rapid urination. Sometimes a pregnant woman gets into the toilet up to six times during the night, which in principle is considered quite normal. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the woman feels all the tremors very well. Many of them become painful due to the fact that the crumb has noticeably increased in size.
Many women complain that they are concerned about lower back pain and swelling. It is impossible to completely get rid of them, but there are several simple ways to alleviate the condition. For example, to neutralize regular lumbar pain, it is necessary to perform circular movements of the pelvis. To facilitate, a few rotations in both directions will suffice, and after such a load it is necessary to rest in a lying position. At 33 weeks of gestation, edema is a common occurrence. To reduce them, it is necessary to apply cold compresses and relax with raised legs. If the physical condition allows you, then at this time it is worth swimming in the pool. This activity will simultaneously reduce lower back pain and reduce the risk of edema.
Weight for 33 weeks of pregnancy should not increase rapidly, and the total increase should exceed twelve kilograms. Normal and considered an increase in the range of nine kilograms. Note that the norms are calculated based on the initial weight of the pregnant woman and her condition. But still, remember that excess body weight will bring trouble during childbirth, and will also serve as an additional reason for frustration when looking in the mirror in the coming months.
In some women, during this period, false contractions become more frequent. They should not be confused with the real ones and be wary, because they allow the uterus to get the necessary training before childbirth.
We pay attention to unpleasant symptoms
At 33-34 weeks of pregnancy, there are many dangerous symptoms that a woman should not ignore. First of all, it is worth paying attention to spotting. They are evidence of various problems with the body, but in the first place it is worth fearing the detachment of the placenta. If the discharge has become excessively plentiful, but transparent and odorless, it is necessary to inform the doctor about them. Perhaps your water is leaking, and this can lead to premature birth.
The discharge of the mucous plug is also indicative of this. It usually looks like clear mucus with yellowish or small bloody streaks. The cork can go off a couple of hours before delivery, and sometimes even two to three weeks before them. However, in any case, you need to tell the doctor about this process and limit your intimate life so that no infection can penetrate the baby.
If you notice that the discharge has a pronounced color or smell, then you should pass a smear on the microflora of the vagina. This analysis is able to show the occurrence of an infection that must be treated immediately before it can harm the fetus.
Pain in the lower abdomen should also alert the pregnant woman. Sometimes they are associated only with sprains, but in some cases they can be the first symptom of serious health problems.
Often at this time, women begin to worry because of an exacerbation of a disease such as hemorrhoids. Many are embarrassed to talk to the doctor about this and literally with all their strength suffer all the symptoms, thereby exacerbating the disease. In the process of childbirth, such an approach will cause the disease to go into the chronic stage and it will be practically impossible to get rid of it.
Features of the movement of the baby
The baby is constantly improving its motor skills at 33 weeks of gestation. What interval of movements can be considered normal? Doctors say that within an hour there should be from one to three. More rare movements may indicate any problems, and frequent - about oxygen starvation, about which the baby tells the mother with its movements and tremors.
However, it is worth considering the individual schedule of sleep and wake crumbs. For example, some children become overly active in the evening and night hours, while others are closer to daytime, during which they constantly try to communicate with their mother with their tremors.
If you notice that the motor activity of the baby has changed dramatically in either direction, then inform your doctor. But do not forget that at the eighth month it is already difficult for the baby to tumble in his stomach as before - he becomes increasingly crowded and uncomfortable inside.
Observed by a doctor
At the beginning of her term, the woman does not even suspect the abundance of tests and examinations that she will have to undergo by the 33rd week of pregnancy. A photo of her beloved crumbs made by ultrasound, of course, usually excites her the most. However, do not forget that each study is aimed at preserving the health of the mother and fetus, as well as at the safe resolution of the burden on time.
At the scheduled examination, the doctor will weigh, measure the circumference of the abdomen and look at blood and urine tests. He will also issue directions for new ones, which will need to be handed over to the next visit. Usually, by the thirty-third week, a woman undergoes a third screening, as a result of which a lot of details about the condition of the crumbs are revealed.
Most of all the doctor is interested in the presentation of the fetus and the absence or presence of entanglement of the umbilical cord. This factor is very important for future births, because depending on it, obstetricians will be guided in the necessary manipulations. In parallel, the state of the placenta and umbilical cord vessels is being studied. Determining the maturity of the placenta is very important in order to exclude its early aging. Indeed, in such a case, the baby will experience a lack of nutrients and oxygen. The vessels of the umbilical cord are very clearly visible on ultrasound. The doctor watches how well the blood circulates through them, and whether there are any nodes on it.
It is also important to establish the amount of amniotic fluid. Ultrasound examines water shortage or polyhydramnios; for the development of the baby, a similar factor plays a significant role. Also during the study, the doctor once again sets the date of birth, focusing on the degree of development of the fetus.
A few words about intimate life
If you are healthy, then the thirty-third week is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of an intimate relationship with your husband. However, it is worth considering that at this time it is best to use a condom. The fact is that male seminal fluid relaxes the uterus and can cause the onset of labor.
You should not choose intricate poses, which should include an abundance of sudden movements on the part of the woman. She should be comfortable, otherwise you may cause premature birth.
Caesarean section: is it possible in the eighth month of pregnancy?
Today, women often argue that cesarean section is safer than natural childbirth. However, obstetricians themselves believe that this method can only be used for certain indications, and the rest of the pregnant woman should expect that she will give birth to a baby.
Typically, during the thirty-third week of pregnancy, elective cesarean is extremely rare. The reason for this operation can only serve as a serious threat to the life of the mother and fetus. But some health problems are a reason to think about a possible cesarean section after a few weeks. Such reasons are a clear lack of calcium and vitamin D in the mother's body, as well as a large body weight. The latter factor indicates a possible diabetes mellitus developing during pregnancy.
Sometimes late toxicosis also becomes a prescription for caesarean section. But do not insist on this operation if your doctor does not issue such recommendations. Remember that the most natural way a baby is born is through normal birth.
A few tips for pregnant women
By the thirty-third week, the woman should be ready for a possible hospitalization in the hospital. She should choose a perinatal center, conclude a service agreement and pack up her bag with things. In a prominent place, you need to put documents so that in a critical situation you do not forget about them, going to the hospital.
Do not forget to control your diet. At this time, you need to carefully observe the eating regimen, because a woman does not need to gain excess weight before the upcoming birth, but you can’t be hungry either. After all, otherwise the pregnant woman will not have enough strength to produce baby crumbs.
Long walks, as well as preparing the body for childbirth, will be useful during this period. For these purposes, Kegel exercises and a special gymnastics course taught in pregnant courses are ideal.
Do not neglect communication with your baby, in a few months it will help you calm the baby. Talk to your baby more often, sing songs to him and read children's tales. You can simply talk about your feelings and emotions, as well as what you do every day.
While doing your usual business, avoid falling and hitting your stomach in every way. This can provoke placental abruption and premature birth. In no case should you be in smoky rooms, and all medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor. Unauthorized to take any drugs at this time is strictly prohibited.
In addition to the recommendations already listed, experts primarily advise women in the last stages of pregnancy to maintain a positive attitude and avoid stress. Do not forget that the mood of the future mother is reflected in her child, and therefore you can not let the negative into your life.