First week of pregnancy: signs and sensations, pain, discharge and changes in the body

The transition to a new state of the whole organism is characterized by the first week of pregnancy. Signs and sensations may not manifest themselves at all during this period, but they may also make themselves felt in full. Since the body of each woman has individual characteristics, then he can respond to pregnancy in different ways.

What is the first week of pregnancy

At first glance, everything looks quite simple. But, in fact, from a medical point of view, the first week can be interpreted in completely different ways:

  • the obstetric week takes its count from the first day of menstrual bleeding of the cycle during which the conception occurred (it is from this period that time is kept before the onset of labor);
  • if we count the first week directly from the moment of conception, then we will talk about the third obstetric seven-day period;
  • in the case when a woman considers the beginning of the first week to detect a delay, she must take into account that from a medical point of view she will be the fifth.

first days of pregnancy sensations and symptoms

Symptoms and sensations in the first week of pregnancy

Symptoms of conception, although they are generally known, are far from being manifested in the same way. Not many women will immediately find out that the first week of pregnancy has arrived. Signs and feelings most often do not manifest themselves, and therefore the expectant mother may remain in ignorance. This is due to the fact that in the body the processes of restructuring and preparation for bearing the fetus are just beginning, and they still do not make themselves felt. But this is true if it comes to the first obstetric week.

In a completely different way, time will flow if the first week of pregnancy is counted from the moment of delay or conception. Signs and sensations in this case may be as follows:

  • delayed onset of menstrual bleeding;
  • feeling of weakness and constant drowsiness;
  • nausea (especially in the morning) and intolerance to certain foods;
  • acute reaction to pronounced odors;
  • change in food addiction;
  • a feeling of heaviness and soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands and pain in them;
  • change in the structure and frequency of discharge.

first week of pregnancy signs and sensations

Causes of Symptoms

One of the most difficult and responsible is the first week of pregnancy. Signs and sensations are a manifestation of complex processes occurring in the body. It is during this period that the fertilized cell must be fixed on the walls of the uterus, and this is not so simple. Many will be surprised, but initially the body perceives it as a foreign body. If the future mother also has strong immunity, then it will be much more difficult to take root with her.

Nevertheless, the female body is programmed for pregnancy and bearing a child, and therefore internal resistance and struggle begin. There is a complete restructuring of all systems, which is expressed in poor health. In some cases, there is even a significant increase in body temperature.

What women say

If you are interested in the well-being of expectant mothers, then in special forums you can find comprehensive reviews. The first week of pregnancy, the signs and sensations of which are described above, can manifest itself in completely different ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the body:

  • the condition of the mammary glands is very similar to what happens before menstruation;
  • swelling of the lower abdomen;
  • habitual tastes such as, for example, toothpaste can cause a vomiting reflex;
  • pulling sensations in the ovary area;
  • constantly want to sleep;
  • unexpected sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • some women note a complete absence of symptoms, and their condition and well-being are no different from the usual.

1 week of pregnancy sensations and first symptoms

Useful Tips

The first weeks of pregnancy are quite complex and responsible. Signs and feelings of the birth of a new life can cause serious discomfort. Nevertheless, during this period, a woman should be especially attentive to herself and strictly follow the following recommendations:

  • a complete rejection of bad habits, as well as avoiding secondhand smoke (bypass the place where there is a smell of tobacco smoke or ask others not to smoke nearby);
  • review your first-aid kit for those medicines that are contraindicated for pregnant women, and if you are undergoing treatment, discuss this with your gynecologist;
  • take vitamin complexes that will support your vitality, as well as contribute to the normal development of the fetus (drugs must necessarily contain folic acid);
  • avoid stressful situations, and also keep your emotions under control (all negative not only spoils your mood, but also can affect the state of the future baby);
  • minimize the use of coffee and strong tea (it is better to replace them with juices or clean water).

These tips will facilitate your well-being throughout the entire period of gestation, and not only in the first weeks of pregnancy. Signs and feelings of malaise will be much less pronounced if you closely monitor your health, lifestyle, nutrition and psychological state. In addition, caring on the part of loved ones is very important.

1 week of pregnancy: pain and discharge, sensations

It is worth noting that pregnancy in women at the same time causes an irresistible desire, as well as a completely natural fear of a new condition. However, the desire to become a mother overcomes all fears. Particularly responsible is 1 week of pregnancy. The sensations and first symptoms, although not very pleasant, but they should not be scared at all.

Sometimes abdominal pain may occur, which in nature resembles menstrual pain. Most often, it does not pose any danger. The reason may be that you subconsciously expect the onset of menstruation, and the body begins to play along with you. But it will be better to consult a specialist in order to dispel all doubts about this and undergo an additional examination.

In some cases, at the beginning of pregnancy, bloody discharge can be observed, which can be confused with menstruation. Often they are quite scarce and quickly stop. Nevertheless, if you are confident in the onset of pregnancy or, at least, consider such a probability, do not disregard the discharge and immediately go to the doctor for an examination.

How to determine pregnancy

Perhaps every woman knows what are the first signs of pregnancy. Until a delay, they are usually not given much attention. Or they may not show themselves at all. However, if you are guessing and suspicious, it is better to turn to proven methods for determining pregnancy:

  • A test is an affordable and easy way, but not accurate enough. Its results can be more or less trusted only if the conception occurred about three weeks ago.
  • Analysis for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is performed by donating blood. This substance begins to be secreted by the shell of the embryo immediately after it enters the uterus. At the moment, this is one of the most accurate ways to determine pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound allows you to determine not only the fact of pregnancy, but also to identify or rule out a number of serious problems. That is why such a study can be considered mandatory for expectant mothers.

first weeks of pregnancy signs and feelings

How to behave after learning about pregnancy

It is necessary to completely rebuild your lifestyle in the first days of pregnancy. Sensations and symptoms do not always lead to active actions, however, you need to clearly understand the need for the following actions:

  • make it a rule to regularly visit the doctor according to the schedule, as well as at the slightest discomfort;
  • review your diet in favor of healthy and nutritious foods;
  • create a calm and favorable environment, as well as isolate yourself from stress and negative emotions;
  • combine relaxation with moderate physical activity (for example, walking or special gymnastics);
  • to postpone all long trips so as not to be shaken;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the house.

How to prevent unpleasant symptoms

The health status of both parents largely determines the well-being that will be characterized by 1 week of pregnancy. The first signs, sensations will be much more pronounced in those women who have health problems and are physically weak. That is why a comprehensive examination and treatment should be carried out long before the conception of the child. It will also be nice to take care of your physical condition. It is better to choose for yourself this type of physical activity that you could continue while carrying the child (swimming, yoga, and so on).

1 week of pregnancy first signs of sensation

What should the future father do

Despite the fact that the entire burden of pregnancy lies precisely with the woman, the man should also thoroughly prepare for this period. Naturally, you need to improve your health in advance, quit bad habits, and so on. But it is equally important to surround the expectant mother with care, warmth and understanding, because in such an atmosphere even the most severe and unpleasant symptoms will be much easier to bear.

first week of pregnancy signs and feelings

Fetal condition

Perhaps all future parents are interested in what their baby looks like in the first week of pregnancy. However, during this period it can not yet be called a fruit. This is just a fertilized egg that moves to gain a foothold on the walls of the uterus. Gradually, it begins to increase in size and divide into parts, which in the future will become limbs and internal organs of the embryo. Often, in this first week a woman does not experience the slightest discomfort, which could serve as a sign of pregnancy.

Key Features

Each woman can understand in her own way what is 1 week of pregnancy. The sensations, development of the fetus depend precisely on the moment from which you count the onset of this condition. But since it is customary to take into account the first obstetric week in medicine, it is important to know its main features:

  • the embryonic period does not begin immediately, but only from the third seven-day period ;
  • hormonal restructuring of the body begins;
  • in almost all cases, there are no signs of pregnancy;
  • no tests or analyzes (with the exception of ultrasound) will give accurate results.

symptoms and sensations in the first week of pregnancy


The first week of pregnancy is almost asymptomatic. Sensations after conception are not much different from the normal state of a woman. However, after a short time, all the symptoms that accompany the "interesting position" can fully manifest themselves. It is worth noting that at the beginning of pregnancy, women almost always feel weak and drowsy, and also suffer from sharp drops in blood pressure. Needless to say, frequent dizziness, intolerance to odors and morning toxicosis. Very unusual gastronomic addictions may also appear, which may seem strange.

Since it is impossible to avoid unpleasant sensations, you need to organize your life activities in such a way as to minimize them. Protect yourself from worries, take more walks, eat tasty and healthy, and also make healthy and wholesome relaxation your priority. In addition, the future father should also join this process, providing the pregnant woman with care and support. So even the most unpleasant sensations will go almost unnoticed.

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