Every woman has certain needs during pregnancy. And husbands of such wives know firsthand what it is like to run around in the cold winter in search of fresh strawberries, juicy watermelon or peaches. Some ladies dream of smelling gas or paint. It turns out that craving for a certain product means only one thing - a lack of vitamins or minerals.
If a pregnant woman wants something special, then this does not surprise anyone. Some are eager to get strawberries momentarily on a cold winter day, others want to eat herring with ketchup or milk, and for some reason some want raw meat. It’s now much easier to find certain products than 20 years ago. In January, you can easily find strawberries, and already herring is sold in any store, what can we say about a piece of meat.
But the unusual combination of products that a pregnant woman dreams of is sometimes just amazing for people. Why are there food oddities? Why do you want meat during pregnancy? And most importantly, what is the reason for such a strong traction?
The reasons for the "pregnant" whims
With the onset of pregnancy, the female body is rebuilt. At the very beginning, the pregnant woman suffers from a vomiting reflex and nausea, and scientists associate these manifestations with the occurrence of food addictions.
Experts say that the female body enhances its work for the benefit of the fetus. That is why it gives signals to the brain, which testify to certain needs. Doctors note the special effect of progesterone, which is the initiator of the inclusion of the "search engine". Your doctor can answer the question why you constantly want meat.
Sometimes food weirdness can harm the health of the unborn child and the mother herself.
Why meat?
As mentioned above, any preference for a pregnant woman is associated with the action of a hormone called progesterone. Its number increases significantly after fertilization, it works as an antivirus that reads information and sends signals about the need to the brain. Thus, progesterone helps the body get the missing trace element or vitamin.
No need to worry about the emergence of a specific need and find out, for example, why you want meat. Doctors say that this product is simply necessary for pregnant women, because it saturates the body with protein and calcium, which the child needs so much. Every woman in an interesting position should think both about herself and about the future baby.
The benefits of protein foods
Now it is advisable to explain what the benefits of meat are. It is worth separately to consider each type of this product, to highlight its advantages.
Thanks to meat products, the work of taste buds, stomach and pancreas is activated, appetite also increases. Meat is a product that contains a large amount of B vitamins that prevent stress. These vitamins help to normalize the metabolic process, help break down fats in the liver, strengthen hair follicles, give hair shine and radiance.
In order for the pregnancy to proceed asymptomatically and easily, it is necessary to use this particular group of vitamins. In addition, meat is endowed with a large amount of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine and magnesium.
The effect of meat on the baby and expectant mother
If a pregnant woman wants meat, why not eat it? The most popular species is chicken. It contains the most protein, linoleic acid, as well as B vitamins. These trace elements enhance immunity, normalize the work of the heart and stomach, and regulate blood cholesterol.
Duck and turkey meat are considered diet foods. They favorably affect the work of the brain, skin. These products contain a special acid that kills cancer cells. An undoubted advantage is that in the preparation of such meat you can not use salt, because the sodium in the composition gives acidity.
Why do you want pork meat? Everything is quite simple, because it contains a phenomenal amount of vitamin B, iron and protein, which the body requires. But it is worth noting that this product is absorbed longer than the rest.
But mutton is easily digested, which is rich in iodine, magnesium and iron. The body of a pregnant woman receives a double dose of these trace elements from one piece of lamb. In addition, lecithin lowers cholesterol, and lamb meat is rich in this substance. Why do pregnant women want lamb meat? The answer is simple: the body lacks iron.
How to cook?
Doctors and nutritionists agree that during pregnancy it is advisable to eat lean and fresh meat. You should not purchase and even more so prepare a frozen product. It is better to cook meat, bake and stew with vegetables.
It is worth noting that it is better to eat meat without broth, since the liquid absorbs harmful substances during cooking. It is also undesirable to eat fried meat, it can cause heartburn.
If you always want meat, why not just cook it. You can cook soup, but only when getting rid of the primary broth. It is enough to drain it after boiling. You also need to remember that meat can be infected, so proper heat treatment, exposure to high temperature and long cooking are important. And this applies to any type of product presented.
Why pulls on raw meat?
The addictions of pregnant women can be very unusual. Why do you want raw meat at this time? Everything is clear here, like a white day - the body lacks iron. Iron deficiency anemia occurs. Quite often, there are cases of hemoglobin deficiency in pregnant women - every third woman suffers from anemia in the second trimester. Hemoglobin is needed for the normal development of the fetus, and if it is not enough, then there is a consumption of reserves, which are quickly depleted.
Anemia is the result of oxygen starvation, hormonal imbalance, which is characteristic of residents of large cities with a long stay of a pregnant woman in a closed, unventilated room. Doctors often have to deal with situations where a woman in a position dreams of chalk, coal, whitewashing or raw dough - these are obvious causes of the same anemia. With a lack of iron, the body perverts taste preferences. That's why you really want meat. Even raw.
Even specialists still cannot understand why pregnant women want raw meat, how an indomitable desire arises to taste a piece of unprocessed pork or minced meat. They only argue that in this way the body is trying to make up for the lack of iron, which is rich in raw meat. This is a subconscious brain response.
And of course, you should not use this product in its raw form, especially when it comes to a pregnant woman. And high iron content is not the reason for this action.
What to do if you don’t want meat
Ladies in an "interesting position" need to eat the right and wholesome food for their well-being and health. But what should vegetarians do? Why doesn’t you want meat during pregnancy? These women do not even tolerate the spirit of his appearance, but what about taste.
Meat can easily be replaced with products such as eggs, fish, cottage cheese and milk. It is enough to eat legumes, nuts, buckwheat and pomegranate juice daily to make up for the lack of iron and protein. For the fetus, a situation is stressful when his mother, being an avid vegetarian, begins to use meat immensely, which she had not even touched before. And here you should not listen to the recommendations of your beloved relatives, who claim that meat is simply a necessary and irreplaceable product during pregnancy, that the baby’s health depends on it.
If you are a vegetarian and you wonder why you want meat for other pregnant women, then tell this detail to your doctor. A competent specialist will not threaten and intimidate you, he will only help you choose the diet that is right for you. And if you doubt the competence of the doctor, then boldly replace it with another.