Almost all parents heard about the "transitional age." And many are afraid of its onset, as it is widely believed that children in the puberty become uncontrollable, problems arise in their behavior. It should be noted that with the right approach to education and attention from adults, it is possible to mitigate the transition of a child into a teenager.
To begin with, it is necessary to note the physical changes that occur in a child during puberty. This time accounts for 10-14 years. However, the numbers can change in any direction, and there are no deviations (of course, within reasonable limits), since everyone has their own individual development.
Sex hormones begin to be produced in large quantities in the body , which are the cause of changes characteristic of a given age. If we talk about boys, then the main hormone is testosterone. Their sexual development is as follows. Initially, the testicles increase in size, and genital hairiness occurs. At the age of about 13, the voice changes (otherwise they say “breaks”). He's getting rougher. The process of becoming a male voice can last up to two years. Then begins intensive growth, facial hair appears.
Often during the puberty period, problems such as excessive sweating, acne, or acne on the face and body can occur. Enhanced hygiene and some cosmetics will help to get rid of them.
In girls, estrogen begins to be actively produced in the body at this age, which affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics and general maturation. The growth of mammary glands, most often, is due to heredity and ends by 17-19 years. After a strong jump in growth, menstruation begins. At first, they can be irregular and painful. In case the pain is too strong, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
The psychology of a teenager of 14 years is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Physical maturation affects the general condition of the child, and excess hormones affect his emotional sphere. Quite often, children of this age become aggressive, naughty, study is pushed into the background, communication becomes the leading value.
Adults whose children have entered the "transitional age" need to be very attentive to their children. It is important not to miss the moment and independently tell the teenager about puberty and the relationship between man and woman. After all, what he learns from friends on the street can be misunderstood by him, as a result of which psychological problems may arise in the future.
During the puberty, most children seek independence and independence. This explains their rebellious and contradictory behavior. Do not limit the freedom of the teenager too much, even if negative actions were noticed behind him, this can only hurt. You need to understand that an adult child is already a fairly independent person and you need to communicate with him on an equal footing. It is parents who should become best friends during this period, because only in this way can the behavior of their child be controlled.
The sexual development of girls begins silently earlier than in boys. This is one of the reasons why girls begin to seek the company of older gentlemen. Even if adults are afraid of the negative consequences of this, there is no need to categorically prohibit making friends with someone. Each of your actions, whether it is a ban on something or permission, must be argued. After all, it was during this period that adolescents are very sensitive to concepts such as honesty, justice, friendship, love, and try to imitate in many ways the adults who surround them, ranking themselves among them.