What are toy cars with bullets

Children's toys are indispensable helpers in development and upbringing, loyal friends and often the pride of the baby. And what kind of boy does not dream of having a large machine gun, just like a real one. Especially if he, just like a real one, can shoot. It turns out that toy cars with bullets are very different.

toy machines with bullets

What are they needed for

Many mothers, especially if they grew up without brothers, are wary of noisy shooting toys. It seems to them that their precious sweet baby can become more cruel and callous if he is interested in them. And all the more frightens them if the little boys begin to shoot at each other and in others. Alas, avoiding such games is still not possible. If the boy doesn’t buy toy machines on the bullets in principle, he will try to take such a toy from a friend, begin to beg, finally, he will feel worse than others. And envy is a bad feeling too. In fact, aggression in one form or another is present in every person. And she needs to be given a way out. War games of boys, if they are conducted according to certain rules and do not harm either the participants or others, are very useful. Because they teach kids to perform some tasks together, helping each other. And also because they make children move a lot in the air, which makes them stronger and healthier. And in the process of such a game, toy machines with bullets can become one of the main tools.

toy machines

What are they

Yes, the boy will not play forever with a small water pistol. He is growing, becoming a real man and, of course, is more interested in weapons more seriously. And machine guns with bullets become his favorite toys, he may not part with them all day. Children's weapons are different. And the boys, receiving such a gift, are usually interested in the size of the store, the location of the butt and the trigger system. You also need to find out which bullets a particular machine gun shoots because they will quickly end and you will have to buy it. There are toy machines with bullets in size and in appearance. They can be huge, which are even hard to wear. And others exactly imitate real weapons, only smaller ones. Some models also provide various illumination and sound signals. So you can pick up a toy for absolutely every taste.

automatic machines with bullets


In no case should we forget that toy machines with bullets can be a serious danger, both for casual passers-by and for the boy himself. First of all, such a toy should fully meet the age of its owner. Maybe dad didn’t have such a wonderful assault rifle in his childhood, and he is in a hurry to get the most sophisticated copy for the heir, which will produce a powerful shot. But if even a small bullet gets into the baby’s eye from a short distance, the consequences can be most terrible. Therefore, it is better to wait for the child to grow up and grow wiser. In the meantime, look for a machine that is less dangerous. After the gift is presented, it is better to watch for some time how the baby is treating him. If necessary, you can show something. And be sure to tell how such a toy can be dangerous. And one more thing: the rule that you can’t shoot at people and animals, even from toy weapons, the kid should clearly know.

Toy machines that shoot with bullets are great entertainment for a boy who has already begun to feel like a future man, a defender.

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