Tummy massage for colic: features, effectiveness

Various problems constantly arise with infants, among which one of the most common is bloating and colic. However, many young parents do not know how to help the baby and make him feel better. The best way is to massage the abdominal area. With its help, you can cope with the problem without the use of medications that are contraindicated for young children. But this method of therapy has certain nuances that should be considered. Let's figure out how to massage the tummy of a newborn with colic, and also find out in which cases it is worth using, and when it is better to refrain from it. We will also consider the main procedures that have the highest efficiency.

Causes of bloating

tummy massage for colic in a newborn

This aspect is worth exploring in the first place. Before you figure out how to massage your tummy with colic, let's first look at the origin of the problem itself. According to qualified specialists, there can be quite a few reasons for bloating, but the main ones are:

  • hormonal changes;
  • improper nutrition of the mother, breastfeeding;
  • consequence of allergic reactions to any products;
  • air entering the esophagus when breathing;
  • improper attachment of the child to the chest or bottle;
  • the inability of the baby to burp air after eating;
  • the baby lies on her back for too long;
  • constant overfeeding.

Regardless of the reason, with colic, tummy massage will be the best solution to the problem. With it, you can have a stimulating effect on the digestive system and contribute to the release of accumulated gases.

Main symptoms

proper massage of the tummy of the newborn with colic

What should you pay attention to first of all? Tummy massage with colic is perhaps the only effective and safe way to help the baby. But how to understand that the baby is suffering precisely from bloating, and he does not have any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? The following symptoms will help you with this:

  • unexpected cries during meals;
  • moodiness, crying and shuddering, manifested mainly in the evening;
  • the desire of the baby to keep the legs bent and pressed to the tummy;
  • change in the characteristics and frequency of the stool;
  • increased gas formation;
  • when you feel the tummy, you can feel how the gases move inside.

All these symptoms appear suddenly and for no apparent reason and disappear in the same way. At the same time, the baby feels pain and discomfort, therefore it is very naughty and constantly cries. It is possible to alleviate his well-being with a massage of the tummy. With colic and constipation, it helps much better than any medication. You can learn more about how to do it correctly.

Indications for the procedure

This aspect should be given special significance. Tummy massage for colic in a newborn (photo of the procedure you can see later in this article) is good due to its versatility. It is effective for bloating, but has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to massage young children with the following problems:

  • violation of muscle tone of the abdomen;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • asymmetric protrusion of the abdomen;
  • failure of the digestive system;
  • increased flatulence during the digestion of food;
  • regular constipation;
  • blood clots in the feces;
  • fever or chills;
  • family acrogeria.

In the presence of any of the above problems, massage of the tummy from colic is strictly prohibited. If your baby is constantly suffering from bloating, then in this case it is worth consulting a doctor.

What gives massage

tummy massage for colic

So what do you need to know about this? As previously noted, with its help you can save your baby from pain and improve the release of gases. However, it helps not only from colic massage the tummy of the baby. It provides an opportunity:

  • warm up the internal organs and improve their blood circulation;
  • to awaken the baby’s appetite if he has little and is not gaining weight;
  • reassure the baby before the upcoming breastfeeding so that he does not twitch and does not make unnecessary movements;
  • reduce the likelihood of cramping.

Thus, a seemingly ordinary massage can play a significant role for you and help to cope with bloating in the baby on your own at home.

Preparation for the procedure

So, in fact, we came to the topic of concern to all. To massage the tummy with colic was most effective, the baby must first be prepared for it. You need to do the following:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Remove the chains and watches from your hands so as not to scratch your baby’s skin and hurt him. It is also advisable to cut the nails.
  3. Put a heating pad with warm but not hot water on your tummy to warm it up a bit. This will increase the effectiveness of the massage.
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm them.

Thanks to these simple actions, the child will better tolerate the massage and will behave more calmly during it. It is also worth noting that it is not recommended to feed the baby before the procedure, as well as to use any oils. If he already ate, then wait an hour for the food to be absorbed, and only then massage his tummy.

Phased Action Plan

how to massage the tummy with colic

Let's dwell on this in more detail. So, how to massage the tummy with colic? The process itself is not very complicated if you know the correct algorithm of actions. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Stroke the tummy with light movements from top to bottom.
  2. Next, change the direct direction from direct to circular.
  3. Calm the baby by stroking from the ribs to the lower abdomen.
  4. Perform horizontal movements along the tummy along the torso, alternately changing hands.
  5. Then repeat the steps described in the second paragraph.
  6. Massage with light movements of the palm in the direction from the back to the stomach.
  7. Stroke the peritoneum simultaneously with both hands towards each other.

According to this principle, massage is done with bloating in infants. As you can see, there’s nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to correctly calculate the strength and not create strong pressure.

What to do after the procedure

Proper massage of the tummy of the newborn with colic is possible only if you finish it in accordance with the procedure. At the end of the procedure, do the following:

  1. Bend the baby's legs and gently press them to his stomach to facilitate the release of accumulated gases.
  2. Allow the child to lie on his back for several minutes.
  3. During this time, constantly stroke the tummy.
  4. Repeat these steps two to three times.

Due to this, bloating and colic will disappear, and the baby will be able to sleep normally all night until the morning.

Acupressure Technique

So what is she like? This is another common technique that is simpler than described above. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary not to press too hard on certain points. This type of massage will be useless in the case of adults, but since the skin is very thin in children in the first months of life, its effectiveness is quite high.

When exposed to points, muscle tissue and some receptors are activated, which helps to remove gases from the intestines. It is very important that the movements are light and vibrating. Massage should be started from a point located three fingers below the navel. Then the area around it is massaged in a circular stroking motion clockwise. At the end, the points that are in the direction from the navel to the back are massaged.


how to massage the tummy of a newborn with colic

A good alternative to massage for a newborn’s tummy from colic will be special exercises aimed not only at stimulating the release of gases, but also at strengthening and physical development of the body. In addition, the baby will constantly contact with his mother and learn about the world around him. You can start doing gymnastics at the age of several weeks. However, she has some contraindications. So, it is worth giving up for the following health problems:

  • fever;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • rickets;
  • pyoderma.

It is better to start gymnastics in the morning a few hours after the baby is awakened, when he is still in a good mood. Exercises should be done on a hard surface, such as a table. At the same time, do not over-strain the child. The best option would be two approaches of ten minutes each. Gymnastics implies the following:

  1. Put the baby on her stomach and take the feet in her hands, putting a little pressure on the feet so that the baby makes a small jerk forward.
  2. In the same position, bend one leg at the knee, then wrap it behind the other, and then gently press it to the tummy. A similar procedure is done alternately with both limbs.
  3. Lay the baby on its back and gently pull it towards you by the handles. After that, grab it by the right hand and turn it from the back to the stomach.

Physical activity contributes to the removal of gases, so you can quickly solve the problem of bloating.

Fitball Exercises

If you are afraid to do your own tummy massage against colic so as not to hurt the child, then there is one good way out. You can practice with your baby on a rubber ball for fitness. There are several effective exercises that help relieve spasms. Here is some of them:

  1. Put the baby with a belly on the ball, holding it, then bring the legs together and lower down as far as possible.
  2. Turn the peanut on its back and roll it on the shell, holding it by the chest.
  3. Lay the baby on the tummy. Grasp his legs with one hand, and with the other massage your back with springy movements.

The duration of each exercise should be no more than ten minutes. During their implementation, it is not necessary to exert too much force so as not to hurt the child. It is worth noting that it is better to refrain from doing fitball when:

  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • inflammation of the epidermis;
  • hernia;
  • lack of body weight;
  • congenital heart disease.

If you have any of these problems, you must first consult with your doctor and coordinate with him the methods of dealing with bloating in infants.

What says Dr. Komarovsky

massage of the tummy of the baby from colic

A well-known pediatrician speaks positively of tummy massage for colic, but he claims that this is not the only way to solve the problem. The following tips will help relieve the baby from pain:

  • Teach the baby to the nipple;
  • always feed in equal portions and at the same time;
  • keep the air temperature in the room at the same level;
  • refuse tea, coffee and dairy products for the period of a lactation;
  • try giving another baby formula.

In the most severe cases, you can use a vent pipe, but do not give your baby medications designed to combat increased gas formation. In the case of young children, any medication will do more harm than good.


massage for the tummy of the newborn from colic

This article has been described in detail the technique of massage for infants with flatulence and colic. According to experts, it allows you to improve the well-being of the baby and relieve him of pain. In addition, the described exercises favorably affect the functioning of the digestive system and internal organs of the abdominal region. But in order to stabilize the effect, it is necessary to do massage every day until the baby is older. Bloating and colic are a problem for more than one day or even a month, so you should be patient and continue to work with your child.

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