What is a build? Many newcomers to the gaming field, having heard or seen this word, ask this question. Next, we consider in more detail.
What is a build? The direct meaning of the word in translation from English is "build, style." Gamers often use it to indicate the version of the game assembly, the level of their character’s skills or the modification of the program.
Application of the term
Players often use the word “build” to mean character skills. This mainly applies to those games that belong to the RPG genre. It is in them that special attention is paid to improving the skills of the hero and his growth.
The development of the hero is as follows. The player (person) performs game tasks and hones his skills, and the character receives experience points. Having earned a certain number of them, the hero proceeds to the next level and receives one skill bonus. As a rule, in games of this genre there is a whole tree of skills that divides experience into several classes. This is such a complex structure. So the class defines the build. For example, a player has a well pumped archer build or a mage build.
Game creation
Application developers also use this term. Consider what it is - a game build? Everything will become much clearer.
The fact is that programmers, before releasing the next game to the masses, bring it to a state of complete readiness for use. That is, all previous versions of samples and developments remain separate parts, the so-called source codes. They are the builds. A good example is the game "Stalker", which for the entire period of existence has accumulated many assemblies.
Players are attracted to such things with their uniqueness. In the updated game, most of the elements that were in the assemblies of earlier versions and are already known to everyone are usually absent or redone.
Why appear
The causes of builds are different.
The first one is a failure during game testing. This procedure helps to identify bugs and malfunctions in the engine.
The second reason is critics, a lot depends on their opinion, including the release of the game. Based on their opinion, developers can change the name, delete and add new locations, equipment, and so on.
And one more reason. Like movies, games also have an age rating. Sometimes, to make an application easier and give children the opportunity to play it, developers change some details, and sometimes the concept itself.
For these reasons, there are builds of games - builds of earlier versions that were not released for sale in finished form due to any circumstances.