Why dizzy during pregnancy?

Very often she is sick in the mornings, weakness appears, she constantly falls asleep and dizzy during pregnancy. This is a typical picture. In the modern world, there are enough ways to detect pregnancy. These are special tests that are sold in pharmacies, ultrasound machines, and the necessary tests. Optionally, the cause of poor health may be an “interesting situation.” Low blood pressure, brain disease, and many other diseases are also accompanied by such symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to exclude or confirm pregnancy and consult a doctor in time.

Find out why dizzy during pregnancy, you can at the gynecologist. In this position, mild ailment that does not cause anxiety is the norm. But if the swelling of the legs was added to this, then, most likely, the kidneys can not cope with the double load on the body.

Dizzy during pregnancy.

Causes of Dizziness during Pregnancy

To find out the reasons for your poor health, pay attention to the feeling of the whole body. If there are problems with the kidneys, then there are swelling on the legs, arms or even the face, back pain, dizziness during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor. He will give directions to the tests necessary to detect kidney diseases, prescribe appropriate treatment, or even send him to a hospital for treatment.

Low blood pressure

To identify the cause of dizziness, a woman expecting a baby should measure blood pressure twice a day with a blood pressure monitor. If the indicators are below normal, the local gynecologist prescribes stimulating herbal preparations that are most safe for the fetus. It is very important not to let this problem drift, as at low pressure the baby may not have enough oxygen, and a fainting condition is also possible.

Why dizzy during pregnancy.


It is detected by a blood test, the cause may be poor nutrition. During pregnancy, a woman should eat well. This does not mean that you need to eat several servings at a time, the baby already presses on the stomach, nausea and heaviness may appear. In small portions 4 or 5 times a day will be enough. Many expectant mothers are afraid to spoil their figure, so they adhere to a strict diet, as before their position. And then they are surprised: “Why is my head dizzy during pregnancy?” It is better to deal with the figure after childbirth, and in this situation you should think first of all about the baby.

Very dizzy during pregnancy.

High blood pressure

It is detected by a tonometer with regular measurement of pressure twice a day. The reason may be: stress, heredity, diabetes mellitus, the big weight of the expectant mother, kidney problems, thyroid problems, bad habits, heart problems and poor physical activity. High blood pressure threatens to develop gestosis. This is a disorder in the functioning of vital organs. It is dangerous for the baby that the nutrients do not act well for him, since the body spends them. Therefore, it does not develop well, brain problems can also occur.

Brain injury

Perhaps before the pregnancy there were brain concussions or problems with blood vessels, but now it makes itself felt. Usually this was manifested by rapid fatigue, motion sickness in transport and headaches when the weather changed. Now the pain intensified, and my head is very dizzy during pregnancy. MRI scans can only be done in the second or third semester. The treatment is chosen by the attending physician, usually painkillers are replaced by soothing herbal remedies such as motherwort.

Vegetative dystonia

This disease is associated with a violation of the nervous system, in which disorders of the whole organism are noticed. Dizzy during pregnancy, often because of this diagnosis. With it, frequent pre-syncope conditions, nausea, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, arrhythmia, lack of air, irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbance, headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, and weather dependence are also noticed. The reasons may be stress, mental stress, problems of the endocrine system, climate change, hormonal changes during pregnancy, allergies and brain damage. The condition threatens placental insufficiency and anemia. As prophylaxis, frequent walks in the fresh air, hardening, the correct regimen of the day and soothing music are recommended. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor. Usually it is a vitamin complex, sedatives, drugs that improve blood circulation, and sedatives.

Prevention of dizziness in pregnant women

Dizzy during pregnancy.

A common reason why you feel dizzy during pregnancy is the lack of walking in the fresh air. It is very important to be outside for about 2-3 hours a day. It should not be a trip to the store or to work, you can just walk along the street or sit in the courtyard of the house. You can also take your husband's arm and walk through the park, this will not only enrich the body with oxygen, but also allow you and your baby to talk with dad about something nice.

Also, do not forget to eat on time. Sometimes mothers worry so much about their unborn child that they forget to eat, and this can lead to fainting. It happens even so that a mother thinks: since she is dizzy during pregnancy, then this is normal, but in fact the body simply does not have enough nutrition. Set an alarm for such an event or ask relatives to remind you of such an important procedure.

Be less nervous. In addition, if you are nervous, then your baby is also worried. And do not say that relatives are to blame for your condition! You yourself took everything to heart. Well, my husband went for a walk with friends, let him walk. When the baby is born, you will leave him to babysit, and you yourself will go for a walk. I came drunk, thank you: someone will have a headache in the morning. You’ll have less tantrums — there will be less abuse in the family. So, your condition with the baby will be much better.

Dizzy during pregnancy.

Tell your gynecologist about your health.

Your gynecologist throughout your pregnancy is your fairy godmother. He will always listen, prompt and help you with your unborn child. Well, let there be evil "fairies", but they are the only ones who can help you if necessary. They always find out if something hurts, dizzy during pregnancy, etc. Do not forget to tell everything, sometimes a small detail that you did not pay attention to can be a sign of a big problem.

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