How to script May 9: a great holiday for everyone

Such May holidays, beloved by everyone in our country, end with a memorable Victory Day - on this day the Great Patriotic War ended for us, the long-awaited peace came. For most festival organizers, the May 9 script is a rather difficult point in the work on the celebration. Several key factors have to be taken into account, each of which is important enough to create an elevated atmosphere.

First of all, you need to consider on the basis of which society the scenario is being developed by May 9. If this is, say, a school, then the age of the children is certainly taken into account. Younger classes are offered somewhat simplified information so that they can find out what exactly is celebrated on that day, why a festive parade is held, and what is the meaning of such a wonderful tradition. Informative meetings with veterans are arranged for older students. The higher the age category of the society for which the May 9 scenario is being developed, the more the emphasis of the holiday shifts from acquaintance to active actions of a social or creative nature. It is precisely on the Victory Day that it is good to coincide with various charity events, as well as very progressive events for the improvement and gardening of the city.

The main advantage of the holiday is the accurate calculation of the time allotted for obligatory events. If you plan to visit invited veterans, it is better to take care of providing guests with transport, this is a manifestation of care and respect. So, the scenario of the May 9th holiday usually begins with a greeting from the host, a short introduction, a presentation of the guests of honor. This is how viewers see it. In fact, a good scenario has a downside that only the organizers see. This includes the process of meeting guests of honor, the distribution of responsibilities of the meeting group. If an assembly hall or a house of culture is used for a holiday, then with the placement of participants everything is easier. If there is a stage, a concert program is appropriate, usually such a program is formed from amateur groups of the city, folk ensembles, as well as performers of songs of the war years, will be appropriate.

As in the preparation of any holiday, it is highly desirable to include the ability to quickly change rooms or performances in the May 9 scenario. The block system of scenarios is perfect for this, when you can shift performances in time, and change their places. All participants should be warned in advance that there will be permutations if necessary. If you plan strict adherence to the program, then it is better to leave one or two numbers dynamic: with some overlaps, a quick reaction can smooth out a sudden simple program. For example, the microphone does not work - move the dance ensemble to this place.

Be sure to consider the time factor, which plays an important role in the holiday. If the program lasts more than two hours, the celebration begins to fall apart. If possible, it is better to complete the mandatory free program, when the remaining time, invited guests entertain themselves. For example, a schematic scenario on May 9 may include an organized meeting, a short presentation by officials, veterans, a short speech, and laying flowers. After this, a parade or holiday procession is usually held, which gradually turns into festivities. Do not forget that Victory Day closes the official season of traditional T-shirts - picnics with barbecue and other entertainment, it would be nice to formulate a scenario so that by noon all the participants in the celebration were already completely free. The invited veterans would be polite to inquire about their plans for spending time after the solemn part, to offer transport or other assistance. Victory Day remains a bright and joyful holiday, which is worth celebrating.

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