Unfortunately, cases of various types of intoxication in domestic and domestic animals are not uncommon. To alleviate the condition of patients in veterinary clinics in case of poisoning, drugs of a special variety are used - designed to restore the electrolyte background. One such medicine is Ringer's solution. Instructions for the use of this particular tool, which has earned good reviews from consumers, will be discussed below in the article.
In veterinary medicine, this tool is used quite often. Such a solution can be used for cats, dogs, rabbits and other animals.
Release form and composition
This product is supplied to veterinary clinics and pet stores in the form of a solution intended for injection. It is a colorless transparent liquid. The substances in the composition of the Ringer-Lock solution include the following:
- sodium bicarbonate;
- sodium chloride;
- potassium chloride;
- calcium chloride hexahydrate.
As a solvent in the preparation of this solution, distilled water is used. This medicine is marketed in sealed sterile vials of 100 or 200 ml.
Features of the drug
This remedy is usually used in the same cases as an isotonic solution of sodium chloride (edible salt). However, at the same time it is both more physiological and close to blood plasma. Including this feature of the drug explains the high degree of effectiveness of its action.
After injection, the Ringer-Locke solution is rapidly absorbed and distributed in the tissues of the animal. However, he does not have any irritating effect on the animal's body. The positive effect provided by this drug is primarily due to the fact that it is able to quickly normalize the water-salt and acid-base balance.
Indications for use
According to the instructions, the Ringer-Locke solution can be prescribed to animals:
- with dysentery, vomiting, diarrhea and food poisoning;
- all kinds of thermal injuries - frostbite, burns;
- inflammation of the peritoneum;
- bowel obstruction;
- bites of poisonous spiders or snakes;
- blood loss.
In addition, it is used for plasmapheresis.
Since Ringer's solution is compatible with many veterinary drugs, it is often used as a solvent in the treatment of other drugs. But the combination of drugs in this case should be selected, of course, exclusively by a specialist. Along with some drugs, this solution is not allowed.
Methods of application and safety measures
The use of Ringer's solution is prescribed only for intravenous infusion. Sometimes this medicine is also used as an external remedy. Thus, it is used, for example, for washing wounds and mucous membranes if necessary.
In some cases, the instruction for use of Ringer's solution for animals allows it to be administered intramuscularly. But they give injections of this medicine in this way, usually when treating only kittens, rabbits and puppies, even if the animal is really very sick. In small patients at a veterinary clinic, it is often very difficult to find thin veins, unfortunately.
Ringer's solution does not belong to the class of harmful and dangerous substances. However, when using it to treat animals, of course, you should adhere to standard technology for the use of veterinary drugs. Injections of this medicine, for example, must be done with medical gloves.
Instructions for use Rigner-Locke solution: dosage of the drug
It is impossible to prescribe this medicine to an animal on its own. They are treated only after visiting the clinic on the recommendation of a veterinarian. This medicine is usually injected into animals only by specialists. At the same time, the veterinarian chooses the dosage of Ringer's solution depending on the specific disease and the weight of the animal.
For adult cats, for example, the drug is usually used in an amount of 100-150 ml per day. At the same time, its single dose is 50 ml.
Ringer-Locke solution helps animals with intoxication very well. But to use this tool for the treatment of cats, rabbits, horses, dogs, etc., you can, unfortunately, not in all cases. According to the instructions for use of the Ringer-Locke solution, it cannot be prescribed if the animal has, for example, problems such as:
- swelling of the tissues or brain;
- heart failure;
- anuria
- oliguria;
- severe kidney damage.
With edema, this drug can aggravate the position of the animal. The use of the drug in this case often leads even to death. Among other things, when using this tool in the body of cats, dogs, etc., blood flow is accelerated. In heart failure, the drug, therefore, can actually be very harmful. In this case, a heart with increased blood flow may simply not be able to cope. And this, in turn, unfortunately, can lead to the death of a pet.
With caution, use, according to the instructions, Ringer-Locke solution should be with acidosis, hypovolemia and other similar diseases.
Side effects
Ringer's solution belongs to the group of safe drugs. No side effects are usually observed in the treatment of animals. Only sometimes in pets can allergic reactions occur to this medicine. In this case, the drug should, of course, be discontinued.
Of course, when using this tool, the dosages must be strictly observed. If too much medicine is administered to the animal, it may experience chloride acidosis and hyperhydration. With the development of such conditions in an animal, the dose of the drug taken by him should be reduced or the solution should be completely canceled.
Analogues of the drug
The instructions for using Ringer's solution are described above. In veterinary medicine, this medicine is used very often. And it helps animals with intoxication very well. At the same time, Ringer's solution is inexpensive. The price of a bottle of funds in veterinary pharmacies is usually not more than 50-60 p. But of course, if necessary, this drug can be replaced with any analogue of it.
For example, with the same therapeutic effect as Ringer-Locke solution, drugs differ:
- "Rehydron", available in powder form and intended for oral use. This medicine is usually used to dehydrate animals as a result of diarrhea.
- Hartman's solution. This tool is used in approximately the same cases and at the same dosages as the Ringer-Locke solution.
Reviews about the drug
Many owners of pets and farm animals consider the Ringer-Locke solution a tool that is really quite effective. This drug helps with intoxications, judging by the reviews, it is actually very good. At the same time, it almost never gives side effects.
The Ringer-Locke solution for animals instructions for use, as already mentioned, are prescribed for intravenous administration. The inconvenience of use and the need to visit the clinic for the procedure, some pet owners, of course, refer to certain disadvantages of this tool.
Another disadvantage of this drug is that it is rarely sold in veterinary pharmacies. Finding it is really difficult. Some pet and farm animal owners advise purchasing this medicine if necessary in ordinary human pharmacies. But even in such retail outlets, the Ringer-Lock solution, the instructions for use of which we examined above, are usually made only on order.
In any case, when buying a drug, among other things, you should study, of course, including its composition. In some cases, glucose may also be one of the ingredients of such a medicine. This substance is able to remove toxins from the liver, which increases the effectiveness of the drug. However, for example, if the cat or dog is diabetic, such a remedy, of course, can be harmful to them.