Consequences of a cesarean section for a child: description of the operation, features, possible complications

Every pregnancy should end with the appearance of the child, but there are cases in medical practice when this process can be complicated by something. Some factors are even dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother. To prevent such complications and save two lives at once, doctors are forced to perform an operation. This article will describe in detail all the consequences of a caesarean section for mother and baby.

What is cesarean

A cesarean section is an operation during which a baby is removed from the uterine cavity through a special incision on the abdomen. Now this method has been resorted to more and more often. Moreover, not only for medical reasons, but also at the request of women in labor. Although the operation is one of the most difficult and dangerous, since in children born by Caesarean section, the consequences can occur from different angles, both in medical and psychological terms.

This method of surgical intervention can be planned in advance, according to existing indicators, for example, incorrect presentation of the fetus, and can be urgent when the decision to operate is made directly during childbirth.

Indications for elective caesarean

There are a number of indicators that indicate that a cesarean section is necessary:

  • The expectant mother may have a too narrow pelvic bone, or it may be deformed due to some injuries in the past.
  • With premature detachment of the placenta, a cesarean is prescribed.
  • A diagnosis such as fetal malnutrition.
  • Children who weigh more than four kilograms in most cases are born this way.
  • If the mother has serious vision problems.
  • The presence of genital herpes.
  • Oncology of the genital organs.
  • Various malformations in the development of the uterus.

But there are still some complications that arise directly during childbirth and then an unscheduled operation is prescribed.

consequences of emergency caesarean section for a child

Emergency Cesarean

There are not many reasons for an emergency operation, but each of them deserves attention:

  • If childbirth has long begun, but their natural activity is at a low level.
  • Caesarean is urgently performed in case of acute fetal hypoxia.
  • If during childbirth the child has taken the wrong position.
  • Amniotic fluid withdrew long before the onset of labor.
  • In case of umbilical cord loops.
  • Discovery of severe bleeding in the mother.

The operation is appointed not only at the moment when the problem has reached an extreme point, but also in order to avoid possible complications.

Operation benefits

For a woman, the upcoming birth is a very exciting process, especially for those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. And in this regard, many mothers agree in advance that they have an operation, although there are no indicators for this. Of course, Caesarean has many advantages and it is worth briefly saying about each of them:

  1. The child will live. A cesarean section operation is primarily prescribed in cases where there is a real threat to the life of the mother or child. A physician should assess the situation soundly and if he understands that natural delivery will not end successfully, then only in such circumstances he picks up a scalpel.
  2. Low injury rate. It's no secret that the genitals of every woman give in to a serious load during childbirth. Quite often we hear about tears and sprains received after the appearance of the baby. During cesarean, the birth canal remains at rest, so any injuries are completely ruled out. In addition, surgery is a guaranteed absence of hemorrhoids and various diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Everything goes fast. Natural childbirth can last more than a day and at the same time completely exhaust the woman. A doctor spends no more than 45 minutes on an operation. In addition, contractions, attempts, and all other "charms" of this process are completely absent.
  4. It doesn’t hurt at all. What is the main fear of childbirth in women? They all understand that it hurts. During the operation, the woman receives anesthesia: general or epidural. And in the second case, the expectant mother is conscious, but does not feel any pain. She has the opportunity to see and hug her baby immediately after his birth.
  5. All on time. If the operation is planned, then the doctor, relying on ultrasound data, sets a certain date for which the woman can fully prepare.

But do not flatter yourself only on the positive sides. Like any operation, caesarean is a risk, and he also has flaws.

future consequences of cesarean section for a child

Operation disadvantages

The number of minuses completely coincides with the listed advantages, so mom can only weigh and decide what is more important for her:

  • The emotional side. From the side of psychology, there are consequences for children born by Caesarean section, since their relationship with the mother is not established at the level at which this occurs during conventional childbirth. Moreover, not only the crumbs suffer, because the woman also has the feeling that something went wrong.
  • Physical restrictions. If no complications were found after the operation, then even the smallest loads for the woman are allowed, only after two months after the birth of the baby. Therefore, mom needs a permanent assistant who will rock the baby, help around the house, etc.
  • A lot of discomfort. The seam left by the surgeon gives many women many unpleasant symptoms. He can hurt, whine, pull. Some movements may be limited due to the onset of pain.
  • There is a scar. Although after the operation, stitches are placed that resolve themselves, the scars do not disappear completely. A scar can be easily distinguished, especially when a woman is in a bathing suit or underwear. In some moms, complexes appear on the background of this.
  • The general condition is complicated. The consequences of anesthesia with caesarean section are not very pleasant. Often, women feel nauseous, vomiting may occur, dizziness, mom feels general weakness throughout the body.

As you can see, caesarean has its drawbacks and you should not forget about them. Therefore, if you do not have indications for the operation, then it is better to consider and weigh everything before going on it voluntarily.

consequences of cesarean section for mother

Cesarean section for mother

After the operation, the woman has a long way to go to recover. But this is far from all, since there are a number of complications that can occur after surgery and it is worth paying attention to them. Every fourth operation has consequences for the mother and for the baby. More details about the first follow:

  1. If the surgeon does not work very carefully, there is a risk that when an incision he engages other organs, which will lead to bleeding. This and a number of other pathologies can occur even before the operation is completed.
  2. A woman who undergoes such an operation risks getting an infectious lesion of the uterus. But under the “blow” are other organs that are adjacent to it. In general, infections are introduced after the operation, but it is possible that this can happen during the operation, since medical instruments can be poorly sterilized.
  3. Quite often, it happens that surgical intervention leads to the opening of bleeding. This can happen both on the operating table and after the completion of the manipulations. If the bleeding is too profuse, then the mother may even need a transfusion.
  4. Reaction to anesthesia. This happens more often with those women who undergo an emergency operation and the doctor simply does not have time and opportunity to learn about the features of the woman in labor. After all, there are cases when a woman in childbirth is allergic to one or another drug, or it is contraindicated for other reasons. If there is intolerance to the medicine, then pressure can greatly jump, a general malaise appears, as well as other symptoms. Each organism responds to anesthesia in its own way.
  5. Breast-feeding. Natural childbirth is always much better than cesarean. How is this related to breastfeeding? During natural delivery, special hormones are produced in the body that have a direct effect on the formation of mother's milk. During cesarean, they are not produced, and because of this milk, a woman may have too little for a child, and for some women in labor it does not come at all.

These are far from all the consequences that a caesarean section can lead to, but the data in this list are most often observed. And it is important to know that the mother is not the only one who may suffer as a result of the operation. The following describes in more detail the possible consequences that may befall the baby.

consequences of cesarean section

Children after cesarean section: consequences

Not only mom can feel the complications from the operation. The kid also feels that everything is not going as it should be. According to medical forecasts and reviews, the consequences of a cesarean section for a child are quite serious and can accompany a newborn throughout his life.

  • If the operation is planned, then due to the terms incorrectly set for ultrasound, the baby is born prematurely.
  • All the vital systems of such a baby will be forced to run.
  • The child experiences extreme stress due to the fact that the change in his usual environment occurs too abruptly.
  • It is not always known what such an intervention may turn out in the future for a child, a consequence of a caesarean section such as asthma is noted quite often.
  • If a cesarean section is not performed for the first time, then there is a risk that the child will be born dead.
  • The adaptive abilities of such a baby are much lower than that of a naturally born baby.
  • It is possible that when the doctor makes an incision, he will injure the child.

There is still a vital aspect related to the consequences of cesarean section. For a child, this may result in psychological trauma. Since such children have a severely disturbed emotional connection with their mother, often this leads to difficulties in the further development of their relationship. Problems may arise with the upbringing and obedience of the child. Sometimes it happens that mom and baby absolutely do not understand each other.

caesarean section reviews

Consequences of emergency caesarean section for a child

Emergency cesarean section has its own special indications for conducting, which was mentioned earlier. But the consequences are not always predictable, since the operation is not planned.

  1. Emergency cesarean is carried out already when childbirth began in a natural way, but due to certain circumstances, the child cannot be born on his own. Then mothers are immediately injected with anesthesia, which can lead to the fact that the baby’s heart rate will decrease dramatically, and breathing and motor impairment may occur. In some children, doctors observe disorientation.
  2. In crumbs born in this way, there are also severe difficulties in sucking.
  3. There is a risk that there will be some disturbances in the production of hormones and proteins, which in the future will negatively affect the adaptation of the baby in the environment, as well as his mental activity.
  4. Based on the observations, the doctors concluded that in children who were not born naturally, their immunity is greatly reduced.

Especially strongly affects children during emergency caesarean section - anesthesia. If the operation was planned, then such consequences are manifested much less frequently. The period of rehabilitation and recovery in children is also greatly delayed. Mom should be especially attentive to the child and must strictly comply with all that the doctor prescribes. This will help not only to get rid of undesirable consequences, but also to avoid the occurrence of some of them.

consequences of cesarean section for the baby and mother

Recovery period and reviews and it

If you study the reviews about the consequences of cesarean section, which was carried out urgently, then most mothers write about prolonged depression. She is caused by the fact that mommy was not at all prepared for such a turn of events. After all, she so wanted to have a baby on her own. Due to the fact that a woman falls into such a state, the recovery period is delayed in all respects. Here a lot will depend on the people who are nearby. They will be able to return her to normal life.

In the hospital, a woman must strictly carry out everything that the doctor says. It is necessary to undergo antibacterial therapy, which will help to avoid the appearance of various infections. Particular attention is required to the seam, which should be treated daily with antiseptic agents.

After discharge, a woman receives a series of instructions that cannot be ignored at home. The first three days are strictly forbidden to eat solid foods. So many days you can’t sit down, and stay only in a lying and reclining state. You can not wet the seam for 7 days, and for two weeks the area around it is strictly forbidden to rub with a washcloth, even slightly. After at least two months, a woman after cesarean should not lift things weighing more than three kilograms, and the same period will have to be spent without sexual intercourse with her husband. Doctors also recommend that after surgery not to plan the birth of children for two or three years.

Of particular note is the psychological recovery. This is where the help of relatives is needed, who must convince the newly mummy that if the doctors hadn’t performed the operation, the child’s life could have ended without beginning. It is necessary to ensure her peace, encourage her to walk in the fresh air, allow her to sleep, provide time for herself and her favorite activities. It is necessary to completely exclude all sorts of experiences and stresses. Some mothers think that work will allow them to be distracted, but this is a mistake. You should sit at home for at least the first year. If the relatives see that the woman’s condition is very poor, then you should contact a psychologist who is competent and will give recommendations on this problem.

As for babies, then children after cesarean section, the consequences are much easier and, if nothing serious happened after or during the operation, the child quickly adapts to the new world.

consequences of cesarean section for a child


As you can see, cesarean section has many advantages, but you should not forget about its disadvantages. Moms should understand that if they have the opportunity to give birth on their own, then you should use it. Indeed, many women dream about it, but for some reason they can not realize what they want. Moreover, a child needs a natural birth. After them, it is easier for him to adapt to the new environment and his connection with his mother becomes much stronger.

The consequences of a cesarean section for a child can be the most unforeseen, therefore, without good reason, you do not need to risk the baby's health, because of your own unjustified fears. On the other hand, you should not cheat yourself on possible pathologies that may never happen if the doctor advises you to resort to surgery nevertheless.

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