It seems to many couples that after the wedding, family life will become beautiful and amazing, love will reign in the house day and night. But, as a rule, gray everyday life interferes in the life of the newlyweds, and wedding dreams quickly dissipate. Work-home-work is a scheme that does not add brightness to being. Therefore, many spouses want to diversify their lives with surprises that will paint faceless everyday life with rainbow colors. An excellent occasion for the manifestation of creative imagination can be a memorable date when the fates of lovers officially united. But the question immediately arises: how to originally congratulate her husband on his wedding anniversary? Let's try to figure it out.
Extreme gifts
Sometimes the relationship between the spouses does not go well. Then a reboot is required. A good way to shake oneself up is a gift that makes your heart pound wildly. Today, there are many options for extreme gifts for loved ones. You can organize them yourself or contact the agency that will do everything for you. Here are a few impressive options:
- Ballooning is an unforgettable gift that will remain in your memory for a lifetime. The huge advantage of such a presentation is that it does not need special preparation to make an air flight. Professionals will do everything for you. An additional option will be a photo and video shooting that will remind you of an unforgettable adventure.
- Skydiving is not a gift for the faint of heart. Many people dream, but hesitate to take a step out of the plane and soar for a few seconds, like birds. If the spouse has long wanted, but does not dare to do this, support him and commit an adventurous act together.
- Dog sledding. People of any age will be delighted with such a surprise. Firstly, you can spend the whole day in the fresh air. Secondly, communication with affectionate sled dogs will cheer up anyone. Thirdly, after arrival on sledges you can take pictures with the person’s furry friends. Fourth, if there are children in the family, then such entertainment will unite the whole family.
- River rafting is a test that not everyone can do. Today, many companies involved in extreme entertainment can organize rafting on the river, even for inexperienced water tourists. The main advantage of such an original trip is that the relationship between your loved ones becomes even stronger. After all, nothing so unites people as a struggle with the elements, joint experiences.
When planning how to extremally congratulate a husband on his wedding anniversary , his wife is required to show prudence. Be sure to take into account the spouse’s temperament, his phobia, state of health when choosing an original gift. If the chosen one is a lover of a relaxing holiday, then you do not need to force him to commit adventurous acts. I would also like to note that the gifts listed above are not from the category of cheap ones. For their implementation will require serious financial investments.
Gift for two only
A centuries-old gift for a man on his wedding anniversary - a romantic date. There are many options for making such a surprise. Most often, spouses book a place in their favorite restaurant or organize a gala dinner at home. The most important thing is the opportunity to be alone, to enjoy each other's company. This gift is especially relevant for couples with children. In this case, you can send your grandchildren to your grandmother or other relatives for a day. No one should interfere with lovers. After all, a romantic evening will surely flow into a stormy night. And the wife should be fully armed by this moment. In order for the fire of passion to break out, the spouse can purchase erotic underwear or sexy role-playing costumes. Such a gift will appeal to any man.
Family Archive
In the age of modern technology, when everyone on the phone, even the simplest, has a camera, photography depreciates. Many people have lost their memory on the computer with pictures of various events that are significant for the family, but few people watch them. Therefore, answering the question "How to congratulate my husband on your wedding anniversary?" (no matter how many years lived together), we will offer to parse the family archive and compile a photo book. It can be combined from photographs of different periods of your family life or you can choose one bright event and illustrate the pages with only these pictures. In addition to each card, make a signature, describe what is depicted on it, what emotions were experienced. This gift will not leave anyone indifferent.
Family celebration
The accelerated pace of life sometimes does not allow you to meet with the closest people. Rare calls to friends and relatives do not allow you to quench your thirst for communication. A good alternative to a wedding anniversary gift can be a common gathering of native people. If you want to surprise your spouse, then training is best kept secret. And on X-day, invite a loved one to a restaurant or arrange a home celebration where close, beloved friends and relatives will be waiting for him. Additionally, prepare a video presentation where you will tell about all stages of family life, declare your love. Write and rehearse a performance in which you can congratulate your husband on your wedding anniversary in prose or poetry.
Gift with a park
A husband is a breadwinner, a breadwinner. He spends a lot of time at work, works hard to provide for his beloved family. As a rule, there is not much time for rest, and it is not possible to relax. To help your beloved man lose the burden of working life, give him a trip to a Russian bathhouse. Hot steam, a birch broom, the smell of needles will allow you to escape from everyday problems, relax and have fun.
Some wives prepare for a family celebration in advance, and for them there is no question: how to congratulate her husband on their wedding anniversary. Often, far-sighted spouses choose a trip to another country as a surprise. Of course, not everyone can afford such a gift. But if you prepare for it ahead of time, you can save a lot. After all, it is known that, booking tours for several months, you can buy a ticket at times cheaper. And while waiting for a romantic trip to dig up some more money.
There are a lot of options to please a beloved man. We tried to collect the most popular and original. We hope that the article answered the question of how to congratulate her husband on his wedding anniversary.