Probably the man who invented the envelopes for newborns was a genius. After all, he created the product that provided comfort to millions of children and made life easier for many parents. Having sheepskin envelopes for newborns, many mothers forgot about the vagaries of babies while dressing for a walk.
Natural sheepskin has unique properties that allow the baby to quickly calm down and feel warm and comfortable. A few seconds after you put the crumbs in the envelope, you will see a positive result.
From this amazing fur they also make booties, blankets, rugs for children, mittens, hats, overalls and other goods for children that are able to retain heat better than other materials. An envelope blanket for a newborn can be made both from a natural skin and using fur fixed on a fabric basis. The latest products are much cheaper, but they retain heat worse. Therefore, when choosing an envelope or other sheepskin product, consider the quality of the material used.
Quite often, young parents are interested in the question of whether there is a difference between the envelopes of lamb skin and natural sheepskin. The skins of one lamb are unlikely to be enough for sewing hats, and for making an envelope for a baby there will definitely be not enough. Therefore, if the store tells you the opposite, know that the product you are offering is stitched with inserts. In addition, an envelope made from lamb skins will be very expensive. Usually, sheepskin envelopes for newborns are made from the skin of an adult animal.
It should be noted that the sanitary requirements for sheepskin products for children are much higher than for accessories for adults. When dressing hides, various chemicals, for example, chromium, cannot be used. In this regard, some processes in the production of sheepskin are changing. Products from this fur cannot have a natural smell, although it should not be too harsh. Sheepskin envelopes for newborns cannot be stored in tightly closed packaging; they must be regularly ventilated and dried. At the same time, try to prevent direct sunlight from falling on it. Moreover, do not dry the product near heaters.
Russian hygiene standards tightly control the production of goods for small consumers. Materials that are used in their manufacture should be only natural and free of harmful substances. Skins intended for adult products should in no case be used to make children's clothing. Therefore, manufacturers often use their more expensive technologies. Quality sheepskin envelopes for newborns are not cheap. However, the comfort and health of the baby is above all!
The very first outfits in which babies appear to enthusiastic parents, grandparents are, of course, envelopes for the discharge of newborns. Winter is a difficult period for such an event, because there are thousands of doubts about how to dress the baby so that he does not freeze and that he does not feel too hot. If you purchase an envelope from a sheepskin, then all these questions will disappear by themselves.